‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire POV

The suite we were in was huge, the swimming pool was about the same size as mine and Lauren’s rooms back in LA put together.

“No need to sort out who is sleeping where girls, after all we won’t be spending that long sleeping!” Jordan squealed. Jordan was only nineteen though meaning we had to keep quiet about how much alcohol she was going to consume over the weekend.

“What time are we going out?” Demi asked over the noise.

“Well, I was thinking in maybe an hour.” Jordan was really excited.

Everyone then disappeared into rooms, to get ready. I just ran into the nearest room with my suitcase. Demi had already occupied the shower so Selena and I had to wait.

“Claire! How have you been, we haven’t had a chance to see each other this month have we?” Selena smiled tackling me into a hug.

“I know, I’ve been making the most of our time off. Oh and I guess you heard about me in the wax museum?” I said scowling at her.

She suddenly burst out laughing. “Yeah I heard about it, I can’t wait to watch it. When does it air?”

“I’m not telling you!” I pouted.

“So, what’s going on with you suddenly becoming best friends with Danielle?” She was suddenly serious.

“Why are people so against her, she is actually a really nice person when you get to know her!” I protested.

“It just seems like she is up to something, be careful.” Selena smile before walking into the bathroom where Demi had just emerged from.

After showing I put on my yellow tutu and my black top that said “BFF Of Bride.” Lauren had the same top. Demi, Selena and Danielle had Friend of the bride. Mandy had Mother of the bride, Steph’s top said Sister of Bride. We were all waiting for Jordan to come out of her room.

“I’m getting married!” She yelled coming out in a veil and a top that said Bride to Be on it.

“Let’s count how many times she says that during the whole weekend.” I laughed.

“Oh and don’t tell Nick.” Demi added.

We all walked out of the hotel singing “Girl of Nick’s dreams” and “Nick is burning up for Jordan” and “When he looked Jordan in the eyes” To keep the hen weekend on a down low from the press, we had hired out a private bar.

We were all dancing and getting along with the exception of Danielle and Lauren, when a spotlight was shone on the door. I looked at Lauren, who nodded. We had hired some entertainment for the first night in Vegas.

Jordan’s face showed relief when a male stripper didn’t walk out; we knew she wouldn’t have wanted one. The fake Jonas Brothers walked out and surrounded Jordan, she started laughing hysterically.

“So Mrs. Jonas did you enjoy your first night of your hen weekend?” My words were coming out slurred but I didn’t care.

“I did” Jordan sang.

We were walking back to the hotel, Mandy got carried back to the hotel by the three fake Jonas Brothers because she was to drunk to walk. Steph had then called Jordan to say she was going to a club with fake Nick, which I found really funny.

“So what are we doing tomorrow?” Jordan asked.

“Sleep!” Lauren and I said together.

“Clairzie, I was thinking we could go shopping tomorrow.” Danielle moaned linking her arm through mine. I saw Demi and Selena roll their eyes, before going back to their little conversation.

“But Danielle, it is Jordan’s hen weekend. We can’t just ditch her. After all she is my best friend.” I said we had all stopped walking.

“But I’m your best friend too, and I want to go shopping.” Danielle pouted; I put the clinginess down to how much she had drunk.

I look at Jordan and Lauren who were waiting for me to either give in to Danielle or turn her down. I was stuck for words, Danielle couldn’t really expect me to spend the whole day alone with her on Jordan’s hen weekend could she?

“Dani, we go shopping all the time surely you haven’t got any money left to spend after what you just spent on drinks tonight.” I said

“Kevin gave me his credit card so I’m fine for money.” She said, it almost sounded like she was being the old Danielle. The one I hated.

“Whatever, you can do whatever you want I don’t care. I am here to celebrate Jordan being single for the next two days; I’m not here to go shopping with someone else’s money.” I snapped before walking a head of everyone, taking my shoes off as I walked.

I heard all five girls call my name, but I knew if I stopped now I would start an argument with all of them. I didn’t want to fall out with all my friends in one night. I didn’t know where I was going, I knew they would either follow me or head back to the hotel and wait for me. I was hoping they would just let me calm down.

I suddenly realized I was lost; I hadn’t really given a thought to were I was walking. I sat down on the curb, to rest for a minute. I heard footsteps walking up the road, and then she sat down beside me.

“She didn’t mean what she said to come out the way it did I know she didn’t. She has just had too much to drink.” I started defending Danielle knowing that’s where the conversation would start.

I rested my head on her shoulder before she replied. “Let’s get you back to the hotel; you can talk to her in the morning.” Lauren sighed before helping me up.

“Lauren, thank you for everything.” I slurred as Lauren and I wobbled down the street.

“That’s what best friends are for.” Lauren said before it went silent again, it seemed like we were both lost in our own thoughts.
♠ ♠ ♠
Danielle showing her true colours maybe? or is it just the drink talking?
Comments make our day, plus i have a lot of college work to do and i need motivation to do it :(