‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

There were fists and slaps everywhere. Jordan slapped Miley and got loads of punches in while she only got a few slaps in, Jordan being too quick for her, before Demi and Selena split the fight up, much to Claire’s and mine’s dismay.

“Woo.” I laughed while Claire hi fived Jordan.

“Stop it you two. You’re making this worse.” Demi scolded us while Selena snickered and hi-fived Jordan in discrete.

“Disney stars to stage for send it on in two.” One of the back stage crew announced through the door.

I looked at Miley and laughed again. She had a huge scratch down her left cheek and her once perfect up-do hair now a mess. She was going to look stupid out there tonight.

“Let that be a lesson. Go near my fiancé again and it’ll be worse next time.” Jordan said snidely as Miley began leaving the room.

“And it won’t only be Jordan you’ll need to worry about.” Claire added while I hugged them both, a grin on my face.

The boys, Demi, Selena and Miley went out to the stage to perform while I, Claire, Jordan and all of the other acts for the night waited back stage to be called out. My stomach began doing little flips as we waited for the song to end and for Forever True to be called.

“Forever True, to the stage in 2.” Someone announced before leaving the room quickly.

We stood up together and linked arms, ready to go out onto the stage. We walked through the hall and out to the side of the stage. From what I could see the amount of people waiting was insane, way too many to even take a guess.

“Now, I’d like to announce our good friends and soon to be family to the stage, Forever True.” Kevin announced as we walked onto the stage, holding hands and smiling. Claire’s smile had to be the biggest though because after all, her dream was coming true.

I mouthed a ‘thanks’ to Kevin before they left the stage and we began our set. We sang 3 songs, Speechless, I could get used to this and Revenge is sweeter. All three songs we sang were chosen because we all sang major parts in the song we’d written ourselves.

Once our set was finished, we went back to the waiting area to see only the Jonas boys left, the majority of the others already having gone to spend New Years with their loved ones.

“You were amazing tonight.” Joe smiled as I gave him a quick hug.

“Why thank you Mr Jonas. I’d love to say the same to you but we only saw the one song and the thing ruined it.” I laughed.

“Lauren.” Joe tried to scold but ended up laughing.

I smiled at him before moving so that Claire could speak to him. Moving on, I spoke quickly with Nick before being shoved on to talk to Kevin. I smiled quickly at him, sitting down.

“You were great tonight.” Kevin smiled, sitting next to me.

“Thanks.” I smiled back, trying to be as polite as I could seeming as he’d broken my heart twice.

“That’s ok.”

“So is everything going well with Danielle?” I ask, chocking as I said her name.

“Its ok thanks. Its not like it was before but I can’t say it will ever be. I mean, I left her standing there and she’s still annoyed about it.” He sighed.

“Yeah. Well don’t worry; I’ll make sure I don’t ruin it this time for you.” I laughed before standing up and beginning to walk away.

“What do you mean?” Kevin asked me, following just behind.

“I mean, I won’t be around to spoil things and if anything goes wrong ill make sure no one tells you so you don’t worry and things get bad for you both again. Its better that way.” I smiled weakly.

“I won’t let that happen. We’re friends and we’re going to stay that way. Danielle knows nothing will ever come out of us being friends, we went there before and it didn’t work.” He smiled.

“Alright, I’m going to get a drink.” I smiled, walking away.

I walked over to the drinks table and grab a bottle of water, staying away from the alcohol in fear of letting my feelings loose. Claire walked over, took one look at my bottle and then took a re-take.

“No alcohol on New Year’s Eve. Something’s wrong.” She said, knowing me too well.

“I can’t drink because I’ll tell him the truth and that would not work.” I sighed.

“Drink, be happy and forget for now.” She smiled, handing me a bottle of sambuka.

“For you and Jordan.” I laughed, opening the bottle and taking a swig.

“Good.” She grinned, opening a bottle of WKD.

We stood talking and drinking for ages before Jordan came over and took the alcohol from us. Taking a quick swig from both bottles, she left them on the side and dragged us away.

“No more alcohol.” She scolded before pushing us onto the sofa and going back to talking to the Jonas boys.

We looked at each other and laughed. I rested my head on Claire’s shoulder. I was tired but determined to stay up until the new year came in, just like every other year I was more likely to go to sleep and get Claire to wake me up at 5 to so I could see it come in that way.

Danielle walked in about half an hour after Claire and I had sat down. When she saw me she smirked before going over and leaning all over Kevin, constantly kissing him.

“It makes me sick.” I sighed, looking away.

“Do you want to leave for a bit?” Claire asked me gently.

“No I don’t. It’ll look like I’m afraid of her or she’s won.” I said bitterly before realising what id said.

“Oh my god Claire, sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m tired, I’ve had alcohol, and I’m a complete bitch at the moment.” I said, trying to force the tears from my eyes.

“Don’t worry.” Claire said before standing up and leaving me sat on the sofa on my own.

Standing up, I made my way out of the room and into the hall just off of the stage. Sitting down on the floor, I crossed my legs and rested my head in my hands. Once again id managed to annoy Claire. Things were starting to get hard for the both of us and I was defiantly in need of a holiday away from everyone else. Of course, I couldn’t though, I had to start doing new year interviews and photo shoots for the bracelet campaign that was going to be going to England as well.
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Sorry its taken me ages to post this, I should have done it hours ago but ive been searching stuff for college :|
But its here now, so its all good :)
3 comments would be nice? xo