‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

“I’m coming in okay.” I said before opening the door to Jordan’s bedroom.

“Claire, you knocked twice and made a racket walking up the stairs you didn’t need to announce your arrival.” Nick laughed.

“Yeah, well I just wanted you two to compose yourself. I mean now that you are officially almost married I didn’t want to walk in on something my young eyes shouldn’t see.” I smiled causing Jordan to blush a deep shade of red.

“Oh please, who are you trying to kid?” Nick smirked.

“If you weren’t engaged to one of my best friends Jonas, I would have found that offensive.” I said well putting the script for the “Ultimate BFF Necklace and Bracelet set” on the bed amongst the many wedding magazines.

“Uhm, you two scare me sometimes. So what did you want?” Jordan smiled closing the magazine she was looking at.

“Can I not come and spend time with one of my best friends?” I faked shock, causing Jordan to roll her eyes.

“No really, Nick you know I love you and everything but Lauren and I barley get any alone time with Jordan anymore.” I pouted.

“You know how busy we’ve been planning this wedding. I promise once we have planned it you, Lauren and I will go on a girly weekend.” Jordan said getting that glint in her eye.

“Bachelorette weekend!” We both cheered at the same time.

“Here is your script for the commercial; you have a week to learn it. We are recording it on December the 11th which I tried talking to Simon about because you know it would be the day after my twenty second birthday. But he was having none of it.” I rambled.

“I’m sure your birthday will be great. You have some surprises in store.” Nick smirked again, he knew something I didn’t.

“Nicholas what do you know? I don’t want a surprise party let me tell you that now so don’t waste your time.” I said stomping my foot.

“Ooohh, it’s not me you need to tell.” Nick said causing Jordan to playfully push him.

“Joe’s going to kill you.” She said.

“He’s going to kill both of us.” Nick shrugged.

I walked out of Jordan’s room and into Laurens. She was getting ready to go apartment viewing with Kevin. I did try and warn her about what type of rumors would be all over the headlines tomorrow but she said Kevin’s publicist had sorted it all out.

“I’m not having a surprise party am I?” I said well collapsing on Lauren’s bed.

“No, not that I know off why has Nick and Jordan been saying stuff?” Lauren said turning around holding two tops, a white one and a purple one.

“Lauren, I really don’t want a party!” I whined.

“I know that’s why you aren’t getting one.” Lauren rolled her eyes whilst holding the shirts up against her again.


“I promise you are not having a party.” Lauren said while putting the white top back in the wardrobe.

“Wear the white one; it says Kevin Jonas is going to be drooling all over me.” I smirked making a quick exit narrowly avoiding a coat hanger that Lauren had thrown at me.

I was watching MTV thinking about how I hadn’t heard from Joe in a while when I got a text.

Just so you know I haven’t forgot it’s your birthday next week, don’t make any plans. J. x I smiled before quickly replying.

“Claire, are you sure about this top, I mean is it to dressy?” Lauren asked walking down the stairs.

I smirked knowing she would listen to me and wear the white one. Her black hair was in a high ponytail with a few curls. She was dressed for the accession, sure her top was a little low cut but I had a feeling Kevin would thank me.

“I’m 100% sure, do you know what Joe is planning for my birthday?” I asked her turning the TV off.

“How am I supposed to know? He is your lover boy. I mean best friend.” Lauren smirked covering her hand with her mouth.

“You’re one to talk missy, apartment viewing with your best friend. More like a secret date with your boyfriend.” I taunted her, Jordan and I secretly believed Kevin and her were dating but we had no proof Yet.

She just poked her tongue out at me before walking out the door. I heard music go on in Jordan’s room, I rolled my eyes. Jordan was still trying to find the perfect song to walk down the isle to out of her wedding songs she has had since she was a little girl.

I decided to look through the script, which had incredibly cheesy lines like: Friendship comes from within, but why not tell the world who your best friends are by wearing one of these bracelets. and When I have a hard day and I feel really sad I look at my bracelet and it reminds me I’m not in this alone I have my best friends behind me every step of the way.

“Friendship makes the world go round so give your best friend a BFF bracelet today and do your bit to help the world.” Jordan recited walking down the stairs.

“I know right, they are incredibly cheesy.” I laughed.

“I guess that’s why we are doing it, I don’t understand why Demi and Selena weren’t asked to do it. They are the Disney BFF’s.” Jordan said while Nick took the remote from me and turned the TV back on.

“But they have separate projects, where you girls live together, eat together, work together and you are best friends.” Nick said his eyes not leaving the TV screen, nobody told me the Yankees were playing.

“Don’t you like have your own VIP box, why aren’t you there?” I said perching my feet on Jordan so I was spread out across the couch.

“We all had our own things to do today, Kevin is apartment hunting-“

“With Lauren.” I mumbled.

“I swear something is going on between them two, like a secret relationship or something.” Jordan smirked.

“If you two have finished gossiping I would like to finish.” Nick said rolling his eyes.

“Did we talk over you Nick? I never noticed.” I joked.

“As I was saying, Kevin’s apartment viewing, We had to plan the last touches to the wedding and Joe was spending the day in our gym apparently.” Nick said wrapping his arm around Jordan when he said “we”.

“So, are you going to get that lush mansion you have viewed like a thousand times?” Jordan and Nick have viewed this place millions of times, they both loved it but it wasn’t as close as they wanted it to be to Lauren and I and Nick’s parents.

“We really do like it, I mean it has an inside Jacuzzi! But it’s like half an hours drive away from here.” Jordan said looking disappointed.

“Annnddd. Your point is?” I didn’t want Jordan not to have her dream house just because it was a little drive from Lauren and I.

“We want to be close to our family, before you ask yes you are included in the family.” Nick said as I opened my mouth to ask.

“What’s an half an hour drive between family? It’s not like we won’t see you, we work together!” I protested.

Jordan looked at Nick. “Shall we go have a look at it one more time?”

“Babe, we have discussed this, we have seen it so many times I can picture it perfectly. If you want it to be ours I can make the call right now and put an offer in.” Nick said reaching for the phone.
“Do you like it?” Jordan asked him.

“I love it, and I know you love it.” Nick said dialing a number, getting up and walking onto the balcony.

Jordan looked at me for a second before we both squealed in excitement. Nick came back in twenty minutes later with his car keys in his hand.

“We can go sign the forms now, the estate agent said we can have the keys by this time next week!” Nick beamed helping Jordan up.

Lauren walked in seconds later, with Kevin behind her. “Where are you going?” She asked Jordan who had ran at her squealing.

“We, are going to buy our dream house.” Nick said before taking Jordan’s hand and leading her out of the door.

“They are buying it finally!” Kevin sang while sitting down.

“So, how did it go?” I asked my eyes darting between both of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think is anyone planning anything for "my" birthday?
Comments would be awesome, how about let's try get a few before Lauren updates.
By the way there is a lot of drama coming up in a few chapters time.