‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

“Alright, I’m coming. I swear if it’s you Lauren and you didn’t tell me you were coming back this early I will kill you.” I shouted as I ran down the stairs whilst pulling my wet hair up in a bun. I had only been home a day and I hadn’t unpacked yet.

I opened the door to see Joe standing there his hands in his pockets. We hadn’t spoken since the party; I was surprised to see him standing at my door.

“Oh, sorry.” I said blushing a little pulling the door open so he could come in.

“I’m glad I wasn’t Lauren, you sounded pretty angry.” Joe laughed whilst he rubbed his neck with his hand.

“I was in the middle of doing my hair.” I said pointing to my wet hair.

There was a pause for a little before I realized we hadn’t moved from the door.

“Would you like a drink or anything?” I asked as I walked past the kitchen.

“No I’m fine.” Joe said sweeping his hair away from his face.

“Okay, well I was just unpacking; you can come up if you want.” I said turning around and walking up the stairs. I didn’t turn around to see if he had followed me because I could hear his footsteps following me.

I opened my bedroom door, suddenly becoming aware of how bare it looked. My walls which once was covered in pictures from my family and of Forever True and the Jonas Brothers when we were on tour, it also had a few pictures of me and Joe when we were dating now looked bare. I decided to decorate my room, just before we went on tour.

“So, any particular reason you came round?” I asked sitting on the floor unzipping my suitcase.

“Well I heard you just got back from England and I figured you could need some company until Lauren and Jordan get back.” Joe said bouncing on my bed.

“Have you heard from the love birds recently?” I said putting away all my tops.

“Once, that was when they landed telling me they didn’t die.” Joe said seriously. I raised my eyebrow at him.

“What, you’re not the only one that is worried about being 1000 feet in the air. I mean you put your whole life in the pilot’s hands what if he is a mass murderer.” Joe protested.

“Joe, you are such a dork.” I laughed a little before arranging my clothes into piles.
“Ouch, All you ever do is criticize me. A big ego and a big head and now I’m a dork.” I cringed a little so Joe did want to talk about the night on the bus.

“You know I don’t mean it.” I said putting my pile of tops in my drawer.

“Well what do you mean then?” Joe asked.
“I meant everything I said about me being only a phone call away if you want to talk, I like us being friends.” I mumbled knowing I wasn’t telling the complete truth.

“Shall we forget about what happened on Kevin’s birthday?” Joe asked he was now fidgeting, his eyes bored into mine. I didn’t know which answer he wanted.

“Do you want to?” I asked sitting beside him having put all my clothes away.

“Well, you like us being friends you said it just a minute ago.” Joe started.

“Oh yeah I did didn’t i.” I mumbled cursing myself silently.

“So we should forget it ever happened is that what your saying?” I said sighing knowing Joe was going to say it seconds later.

“Well, yeah I spose. If that’s what we both want.” I swear I could hear disappointment in Joe’s voice but decided it was my wishful thinking.

“Well I better go, Nick comes back in a few days and his room is a mess because well, Kevin and I are just messy people.” Joe said standing up.

“Right, what are you guys doing for the next few months?” I asked standing up as well.

“Well we are taking a break from music until the wedding is over with, but we do have a invite to Times Square on New Years Eve, which I think the newly reformed girl band Forever True had an invite as well.” Joe smiled.

“I heard about that I think they did, and I believe they accepted it and are now fussing over what outfits to wear.” I said playing along.

“I’m glad they will be there, it wouldn’t be a party without them.” Joe said pulling me into a quick embrace.

“See you soon Jonas.” I said walking him to the door.

The next few days were stress free, I had time to unwind until the apartment was cluttered with Lauren and Jordan’s junk. When Lauren came back, she seemed much more like herself again. I guess the trip home did her good.

We were talking about December, We had my twenty second birthday on the tenth of December then we had Christmas and then we had the Time Square celebration on New Years Eve. Not to mention all the planning for Jordan and Nick’s big day. December was a busy month for all of us.

“I wonder where Jordan and Nick actually went.” I said while I flicked through the channels.

“I wish I had met someone as nice as Nick at Jordan’s age.” Lauren sighed.

“Well when we were nineteen we were having our rise to fame, I guess you could say we did meet people as good as Nick but at the time we were still young.” I said.

“Do you think you will ever be ready to settle down?” Lauren asked as she took the remote from me.

“I don’t think no one is ready to settle down until they find love.” I sighed. Lauren and I always used to have these types of conversations.

“The calmest I’ve every seen you was when you were with Joe.” I think she was trying to turn the conversation around to one topic in particular.

“I even managed to mess that up, with my wild ways.” I often thought about where Joe and I would be if things had worked out differently, there was always one outcome.

“That just shows you weren’t ready for a relationship, I think you are ready for one now.” Lauren said nudging me a little.

“I’m not even going to ask what you are on about because I can tell you are up to something.” I said getting up.

“Oh and I just thought I’d let you know, you aren’t fooling anyone. You think your sneaky little glances at Kevin go unnoticed but I see them Lauren Friend. I think someone is falling in love with a certain Jonas again.” I sang making my way up the stairs.

“I think someone is being a hypocrite. You never did tell me what happened on Kevin’s birthday at the party. Oh and now I think about wasn’t Joe round here the other day.” Lauren smirked.

“Goodnight.” I said rushing up the stairs before she could ask anymore questions.
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We are writing a point in the story atm which will most likley shock all of you so be aware! Jordan was sposed to write the next update Chapter 44 but i don't think she has.
Lauren and i have got college all week every week now but next week we have half term so hopefully we might get a lot of chapters written next week.

Commenting.... I know it gts a bit boring commenting every update but when we don't get ANY comments it makes me feel sad :(

Oh and also predictions again? (: