‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

Dancing around the small dance area that had been set up, I smiled up at Alex as ‘Lost in the stereo’ came on from All Time Low’s new album. We’d been dancing for nearly half an hour now, most people who had been dancing around us on the floor having retreated to get drinks and food, leaving us to dance on our own.

I hadn’t see Claire for a while now, last time I saw her was when she was going out to the balcony, just after I saw her get grabbed by Camilla but obviously gave back better than she got by the smirk placed firmly on her face. Smiling, I knew I wouldn’t need to help Claire if Camilla ever thought it was her right to say something below the belt.

As the song finished, I looked over to where the boys of Honor Society were walking towards me. I stopped dancing and smiled over at them.

“Hey soon to be tour buddies.” I greeted as they stopped in front of me.

“Hey.” Andrew smiled.

“We’re gunna go now because we’ve got some interviews and stuff tomorrow.” Jason said.

“Ok, well thanks for coming. Ill come with you too the door. I’ll see you in a bit Alex” I said as I walked with them to the door.

“Thanks for having us.” Michael smiled.

“That’s ok. Thanks for coming. We’ll see you soon yeah?”

“Yeah, we’ll see you very soon tour buddy.” Andrew smiled as they left the apartment, waving.

I stayed by the door as more people left, next to leave were all the boys of Forever the Sickest kids apart from Jonathan. I smiled and thanked them for coming as I did for the rest of the people who we’re leaving. Ryan, Jack and Zack from All Time Low left next, telling me they’ll talk to me soon, I thanked them for coming and waved them off.

Soon the apartment was almost empty, only a few people remaining. Amongst the people were the Jonas boys, Camilla and Danielle. As I said goodbye to Nick Braun and Jason Dolley, Nick, Joe, Camilla, Danielle, Kevin and Jordan walked over to the door.

“Lauren, the guys are leaving now.” Jordan said.

“Ok, thanks for coming.” I said, directing it at Nick and not Joe, Kevin or their girlfriends.

“That’s ok, thanks for having us.” Danielle said politely.

“That’s ok.” I mumbled.

“By the way Lauren, I have to say this; you and Alex make a really cute couple.” Danielle smiled.

“Oh, we’re not together, we’re just friends.” I said quietly.

“Oh, well you should be.” Danielle said before leaving with Kevin, Joe and Camilla.

“Thanks for having us Lauren. I know tonight probably wasn’t that easy.” Nick smiled.

“That’s ok Nick. It was nice being able to catch up with everyone. Claire and I wanted you here anyway.” I smiled gratefully.

“Thanks.” Nick laughed.

“That’s ok.” I smiled.

“See you later.” Nick smiled before hugging me quickly and leaving with Jordan.

Just as I closed the door, I spotted Claire for the first time in nearly an hour. I smiled and called her over to where I was stood just as ‘Nothing Compares to You’ began to play. When Claire reached me, I grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the dance area where we began to dance as we talked about the night.

“Tonight was fun. Well apart from them being here.” I smiled.

“Yeah, im glad we did it, ive missed everyone so much.” Claire smiled back.

“Same. Once we’ve done the tour we’ll have to have a party again, or a movie night or something just so we can spend more time with everyone.” I said, Claire nodding her head in agreement as the song ended.

I looked around the room quickly to see that Selena and Demi were lead on the sofa almost falling to sleep while Alex and Jonathan we’re led on the floor where we had put the rugs also almost asleep. I smiled at them before running over and jumping on Alex and Jonathan while Claire did the same to Selena and Demi.

“What was that for?” Jonathan whined as I stood there and giggled.

“I thought it would be fun and guess what, it was.” I said, bursting into laughter while Claire sat between Selena and Demi smiling.

“Lets put a film on.” Claire smiled.

“Yeah, ive not watched Twilight in a while.” I smirked knowing Claire wouldn’t let me watch it.

“No.” Claire laughed.

“Why not Ps I love you then?” I said.

“You know that film makes me cry.” Claire said trying to pout.

“Fine then, the boys can choose a film.” I said as I sat in the armchair.

The boys we’re left to choose a film and then sit on the floor after Claire, Selena and Demi had chosen the sofa and I had sat in the arm chair.

“What are we watching then?” I quizzed after a few minutes, my impatient side kicking in.

“Stuck on you.” Alex grinned as Jonathan put the DVD in the player.

Laughing, I sat back as the title credits came up on the TV. Within half an hour of the film starting, my eyelids became heavy and I was soon falling asleep. Selena, Claire and Demi had already fallen to sleep by the time I had passed out for the night.

The next morning
As the light was switched on, I covered my eyes with my arm, grumbling about the sudden amount of light.

“I can’t believe you all fell asleep like this last night.” I Jordan’s voice scolded us.

Sitting up, I looked over at where Nick and Jordan stood looking at us in shock. Then, looking around the room, I realised what a mess the apartment was.

“Oh my god.” I said, taking another look around the room.

“What!” Claire demanded sitting up.

“Look at it.” I said, taking yet another look at the mess we had to clean.

“What are we going to do? We have an interview in an hour.” Jordan reminded us from across the room.

“I have no idea.” I said in shock.

“I know.” Jonathan said, sitting up.

“What?” Claire asked quickly.

“Ring a cleaning company. I actually have a cleaning company’s number stored in my phone.” Jonathan smirked pulling out his phone.

“That’s a really good idea. Jonathan dear, do you think you could ring them and get them to come over while Claire and I have a shower?” I asked him nicely.

“Sure thing.” Jonathan said, standing up and dialling the number.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I said as I stood up and began running into my room where I had an en-suite bathroom, Claire following me to the bedrooms and going into her own.

I showered quickly, jumping out and pulling on a pair of sea blue knee length shorts and a white cami top before drying my hair and pulling it into a ponytail. Putting on minimal make up, I threw my clothes from the night before into my washing basket and pulled on a pair of white flip flops before grabbing my bag. I threw my phone, keys, money and deodorant into my bag and then left my room, closing the door firmly behind me.

When I got back into the living room, everyone but Claire was there. Jordan and Nick were sitting together on the arm chair while Jonathan and Alex were still sat on the floor and Selena and Demi were on the sofa. Morning cartoons were playing on the TV while everyone spoke.

“Right, im ready.” I said, announcing my arrival.

“So you are.” Alex smirked as I sat down next to him.

“Where’s Claire?” Jonathan quizzed.

“I dunno, she might be doing her hair and make up still. She takes so much longer than me.” I laughed.

“Lauren, you take longer than Claire a lot of the time.” Jordan reminded me.

“Not anymore, I got really good back in England.” I smiled at her.

Moments later, Claire walked into the living room and sat down in between Selena and Demi. She smiled at everyone before dropping her bag to the floor at her feet.

“There she is!” I yelled at Jonathan.

“I can see.” Jonathan laughed.

“Just thought id let you know, you know?” I smirked before going into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

When I went back into the living room, Selena, Demi, Jonathan and Alex were getting ready to leave.

“You’re leaving us already?” I asked in mock shock.

“Im sorry to love you and leave you but its gotta be done. I need to sleep in a bed for a few hours.” Alex laughed.

“Oh, I see how it is.” I laughed as I walked over to the door where they were stood along with Claire.

“Sorry.” Alex said quickly before hugging me and leaving.

I hugged Jonathan, Selena and Demi and then waved them all off as the got into their cars and drove home. As we closed the door and collapsed onto the sofa before the car arrived to pick us up arrived, there was a knock on the door.

Jordan answered it. The cleaning company were here. They got to work as we left to meet the car outside that had just showed up. Nick stayed behind to make sure nothing was stolen while we left, getting into the car and being driven to our first interview of the day.
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One more update for you tonight :]
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