‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

“I don’t want to get back on the plane!” I still hadn’t got over my fear of flying.

“But Claire, if you don’t get back on you won’t be able to go to New York for New Years Eve.” Lauren knew my weakness, I have always wanted to be in New York during New Years Eve and this year Forever True was getting the opportunity to perform in Times Square on New Years Eve.

I quickly hugged Kieran before following Lauren through customs and onto the aircraft. The airhostess looked like she was going to burst from excitement when she led us through to the first class part.

“Excuse me could I get a autograph?” She asked after we had buckled into our seats.

“Yeah of course, are you a fan?” Lauren asked ripping a piece of paper out of her notepad signing her name.

“Yeah, I know I’m probably to old but your music rocks. I even got a tattoo.” The girl blushed slightly.

“It’s really cool that we have older fans, can we see the tattoo?” I smiled handing her the paper Lauren and I had just signed.

The girl rolled up her sleeve and showed us a black star with an F and T either side of it. It looked really cool.

“That’s awesome. I’m thinking about getting another tattoo, would you mind if I have the same?” Lauren smiled.

“Are you kidding of course I wouldn’t oh my god, Lauren from Forever True wants my tattoo!” Her voice showed her excitement.

“You are really cool Emily. We could hang out sometime, by the sounds of it Lauren may need you to go to the tattoo parlor with her.” I laughed as another flight attendant snapped mine, Lauren’s and Emily’s picture.

“You mean to come with all of us. You will get one done won’t you Claire?” Lauren smirked knowing I hated needles.

“Uh- Only if Jordan does.” I said knowing Jordan wouldn’t get a tattoo so I was safe.

After talking to Emily and getting her number we promised to call her once the holidays were over so we could hang out. I was now relaxed so when the plane took off I ignored the tingling in my ears.

When we landed there were paparazzi everywhere. Jordan and Nick where at home waiting for us, Simon had sent a driver to collect us. Whilst we were walking out of the main airport the paparazzi started asking questions.
“Claire, did you have a nice Christmas? What did you get the Jonas Brothers?” I ignored them so they turned to Lauren.

“Lauren, what are you thoughts on Kevin and Danielle getting back together can you confirm it?” Lauren froze for a minute before composing herself again.

“I haven’t spoken to Kevin over the holidays, so I wouldn’t know.” She sounded sad but carried on walking to the car.

As soon as we got in the car and the doors were shut, Lauren buried her head in her hands. I scooted closer to her knowing she was trying not to cry. “You know it could just be a rumor, I’ll text Joe and ask him if it’s true.” I said pulling out my phone.

“No, don’t use me as an excuse to text Joe. Your not fifteen anymore.” Lauren snapped at me pulling away from me.

I didn’t say anything, just put my phone back in my pocket, Lauren had only ever snapped at me once before and that was because she was pregnant, she didn’t mean it. This time she meant it.

The car pulled up at our apartment, which was now only ours. Jordan and Nick had moved into their house a few days before Christmas. We both dragged our suitcases up the stairs in silence.

“I’ve missed you two!” Jordan squealed running to us.

“It’s only been a few days.” I commented.

“What’s going on?” Nick asked looking between Lauren and I.

“Nothing.” We both said at the same time, looking at each other.

“I’m going to go to bed, night Jordan, Nick.” I nodded; I wasn’t going to pretend to not be annoyed with Lauren that wasn’t the way we rolled. Before long I was asleep.

“Claire, wake up.” I was shaken awake.

“What’s wrong?” I asked noticing it was only three in the morning; we had been home for five hours.

“I couldn’t sleep, I’m sorry for snapping at you. I shouldn’t take it out on you. It’s my fault I should just te-“ Lauren started to apologize before I cut her off.

“It’s not your fault, Kevin shouldn’t be so blind he should open his eyes and see the girl of his dreams is right in front of him. Instead of him wasting his time with that video girl.” I smiled hugging her, relief washing over me. We hadn’t stayed mad at each other for that long since we were teenagers.

“I’m sorry for saying you are childish.” Lauren mumbled as we pulled away from each other.

“It’s okay, I was acting childish. I mean I’m twenty two years old and I can’t even tell Joe how I feel. I am acting like a fifteen year old.” I sighed knowing I needed to sort this out; Joe or I weren’t getting any younger.

“Best Friends?” Lauren asked.

“Laur, Best friends are supposed to have arguments and disagreements and get annoyed at each other sometimes, we just don’t very often.” I smiled reassuring her we were okay. I was annoyed at her but after I had slept I realized she was right I was acting like a teenager.

Lauren climbed under the blanket, and led down closing her eyes. “Remember when we used to have sleepovers and we always had to have them round yours because you had you own room and no siblings to annoy us.” Lauren yawned.

“Yes some things never change.” I smiled curling up and turning the light off.

“Except we don’t have to top and tail.” Lauren laughed before drifting off to sleep.
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So i have updated this today because i couldn't wait to see your reactions to Lauren's and Claire's first arguement.

What do you think, was it just a little argument? Or will it lead to more things in the future? We love reading your predictions.