‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

“I’m not coming out!” Jordan called from the dressing room.

“Come on Jordan, please.” Lauren pleaded.

“But I look like a marshmallow.” She whined stepping out of the changing room. The dress was nice; it just was too big and puffy. It wasn’t Jordan at all.

“No you don’t.” I sighed knowing no matter what we said Jordan wouldn’t believe us. This was the 14th bridal shop we had been in, It was now five thirty and the shops would be closing soon.

“Girls we got to go back to that Mary Linn’s bridal shop!” Jordan exclaimed suddenly.

“You mean the second shop we went in this morning?” Lauren complained Jordan just nodded.

“I knew you loved that dress!” I squealed referring to the fourth dress Jordan tried on, she had loved it. It was just a little bit out of her budget she had set herself.

We rushed out of the shop and into the awaiting SUV. We had little other half an hour to get to the shop before it closed. In the car Jordan phoned her mum, even though her mother couldn’t fly over to go dress shopping with Jordan. Jordan sent her pictures of all the dresses she tried on and her mum either called or texted her verdict.

“Mum, I’m going to get it!” Jordan screamed down the phone.

Lauren and I laughed has Jordan was telling her mother about her sudden change of mind.

“Well, I know I set myself a budget, but Nick had said last night I could have any dress I wanted no matter what the price. This is the only dress I really loved and I know he wouldn’t mind one bit. In fact he would probably drag me to the shop himself if he found out I brought a dress I didn’t want.” Jordan rambled it sounded like she was trying to persuade herself Nick wouldn’t mind. We all knew he wouldn’t mind at all.

The car came to a halt just as Jordan had hung up the phone. We all hopped out and raced into the store. The lady there was just coming out of the back with her coat and bag in her hand. A smile spread across her face.

“I was beginning to doubt my skills on reading people.” She smiled before turning around and leading us into the back room.

“I knew you loved it, and one way or another you would be back. That’s why I stayed a little bit longer.” She explained giving the dress to Jordan and prodding her into the changing room.

“Thank you, Jordan doesn’t like being decisive at the best of times.” I smiled as Lauren helped Jordan into the dress.

Jordan came out with her dream dress on, it was strapless with a detailed bodice it then puffed out a little but not to dramatic the train was the average size. It made her skinny frame look amazing as well as showing off the curves she had.

“What do you think?” She smiled breaking the silence that had fallen in the room. None of us had to answer the question you could tell by the look on all our faces this was the dress. Jordan’s dream dress.

We had arranged for the dress to be delivered to Jordan’s parent’s house as her and Nick were getting married in Southmead Jordan’s home town on February the 19th. Nick and Jordan had chosen to get married on February the 21st 2010. The ceremony was to be held in Southmead and then they were flying their family and friends out to New Jersey where they were holding the reception, Nick’s home town.

We got home to find our stylist Gary waiting for us, Nick had let him in when he had came round to see if we were back from shopping.

“Finally there you three are! Did you forget our arrangements?” Gary said coming over and hugging us kissing us on both cheeks. Gary had been our stylist for as long as we could remember, we were all good friends with him. Forever True sang at his and Liam’s wedding.

“Oh sorry Gary, we were out dress shopping.” Lauren said obviously forgetting Nick was in the room.
“Did you buy a dress? What’s it like?” Nick shot questions at Jordan.

“I can’t tell you! You will have to wait and see.” Jordan giggled as Gary had tackled Lauren with his tape measure.

“Still the same size as last time I saw you, how do you do it you eat all the time?” Gary pouted as Lauren just shrugged.

“So I was thinking you would wear purple because that’s your trade mark color and strapless dresses fit well on you better than Claire or Jordan.” Gary rambled holding a purple dress up to Lauren, purple did complement her skin tone and eye color.

“Ouch Gary, what are you trying to say?” I faked hurt. I knew I had never been able to carry off strapless dresses, my shoulders were to wide and I didn’t have the boobs for it,

“Babe, we all know you suit the mini dress and Jordan suits off the shoulder dresses that’s why I brought these for you two to wear.” He smiled sending Lauren to go try the dress on in her room. He was holding up a nice black and gold dress which he handed to me, and silver sparkly off the shoulder dress which Jordan went to try on.

The dress was a little tighter than the clothes I had been wearing recently it was also rather short. I walked out to see Lauren admiring herself in the mirror, her purple dress made her figure stand out, the sash round the waist making her waist look a size 0. I gave her the thumbs up.

“Mine is way to short and tight it screams hooker!” I moaned as Jordan came out in her sparkly dress.

“It is a little shorter than what I normally advise people to wear but I knew you would be able to pull it off and not look like you have just stepped out of the nearest lap dancing bar. Besides you always wear the less revealing clothes, it’s time for a change.” Gary said whilst adjusting the straps on the dress.

“Trust Gary Claire, I know one person who will want to thank him on New Years Eve.” Lauren mumbled causing me to glare at her.

Nick just chuckled slightly, before his eyes adverted to the doorway. Jordan was stood there in her dress. The dress was perfect for her tall, skinny frame, the material made her face shine.

“Wow, you are going to be the center of attention! You are glowing.” Gary gushed at Jordan ignoring my worries.

Jordan walked over to Nick, who hadn’t taken his eyes from her since she stepped foot in the room.

“It matches my tie and the detail on my coat pocket you picked out for me Gary.” Nick smiled.

“I did that on purpose, like I picked Claire’s and Lauren’s dresses to match Joe’s and Kevin’s outfits. I’m a genius.” Gary said while packing his things away.

Lauren and I looked at each other before shouting. “What!” So this had been the plan all along.
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Can we possibly get three comments before the next update. from differant people. ;)