‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

Jordan, Lauren and I stood in front of the mirror, Lauren was taking a picture of us to post on our twitter account before we went out to Times Square. After we took a few pictures, making sure our “BFF bracelets” were showing, we posted them on our twitter.

We got a lot of comments within minutes of it being posted, some were not very nice. But we had learned even if you have thousands of fans there will always be a few people who will always shoot you down. We just deleted the horrible comments and replied to some fans until Simon came in to talk to us.

“Girls, you all look fabulous! Remember this is live so mind your language.” After being our manager for years he had come to realize we were fouled mouthed, we did try not to swear in front of fans but sometime we forget.

“Yes Simon we will be on our best behavior.” Jordan rolled her eyes.

“You haven’t told her have you?” Simon looked to Lauren and I

“Told me what?” Jordan asked.

“Well Jordan the truth is it isn’t just going to be Forever True and The Jonas Brothers on the stage tonight.” Lauren started.

“No I know Demi and Selena are there as well.” Jordan said still looking confused.

“Well there is one more person we forgot to tell you about.” I said nervously this could either go good or bad.

“She cancelled her plans to go back to visit her family. We thought it would be easier if we didn’t tell you.” Lauren said.

“For god sake girl’s way to beat around the bush. Jordan, Miley will be performing on the stage as well tonight. She will also be with you when you do the countdown so smile and act like you like her please we don’t want any bad publicity.” Simon said cutting over Jordan’s protests.

Once Simon had left the room, Jordan was smirking. “Ut-oh she is smiling Lauren this can’t be good.” I said looking at Jordan fiddling with her ring.

“No girls everything is going to be great. I have the one thing she will never have let’s go and rub her face in it.” Jordan said pointing to the ring before linking her arms through Lauren’s and mine.

We had to walk through an underground tunnel to get to Times Square because they had shut most the roads off leading to the stage. Demi and Selena were already there, the boys were leaving a little later. The sound of our heels echoed through the tunnel, whilst Jordan and Lauren talked excitedly.

Recently Lauren and I hadn’t been on the best of terms, it was neither of our faults. We were snapping at each other for the littlest of things. Sometimes when I snapped at Lauren it wasn’t because it particularly bothered me what she had done, it was just the fact of we were both still annoyed from the previous day.

The cheers and screams from the crowd soon became clear has we made our way to the exit. Selena had just finished performing and was calling Demi back onto the stage. We were led into this little room where all the acts that were performing had to wait. Miley was sat in-between Kevin and Joe, Joe and her were laughing about something. On the other side of Kevin sat Nick who was looking at his phone. As soon as we entered the room everyone stopped their conversations and looked towards us before resuming what they were doing before.

Jordan went and placed herself on the other side of Nick. Nick was wearing a pair of grey trousers with a white top and a silver tie. Kevin was texting someone on his phone, he was wearing a pair of black jeans with a black shirt and a purple waistcoat with a scarf tied round his neck he matched this with a black suit jacket. His hair was straightened. Joe was wearing a pair of skinny black jeans, his black shirt and a gold jacket. His hair was also straightened.

“I think Gary set us up.” Joe stood up cutting his conversation with Miley short, embracing Lauren in a hug.

“I know, we did try and change our dresses but Gary refused to change them.” Lauren said her eyes wandering to where Kevin was sat.

“I think it looks pretty cool.” Joe smiled before whispering something in her ear giving her a small push towards Kevin.

“So Miss Sparks, you are in New York on New Years Eve are you excited?” Joe asked putting his hands in his pockets.

“Are you kidding, I’m freaking out!” I said causing Joe and Nick to laugh and Jordan to start humming the tune to “Paranoid.”

“No pun intended.” I said once I realized I had just quoted song lyrics.

Joe and I started talking about random things, like how we hadn’t seen each other since my birthday and how busy we had both been.

“You decided to straighten your hair again I see.” I said reaching out and touching his hair.

“Yeah, it’s to help promote Camp Rock 2. Plus I kind of missed having it straightened.” He smiled moving hair from his eyes.

I was just about to reply when Demi and Selena came running off the stage and straight in between Joe and I.

“You two were awesome out there!” Lauren smiled hugging each of them.

“Are you staying here all night, maybe we could catch up later on tonight?” Jordan asked coming over to the group.

“No we aren’t, we are leaving after we sing Send it on in a few minutes.” Selena pouted.

“Were you going anywhere nice?” I asked.

“Sel’s parents are having a little get together so we are going to go back to her house and see the new year in with a good movie and a bowl of ice-cream.” Demi laughed hugging Selena.

Miley, who had been talking to Nick whilst Jordan had come to say hello to the girls, suddenly laughed really loudly.

“Oh Nick you are so funny!” She practically shouted placing a hand on Nick’s chest. Nick just looked really confused and scared.

“I think we need to go break up Miley’s chuckle fest don’t you think girls?” Jordan smiled over at Nick.

We made our way over to them; Miley was now inching closer to Nick. Nick looked very uncomfortable.

“Jordan I can’t get over how big your ring is!” I said when Nick and Miley were in hear shot.

“Yeah, I mean he really loves you! This proves it he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.” Lauren said clearly.

“Oh girls, did I tell you what he told me the other day?” Jordan was looking out of the corner of her eye at Miley who had stopped laughing and was listening to our conversation.

“He told me, I was the first girl he had ever truly loved. He said all his other girlfriends were fake and I was nothing like any of them that is why he loved me so much.” Jordan stopped when we walked up to Nick who was smirking slightly and Miley who had gone red in the face.

Miley stood up taking her earrings out of her ears. She walked up to Jordan so there noses were nearly touching before taking her hit. She slapped Jordan around the face, the whole room went quiet has they all looked at the scene in front of them. Lauren and I were ready to pounce at any moment. It turned out we didn’t need to, Jordan had this one under control.
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Click Here to see the girl's dresses.
Drama is coming in small doeses so far, so is a major twist to the story in the next few chapters watch this space.

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