‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

Claire and I walked back to the hotel in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I didn’t know what Claire was thinking about, but I knew I was thinking about how I was glad she hadn’t bit my throat off when I came to get her back, after all, we were in some way best friends still, even if it was in a very dysfunctional way now.

“Night.” I said as I walked into the spare room that I’d claimed for myself.

“Night Lauren. I’m sorry for everything. I love you.” Claire said before stumbling to her room.

“I love you too.” I smiled closing the door behind me.


The last night of the hen weekend was here. All of the girls were going out, leaving Mandy in because she was still suffering from one of the biggest hangovers I’ve ever seen. We’d all gone to a club just down the road from our hotel, a short enough distance for us all to stumble back when the club was closed.

We all walked into the club, keeping ourselves to ourselves. I went to the bar with Demi and Selena while Steph, Jordan, Claire and it went to find us a table to sit at. After getting drinks, a WKD for Claire, Steph and I and cokes for the others, we went to find them.

Finding them sat in the corner, we all slid into the booth with them. I sat next to Claire. Giving her, her drink, I smiled before taking a swig and then talking to Steph across the table.

After a while, we all went to dance together. After dancing around for what seemed like hours, when it had actually only been half an hour, I went back to our table to take my heels off.

“Wrong choice of shoes for both of us I think.” Claire laughed, sitting next to me and taking her shoes off.

“Yeah just a bit. You’d think we’d learn aye.” I smiled, resting my head against the back of the chair and singing along with the familiar songs of Revenge is sweeter, just the remixed version.

“Yeah.” Claire smiled back.

“Girls, I need my phone. I need to ring Nick.” Jordan said, sitting next to Claire.

“Jordan, this is your hen weekend, you don’t ring your fiancé on your hen weekend.” I laughed as Claire grabbed her bag and passed it to me.

“Yeah. Go dance for a bit.” Claire smiled, nudging Jordan slightly.

Once she’d left, Claire grabbed Jordan’s phone while I grabbed my bag so she could put it in there so there was no chance of her ringing Nick.

Claire and I sat talking for ages, just laughing and joking about old times and when we done the shot game with Alex and Jonathan where she drank them under the table while I stumbled around the club nearly 3 years to the day, when Danielle came over.

“Clairzie. Come dance with me.” She moaned, giving me a dirty look and smirking at me.

“I’m talking to Lauren.” Claire said gently, pulling her arm from Danielle’s grasp.

“Please?” Danielle whined.

“Give me 5 minutes Dani.” Claire smiled before turning her attention back to me.

“Can I come with you when you get your tattoo please?” Claire smiled at me.

“Sure. I was thinking about going tomorrow morning after I’ve dumped my bags off at home.”


“You can’t Clairzie, you promised you’d come shopping.” Danielle whined again.

“Look, I’ll leave you too alone.” I said, finally giving up and walking away.

As I reached the others, fake Nick walked into the club. Smirking, I looked at Steph who’d gone bright red, matching the belt she had on.

“Do you girls mind if I go out with Rob?” Steph smiled at us.

“Rob?” I asked, confused.

“Fake Nick.” Jordan cleared up for me.

“Oh.” I laughed.

“No that’s fine. Have fun.” Jordan said.

Steph thanked Jordan before saying bye to everyone and leaving. Claire and Danielle came over to the dance floor just after.

“She’s gone out with fake Nick again.” Claire laughed before we both fell about in hysterics.

Of course, the moment was ruined once again by Danielle, always breaking a moment where Claire and I are forming our friendship up that little bit more.

After another hour, 4 more bottles of WKD and a few shots, I was well and truly stumbling around the club. Walking over to Selena, I smiled.

“Selena, I think you and Demi are going to have to be the ultimate best friends now.” I laughed.

“What are you talking about?” She asked confused.

“It won’t let me even talk to Claire for more than 2 seconds.” I laughed, leaning against the wall.

“Oh come on, just think, things will get easier soon.” She smiled.

“No trust me. Its gunna get to the point I can’t stay here no more.” I laughed again, sliding down the wall.

“Come on, we’re leaving now.” Demi said, helping Selena pull me off of the floor.

“Ok.” I smiled, hugging them both tightly trying to stop my tears from falling.

We all left the club together. My tears were hid well because it had begun to rain. Laughing, I faked my sobs with hiccups, much to Selena and Demi’s amusement.

“Lauren, are you ok?” She asked more sober than me.

“I’m perfect.” I lied, biting down on my tongue.

“Don’t lie. Best friends know these things.”

“Well go help your best friend then. I’m not allowed to be known as a best friend anymore.” I sighed as the tears fell.

I’m a depressive drunk you see, I cry over stupid little things and I can’t help my emotions getting the better of me so I shout, scream and walk away.

And that’s just what I done. I shouted at Claire before walking away from her and the others. Going straight to the hotel, I went up to the penthouse by myself and let myself in. Going into my room, I locked myself in the en-suit bathroom before sitting down and letting myself cry before I was sober again.

As I finally left the bathroom, I heard a knock on the door. Knowing it would be Claire because Jordan was drunk, I made my way to the door. That’s when I heard her voice.

“Clairzie, leave her, she’s a brat that’s looking for attention. Come on.” She said.

I heard Claire sigh before saying goodnight through the door and walking about with Danielle. I whispered a goodnight back before changing and climbing into bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long flight back to LA.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what do you think?
There's so much drama going on in what Claire & I are writing atm, cant wait for you all to read it :)
Well, its only 8 days til xmas, excited? I kind of am, not as much as last year though :|
Laurennnnn! xo