‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's Pov

I walked down the stairs, my bag over my shoulder as I sent the text I was writing to Joe telling him id meet him at the starbucks just down the road from mine and Claire’s apartment. Since Claire and Danielle had become friends, Joe and I had spent loads of time together because we didn’t really have anyone else to spend time with now.

“Where you off too?” Claire asked as I grabbed the car keys from the dish.

“Just down to starbucks. I’m gunna run in the shop while I’m in town too. Do you want anything?” I asked as I pulled on my jacket.

“Nah I’m good. See you in a little bit?”

“Yeah, I’ll be an hour tops.” I smiled, leaving the apartment.

I walked over to the car and climbed in. Shutting the door, I started the engine and drove the short distance to the local shops and starbucks. The whole drive, all I heard on the radio was new news about Claire and Danielle, the new ultimate best friends, as the papers, magazines and blog sites were saying. Turning off the car, I sighed before getting out to brace the paparazzi.

I made my way through the crowd, dodging the questions I was beginning asked as I did so. Once inside, I could breathe again. Spotting Joe in the corner dressed so people wouldn’t recognise him much in his usual ray bans and a hat, I walked over and sat down.

“Hey.” He smiled as I put my bag on the table.

“Sup Jonas.” I smirked, knowing that still after all the time of knowing him; it still annoyed him by being called Jonas.

“How’s Claire?”

“I don’t know. We haven’t really spoken again. She’s always on the phone to her.” I said, sighing.

“She’s turning into her.” Joe sighed.

“I know. I’m losing my best friends because of her.”

“I’ve lost one of my best friends and my brother.” Joe laughed.

Someone came over and took our order then. Giving them my order and asking if they could put an order in for a hot chocolate in an hour’s time for me, I smiled and handed over the money.

“You don’t have to pay for mine too.” Joe laughed.

“I do, you keep me company now a days.” I smiled.

Our orders were brought over not long later. We sat talking until both of our drinks had been drunk. Making our leave, I left first, going over to the shop across the road to buy the little bits I needed before going back to get the hot chocolate I had ordered for Claire.

Grabbing the hot chocolate, I left the starbucks and drove home to see Danielle’s car parked outside. Grinding my teeth, I got out, grabbed the bags from the boot I went inside.

“Claire I’m back. I got you a hot chocolate. It’s on the side.” I yelled as I walked through to the kitchen to put the things away.

“Thank you.” Claire said, walking into the kitchen sipping her hot chocolate with Danielle just behind her.

“That’s ok. I’m gunna go put this away and ring Kieran. I promised id ring because we’ve not spoke for a while.” I said, making up my excuses.

“Ok sure. If he’s at your parents, ask him to tell my mum and dad I said hey.”

“Sure. I’d tell him too even if you didn’t.” I laughed, leaving the kitchen but not before giving Danielle a dirty look.

Going upstairs, I put the bathroom bits into the bathroom and then locked myself in my room. Picking up my phone, I sent Joe a text saying ‘its here, I’m ringing Kieran. Ring you when I’m done. before dialling Kieran’s number, which I knew by heart, and sitting back listening to the dial tone. Before long he answered, knowing just why I was ringing, with comforting words.

I sat on the phone to Kieran for an hour before hanging up and ringing Joe, a number I now know by heart as well. I sat on the phone to Joe for half an hour before I heard Claire and Danielle coming upstairs. Grabbing my iPod, I stuck my headphones in and grab some paper, pretending to be busy drawing, I ignored their voices as they walked past my partially open door. It was really beginning to annoy me that I couldn’t do anything or even stay at my own home without her being there. I was beginning to think about moving into my own place, maybe even leaving the band, and letting Danielle take my place.

My phone buzzed next to me, picking it up I opened the text, ‘I’m coming to save you ;) Joe’

‘What do you mean? Coming to save me?’ I text back quickly.

Before I got a reply, there was a knock on the door. I heard Claire and Danielle walk past my room quickly, laughing about something before the door swung open. Sneaking out of my room and to the top of the stairs, I heard Claire and Danielle’s laughter stop and Joe’s voice begin.

“Hey Claire, Danielle. I thought I’d come see you Claire. Its been ages since I’ve spoke to you.” I could hear Joe.

“Hey Joe. Come in, I know, I’ve been busy.” Claire said, not even bothering to think of a proper excuse.

“Don’t worry about it. Where’s Lauren? I never hear anything about your adventures anymore.”

“Yeah, we don’t really do much now. We spend time at home together and then do things on our own when we’re out.” Claire said, her voice fading where they were moving from the living room the kitchen.

I laughed quietly before going back to my room and sitting down on the window sill. Looking out at the sky, I smiled as it began to change colours for the sun set. It really did remind me of all of the times id seen the sun set with Kevin, back when things were better for us.

Once the sky had set properly, I went downstairs. Joe and Danielle were just leaving. I smiled at Joe, completely ignoring Danielle.

“Hey Joe. I didn’t know you were coming over? I would have annoyed you.” I laughed.

“Never mind. I’m gunna come over again in a few days. Make sure your here girls.” Joe laughed, giving us his signature smile before he left, pushing Danielle in front of him.

“Nice of him to come say hi to me. Did you two get a chance to talk?” I asked Claire as I slumped onto the sofa.

“Yeah, we were all talking. You should have came downstairs. Danielle was asking after you.”

“Yeah, I’d rather not. Like you said before, you can have more than one friend. I just don’t like that one extra friend. Sorry.” I said, not looking at Claire because I knew she’d be either annoyed or upset.

“Never mind. Your lose. I’m heading to bed. Night.” Claire said, leaving me in the living room alone.

“Typical.” I said once she was out of ear shot.

Before long, I headed off to be as well. Changing into my pyjamas, I curled into a ball and thought about all of the times Claire and I had sat up late talking, those times were gone and now I was alone. Stupid mood swings ruined everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is Claire updating for Lauren because she has piles of coursework to do.
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