‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

“I have to hand it to you Dani, you’re not as much of a bitch as I thought you were.” I smiled nudging Danielle as we walked along to a Starbucks.

We had been shopping for hours and I hadn’t had the desire to go home yet. When I left, Lauren was in her room. I did feel a little guilty for going out with Danielle but today I realized how easy she was to talk to. There were no awkward silences between us, like the ones that sometimes fall upon Lauren and I.

“And you’re not as stuck up as I thought you were. In fact you are really down to earth.” She said sitting at a table.

There we paparazzi waiting for us outside so we weren’t in a rush to leave. I looked at the pile of shopping bags we had between us. I had splashed out on a new wardrobe seeing as mine still consisted of clothes I had when I first moved to LA two years ago.

“So what are Forever True’s plans for this year?” Danielle really surprised me, she seemed so interested in everything.

“Well, it’s all supposed to be secret but seeing as we are friends I can tell you.” I smiled.

“We are going to start writing songs for our third album soon, then obviously Jordan and Nick are getting married so we haven’t made any plans past February.” I said drinking my hot chocolate.

“Will any of these songs be about how cliché you feel falling in love with your best friend?” Danielle smirked; I didn’t even have to tell her about my feelings for Joe I guess I wasn’t hiding it as well as I thought I was.

“I don’t know what you’re on about.” I said looking down at my cup.

Danielle just giggled a little, that’s when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I looked at the caller id, it was Lauren.

“Hello Lauren!” I answered my phone whilst Danielle drank her coffee in silence.

“When are you coming home? We need to go grocery shopping and Kevin here wants to know where Danielle is.” She said.

“We are just having a drink a minute then I’ll call Tom to come pick us up. See you in a few.” I smiled I know Lauren doesn’t like the fact that I have decided to give Danielle a chance but hopefully she might warm up to her soon.

I hung up the phone and drank the rest of my hot chocolate. “We have to get back, Kevin is round ours looking for you and Lauren and I need to go shopping for food.” I said while dialing Tom our driver’s number.

When I arrived back, Kevin was waiting outside for us. “Kevin.” I nodded to him as I watched Danielle tackle him into a cuddle.

“Did you girls have fun?” Kevin said he seemed pleased we were friends.

“Yeah, I think I finally have a best friend Kev!” Danielle smiled, this took me by surprise. I never thought of Danielle as a best friend. But then again, I did enjoy spending time with her. I waved as they both got in Kevin’s car before going in to see Lauren sat on the sofa.

“Did you have fun with miss gold-digger?” Lauren’s voice was shaky.

“Lauren, if you’d just give her a-“

“What Claire, Give her a chance? She stole my boyfriend and now she is trying to steal my best friends!” Lauren cut me off, I could tell she was upset.

“She isn’t stealing anyone! I can have more than one friend, stop being so childish!” I said before stomping up the stairs.

I heard Lauren leave a few minutes later, leaving the house silent. It was times like this when I missed Jordan; she would always make a argument blow over. I decided to update our blog, and maybe see if Jordan was online so we could talk.

Mrs Nicholas Jerry Jonas to be :D: Omg, it feels like ages since I last seen you! Nick and I might come spend the weekend with you girls soon.

ClaireFT: I know, I miss you! At the moment this house is like a warzone.

Mrs Nicholas Jerry Jonas to be :D: You and Lauren had a falling out again? I swear you two are more like sisters than best friends.

ClaireFT: I think she feels left out, I’ve been spending a lot of time with Danielle recently.

Mrs Nicholas Jerry Jonas to be :D: Yeah, Lauren told me. It’s a big change, she will get used to it soon enough. Anyway I’ve got to go, I think my lasagna is burning. Talk to you soon! X

Mrs Nicholas Jerry Jonas to be :D[/b is offline.

I heard the door open and close again, I ran to the door to help Lauren with the bags. She shoved a few in my hands before collecting the rest of them. I decided to let Lauren speak to me first as I walked into the kitchen and put the shopping away. Lauren on the other side of the kitchen doing the same.

“I’m sorry Claire, it’s just hard you know?” Lauren mumbled if I wasn’t straining my ears to see if she would speak to me I wouldn’t have heard her.

“I know, I’m sorry as well, we haven’t spend any time together in a while how about we spend all day together tomorrow before Jordan and Nick come round?” I asked her, I sighed in relief when a smile spread across her face.

“That sounds great.” She smiled before getting ice cream out of the freezer and following me into the living room where E! News was on. A picture of me and Danielle flashed across the screen, I quickly changed the channel.

“These news channels will make a story up about anything won’t they!” I didn’t know why I was feeling like I had done something wrong but I was.

“Mmm.” Lauren muttered before resting her legs in my lap.
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This update is to celebrate the fact that i just finished writing chapter 70 of this story (:
Three comments before the next update.