‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

I had just finished curling my hair, when Jordan walked into my room.

“If you have plans today, cancel them. We are going out, you, me and Lauren.” She said as I ran at her hugging her.

“Uh- well Danielle and I were-“
“Claire, please come out I haven’t spend any time with you and Lauren together since December. Besides this is my only free weekend until the hen weekend in Vegas.” Jordan pouted.

“Okay, I’ll just text Dani. I’m doing this for you, not Lauren.” I know that sounded unlike me. But these past few weeks Lauren and I hadn’t muttered a word to each other, except for the odd “it’s your turn to go shopping.”

“I’ve told Lauren the same, I don’t want to get involved. I just think it’s a shame that your friendship has been ruined after so many years.” Jordan sighed.

“Well, she seems fine, she seems more than fine. She’s the one who has been getting all cozy with Joe. I thought we were best friends.” I muttered.

“You and I both know that’s not true! Lauren would never do that to you.” Jordan said giving me a stern look.

“I know I guess I’m just jealous.” I whined a little.

“It’s never too late to rebuild your friendship. We are leaving in five minutes.” Jordan smiled before walking out of my room. That’s when I realized I didn’t know where we were going.

It turns out we were going to the wax museum; Danielle and I were going to go there sometime in March. When we arrived there were a few fans waiting outside, we stopped and signed autographs.

We walked into the museum, taking a map each. “Let’s work our way alphabetically around!” Jordan squealed showing her excitement.

“My god, this looks so real!” I said walking up to the wax Avril Lavigne flicking her hair.

“I’ll take a picture of you with her if you like.” Lauren offered. I stuck my thumb up and posed. Maybe today wouldn’t be as bad as I thought.

“You know what, I thought today would be boring but it has been really good so far.” I laughed after I had just taken a picture of Jordan licking John Terry’s cheek.

That’s when I heard someone sneeze, Jordan was to busy taking a picture of Lauren trying to take John Mayer’s guitar off of him. No one was in the room with us, it was just Lauren, Jordan and I with a bunch of wax figures. I shrugged it off thinking I was hearing things.

“Claire.” I swore I could hear someone whisper, turning around expecting to see Jordan or Lauren there was no one there.

“Girls, quit it! You’re creeping me out.” I called to Lauren and Jordan.

“Quit what?” Jordan walked over to me looking confused.

“Stop whispering my name!” I said playfully smacking Jordan on her shoulder.

“Claire, no one whispered your name we were to busy sitting on Jesse McCartney’s lap.” Lauren said frowning.

I was starting to freak out a little, but I had always been paranoid. We continued taking pictures with all the wax models when Jordan walked over to the Jonas Brothers wax models.

“These wax models don’t even look like them.” Jordan said going up to the Nick model and ruffling his hair.

“What are you on about? They look like the real boys, look they even got Joe’s cute little freckle under his chin.” I said pointing it out causing Lauren to laugh a little.

“Jordan come and take a picture of me with the Jordin Sparks model please.” Lauren said pulling Jordan to the other side of the room.

I was stood in front of the models of the boys, still surprised at how accurate they were, I could have sworn I see Nick’s hand move a little on his guitar from the corner of my eye. I walked over to the Nick model, as I moved the Kevin model bite his lip.

“Girls, are you sure the models aren’t moving models like with batteries in them so they move?” I called over to them.

“Claire, don’t be stupid.” Lauren laughed.

“Okay, I guess I am just imagining things.” I shrugged.

I was getting bored of the J room now, but Lauren and Jordan were still going around taking pictures, out of no where the Joe model winked at me causing me to scream and run behind Lauren and Jordan.

“What’s a matter with you?” Lauren asked laughing slightly.

“I’m not sure if I’m imagining this but the models keep moving.” I whispered.

“I knew you shouldn’t have had that Redbull before we came.” Lauren said shaking her head.

“It’s got nothing to do with caffeine Laur, Nick’s hand moved up his guitar a little.” I protested walking over to Nick.

“Maybe the guitar slipped.” Jordan shrugged.

“Alright, but then the Kevin Model bite his lip.” I said walking in front of the Kevin model feeling stupid.

“Model’s can’t bite their lips Claire.” Lauren smiled at me, as I pouted. “Oh and I suppose the Joe model winked at you.” Lauren said sarcastically.

“Yeah it did!” I protested.

“Claire, quit playing around. None of them moved they are models.” Jordan said.

“Why won’t you believe me?” I stomped my feet a little.

“You imagined it, stop making a scene!” Lauren said.

I started sulking, while Jordan and Lauren were looking through the pictures they had taken today. I was leant on the Joe model’s shoulder.

“You aren’t real, you are a model. I have such a free imagination sometimes.” I was talking to the model I have no idea why, I think it was to prove to myself it was a model.
“I mean look at it, you’re made of wax.” I said taking the tambourine from the model’s hand.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my waist, and then I heard Joe’s voice. “Can I have my tambourine back?” I don’t think I have ever screamed so loud in my life.

I dropped the tambourine on the floor and jumped away from the “models” that were now cracking up laughing. That’s when Ashton Kutcher reveals himself.

“Claire, you’ve just been punked!” He shouts and all the cast come out from their hiding places clapping.

Joe comes over to me, laughing. “Don’t even talk to me Jonas.” I seethed, I wasn’t particularly angry just really embarrassed.

Ashton was now wrapping the show up. “So you think my freckle is cute.” Joe said smiling.

I was speechless; I could feel myself burning up. I had totally forgotten I had said that. Luckily Nick and Kevin came over and hugged me apologizing between laughs, causing me to glare at them.

“Well that was fun!” Jordan was now by Nick’s side their hands entwined.

“I hate you all!” I pouted before laughing with them.
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Here is a update for you lovley readers and commenters (:
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