‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov.

I couldn’t believe we were going to be doing a headlining tour the best part was that Honor Society were supporting us. We had met them a few times while we were on tour with the Jonas Brothers; they were all really nice men.

Seeing Selena and Demi again really made me realize how much I had missed being in LA. We all decided to have a party to celebrate our return and invite all of our friends when we left Selena’s apartment the party had been organized.

A few days later

“Lauren, bring all your cds down here we need music.” I called from the bottom of the stairs.

It was the night of our party, the guests will be arriving in ten minutes and I wasn’t even ready yet. Jordan and I were to busy laying out all the food, Lauren however snuck away to get ready about half an hour ago.

“Alright I’m coming, does this look alright?” Lauren asked twirling when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Her black hair was curled with a purple headband in. She was wearing a pair of black leggings with a long purple top that came just below her calves. She matched this with black pumps.

“You look amazing as usual I’m jealous now help Jordan with the food while I go get ready.” I said handing her a plate with jelly on it, we had decided to go old school and have jelly and ice cream.

I went up to my room quickly getting ready slipping on a long white shirt that came just above my knees which showed my legs. I matched it with a black belt and black cowboy boots. My black hair I wore half up half down with a daisy clip in my hair. I applied minimal make up and headed downstairs where I heard music being played.

Lauren was making sure we had enough drink to last us all night and Jordan was getting ready when the door bell went. I walked to the door opening it. I was instantly tackled into a hug by Selena and Demi.

“Hey, you’re early.” I smiled leading them through to the kitchen.

“Yeah, we thought we’d come and help you set up but it looks like you are ready.” Demi smiled looking around.

“Selena, Demi!” I heard Jordan yell as she ran to them. She was wearing a checkered black skirt which she wore with a yellow alter neck top and a pair of pumps. Her brown hair was up in a ponytail but on the side of her head, it suited her.

After a while more people started to arrive, Forever The Sickest Kids and All Time Low showed up together soon followed by Chelsea Staub, Jason Dolley and Nicholas Braun. By now Selena and Demi had started making a little dance floor in our living room.

I pretended not to notice when Nick, Joe and Kevin walked in with Camilla and Danielle. We didn’t want to invite them but we wanted to prove to Jordan we could be civil with them. I caught Nick’s eye and smiled at him, honestly Jordan couldn’t have found a better guy for her.

He walked over to Jordan kissing her softly on the lips, Lauren playfully gagged causing me to giggle. I decided to be friendly and made my way over to Kevin and Danielle. Jonathan saw were I was heading and followed me over.

“Hey, thank you for coming you know where everything is im sure so feel free to take a drink or any food.” I smiled resisting the urge not to be sick.

“Yeah whatever.” Kevin said before turning back to Danielle whispering things in her ear.

I stood there in a complete shock; Kevin had never been that rude to me before. I opened my mouth to say something back but I felt a hand on my shoulder turning around I saw Andrew Lee and Michael Bruno from Honor Society.

“Hey, Tour buddy. I can’t wait to get on the road I bet you girls are wild while touring right?” Andrew smiled.

“Uh- we used to be but this is our second chance we can’t blow it because we won’t get a third chance.” I replied.

“Well, as long as you don’t go crazy in public we can have little bus parties.” He sounded hyper.

“What did I tell you about drinking all that Redbull, I’m sorry about him Claire he has had to much caffeine.” Michael Bruno said gently nudging Andrew in the side.

I just laughed before excusing myself, I heard the beginning notes of “I’ll stand by you” come on and saw Lauren waiting for me on the dance floor. When I reached her she threw her arms around my shoulder and we started singing while swaying. Nick and Jordan were dancing like the loved up couple they are.

My eyes darted around the room, people where pairing up. I saw Kevin and Danielle walk up behind us and start swaying to the music, Lauren stiffened a bit but continued to sing the lyrics loudly.

Joe and Camilla came and stood by Nick and Jordan, they were both smiling Joe was mouthing the words to her. I just closed my eyes and sang louder, when I opened them again I saw Lauren was dancing with Alex, Jonathan had filled her spot.

“Do you want me to go punch him for you?” Jonathan said in all seriousness.

“What, no it doesn’t bother me, we’ve been over two years now. He deserves to be happy.” I said smiling.

“Yeah well you would think he would have got over you by now then.” Jonathan mumbled.

“What are you on about, he hates me.” I said confused.

“If he hates you so much why does he keep glancing over at us?” He whispered in my ear, his breath hitting my neck causing me to shiver.

“He’s not, your just being paranoid.” I smiled.

“So, your not going to run away again anytime soon right?” he asked.

“Well I’m going on tour in a few months but no I’m not running away.”

“Good, because I missed you.” He said looking down at me.

“Stop it you’re making me blush!” I exclaimed burying my head in his neck.

The song had finished and another song came on it had a faster beat but it was still slow enough for us to sway to.

“Can I have this dance?” I heard Nick say.

“Sure mate, I’m going to go get a beer.” Jonathan shrugged.

“Sorry to cut in on the love fest, but I just need to ask you something.” Nick said while swaying.

I just shrugged so he continued. “When you go on tour make sure Jordan doesn’t drink too much.” He said.

“I can’t stop her but I doubt we will be drinking. You know Nick you will never find another girl like Jordan don’t let her slip through your fingers.” I said.

“What do you mean?” Nick asked I just smiled before walking towards the balcony.

Suddenly someone pulled me around roughly, I instantly pulled away.

“You best stay away from Joe, he doesn’t love you anymore. I know what your plan is, you are going to pretend you have changed and then drag him down with you. While I wont let that happen. We are going to be together forever so you better get used to the idea.” Camilla seethed.

“You are pathetic, I don’t have a plan unlike you. Don’t think I don’t know, you are just with him to get publicity but I am surprised he hasn’t seen through your game yet.” I said pushing her away from me.

“Well, watch your back I’m going to be around forever.” She smirked thinking she had hit a nerve.

“Is that forever, or Joe’s forever because let’s face it darling Joe’s forever doesn’t last that long.” I smirked before walking out onto the balcony.

I was stood out there for ages just looking at the stars when I heard the glass door slide open and someone walk out.

“I love you.” I heard him say I closed my eyes before turning around.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wonder who said I love you?
Team Joe Or Team Jonathan?