‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

We’d all finally stopped laughing and were making our way towards the cafe when Danielle popped out of nowhere. Grinding my teeth together, I made a quick excuse about needing the toilet before we carried on around the museum. Walking along, I ran my fingers through my hair, deciding that id get a haircut the next day, I perched myself on the side and pulled my phone from my back pocket.

“Hey Joan.” I said, once Joan, our hair stylist, had answered.

“Hi Lauren. How can I help you?” I could hear her smile in her voice.

“I was wondering if I could come see you tomorrow for a haircut. I want to get my hair trimmed and my fringe sorted.”

“Of course. I’m coming to dye Claire’s hair tomorrow so I’ll do it while I’m waiting for her hair to take. I’m coming to yours.”

“Alright, thanks Joan. I’ve got to go, bye.” I said before hanging up.

Standing up straight, I made my way back to the others. Walking along with Nick and Jordan, I tried to stay happy by ignoring Danielle and Claire completely, only talking to Claire when Danielle wasn’t around.

When we got home, Claire and I went to upload the pictures of Forever True’s experience at the museum before she went out with Joe as an apology for him getting her punked.

“Do you want a drink?” I asked, trying to keep our conversation flowing freely, today had been the most we’d spoken for weeks now.

“Nah I’m good thanks. I’ll be in my room starting to upload the pictures.” Claire smiled, going upstairs.

“Alright.” I called up after her.

I grabbed a bottle of coke from the fridge before going up to Claire’s room. Her walls looked completely different since the last time id been in there. There were no longer any pictures of us throughout the years whereas my walls were still covered in our memories. In replace of the pictures of us were pictures of her and Danielle, I felt my heart break a little.

“I can’t remember the password for the site.” Claire complained, bashing at her keyboard.

“Its best friends, Claire, Lauren and Jordan.” I said, absentmindily.

“Thanks.” Claire said before typing in the password.

The pictures were uploaded quickly. Once they were done, I left Claire to get ready and went downstairs. Sitting on the sofa, I stayed quiet, staring into space. We really weren’t best friends anymore were we? Jordan had Nick, Claire had Danielle, Kevin had Danielle and Joe had everyone. Whereas I was alone.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I heard the door be knocked. Standing up, I walked to the door and swung it open. Smiling, I moved aside to let Joe walk in.

“Claire, Joe’s here.” I said, sitting back down.

“Are you ok?” Joe asked, sitting next to me on the sofa.

“Yeah I’m fine. Go on upstairs, I don’t think she heard me.” I said, turning on the TV and flicking through the channels until I was satisfied with a channel, it just happened to be the Disney Channel though.

“Alright, thanks Friend.” Joe smirked as he walked up the stairs.

“Shup Jonas.” I laughed before turning back to the TV.

Ten minutes later Claire and Joe walked down the stairs, joking and laughing.

“Have fun.” I smiled.

“Thanks. We will. If Danielle rings tell her ill ring back when I get home please?” Claire asked me as she pulled on her coat.

“Sure. I’m thinking about going for a bath and then going to bed in a minute though.”

“Oh alright, if you don’t though can you?”

“Sure. Bye.” I said before they left the apartment.

I sat down stairs for a little while before going upstairs, running a bath and climbing in. After sitting in the bath for half an hour and beginning to prune up, I climbed out and got ready for bed. Drying my hair, I looked at my walls and smiled, the pictures reminded me of better times for definite. The most important pictures to me on my wall before the ones id cut from the news paper when Forever True were on their first ever tour, the pictures of Claire, Joe and I laughing as we walked into the restaurant.

I climbed into bed and fell to sleep, dreaming of better times.


I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. Putting my bag on the side, I grabbed a can of Dr Pepper from the fridge and sat on the stool.

“Are you going out?” Claire asked walking into the kitchen.

“Yeah, I’m going to help Joe get Nick and Jordan a present because he still hasn’t.” I said, flicking through a magazine.

“Oh right. What did you get them? I haven’t got them anything yet either.” Claire said, sitting on the side.

“Don’t worry about getting them something. I got something from the both of us. They wanted one of those big collage pictures so I’ve started it off. You can help me finish it later on if you want.”

“Sure. Thanks.”

“That’s alright.” I said before someone knocked on the door.

“Ill get it.” Claire said, jumping off of the side.

I closed the magazine and picked up my bag. Walking through to the living room, I smiled at Joe.

“Jonas.” I said, nodding my head.

“Friend.” Joe copied my actions.

“Ready to go?”

“Yeah.” Joe smiled.

“Do you want anything while I’m out?” I asked Claire, trying to keep a conversation going on with us for more than 3 minutes.

“No I’ve got everything. I might be going out with Danielle later anyway so she can get a dress for the wedding. She didn’t realise she was going to need to get one.”

“Alright. Bye.” I smiled.

“Bye.” Claire smiled back.

“See you later.” Joe grinned at Claire before we left the apartment.

“She seems annoyed.” Joe noted as we walked to his car.

“I know. But then she’s always annoyed when were around each other.” I sighed, getting into the car.

“I don’t understand what’s going on.” Joe said gently, starting the engine to the car.

“She’s friends with Danielle, I don’t like her and she doesn’t like me. It’s all because we were both starting to snap at each other a little too.” I sighed as Joe pulled away.

“It's stupid.” Joe commented, we were still on the conversation of mine and Claire’s lack of friendship and hour after arriving at the shops.

“I know. But what can I do? Nothing.” I said, picking up a picture frame and showing it to Joe.

“Nah, mum and Dad’s already got them some.”

“Ok, maybe some weird vase things?” I asked, pointing to them in the corner.

“Creepy. I was thinking more normal.” He laughed.

“Sheets and plates and cutlery or stereo sets?” I asked, looking around the room we were in.

“Too normal. I’m not sure. Come one, we’ll try somewhere else.” He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the shop.
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OMG its actually me posting this time :)
Sorry ive not been doing it lately, ive been overloaded with coursework, college and work. I sooo wish I was back at school again, things were so much more easy back then.
But yeah.. I promised Jordan & Claire id update today, so here it is, an update :)
What do you think? Does anyone actually like Danielle? Who's on my side and who's on Claires? Any predictions for the future?
Laurennn! xo ♥