‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

I stood in my bedroom, admiring my tattoo after just rubbing more Vaseline on it to stop it scabbing up. I’d had one tattoo done when I was 16, this was my second, yet I was a pro at knowing when to add more cream to the new tattoo.

“Lauren, you need to hurry up, we’re leaving in like, 5 minutes.” Claire said, calling from the bottom of the stairs.

We still hadn’t argued, which I was more than pleased with. Danielle on the other hand was annoying me still. She was constantly ringing or texting Claire just as we sat down to talk.

“Coming.” I said as I grabbed my things.

Dragging my suitcase down the stairs, I groaned in irritation as my sleeve rub against the tattoo.

“Come here.” Claire said, rolling up my sleeve, just like her own.

“Thanks.” I smiled once she’d done it.

“No problem. Now let’s get out to the car before the taxi driver comes in and kills us.” Claire said, picking up her things and leaving the apartment.

I took one last look before leaving the apartment and locking the doors behind me.


We arrived in England just as it began raining. Typical Claire and Lauren style.

“This is why I love LA more than England. It’s not always raining. I might move to California though, there’s even less rain there.” I said as we made our way through the crowds of people, yanking our suitcases behind us in search for Kieran who’d came to pick us up again.

“You can’t more to California. I’ll be on my own then.”

“No you won’t. You’ve got it.” I said, shuddering at the thought of leaving Claire.

“I wish you’d give Danielle a chance.” Claire sighed.

“There are some things that have a chance of happening and some things that don’t, this is one of those things Claire. I’m sorry.” I said gently before spotting Kieran’s head.

“Come on. I see him.” I said before grabbing Claire’s arm and pulling her through the crowds of people.

No matter what had happened, where I was or who I was with, as long as Kieran or mum was waiting for me at the airport I was fine. Seeing Kieran made me scream and run, a smile on my face.

“KIERAN!” I yelled as I jumped on his back.

“God Lauren. You never learn you can’t do that. My back will go and I won’t be able to go to work.”

“Oh I am so sorry Mr Paramedic.” I laughed; Kieran had not long got the job he’d dreamed of for years.

“Oh yeah, congrats Kier.” Claire smiled.

“Thanks Claire.” Kieran said letting go of me and pulling Claire into a brotherly hug.

We then made our way out to Kieran’s car. Climbing in, I sat in the front leaving Claire to get in the back, to hyper to care what I was doing.

“I don’t love England, but I love coming home.” I smiled.

“Just ditch us then slag our country off then.” Kieran laughed.

“Oh I do apologize.” I laughed.

I’d lost my bristolian accent while in LA but now I was back in Bristol, it was coming back with a vengeance.

“You sound so bristolian.” Claire laughed.

“Shup fool.” I smirked at her over my shoulder.

“That’s mean. I’m telling you mum.” Claire said, poking out her tongue.

“Just cos my mum loves you more than me.”

“I know, everyone loves Claire.” Claire grinned at me.

When we finally got home, I jumped out the car and pulled mine and Claire’s suitcases from the boot.

Running up my parents drive with both of them in my hands, I laughed evilly as Claire demanded back her suitcase.

“Not a chance Claire.” I smirked evilly, knowing she would want it soon.

“Lauren please? We have to go in, sort our things then go to the hotel again.” Claire whined as I opened the door and ran into the kitchen, shutting all of the doors behind me.

“I’m not your friend anymore.” Claire yelled as I ran through the whole house, leaving my suitcase in the kitchen before going to Claire’s house.

“Yes you are. I’m helping see.” I said as I let myself into her parent’s home and left the suitcase in the middle of the living room.

“Claire’s home Chris.” I yelled before skipping out of the house.

“You love me.” I smiled before hugging her and going back into my parent’s home to sort my things before leaving to go the hotel we were staying at with Jordan.


“Well it was nice having you here for at least an hour.” My mum smiled as I hugged her, Kieran was already piling mine and Claire’s suitcases into his car to take us to the hotel.

“We’re coming back after the wedding tomorrow.” I laughed.

“I know.” My mum smiled.

We said our goodbyes before Claire and I climbed into the car again. Kieran drove us to our hotel, about 10 minutes drive from our childhood homes. So far, Claire and I hadn’t argued, but I knew as soon as we got to the hotel, where conveniently, Danielle was staying as well, we would most likely argue.

“Thanks kier.” I smiled as we got out of the car and grabbed our bags.

“No problem.” He said before we said our goodbyes and went into the hotel.

Claire and I were sharing a room because we were bridesmaids while Danielle had to have a room to herself because she was a late add on to the weddings arrangements.

Walking into our room, I put my bag on the floor before sitting on the bed closest to the balcony and looking out onto the streets that Claire and I used to walk along to go to college. Claire must have realised what I was looking at because she sat next to me.

“I miss it too.” She said quietly.

“Well at least I’m not the only one.” I smiled before standing up and grabbing the room key.

“Where are you going?”

“To see the blushing bride and make sure those duffus’ haven’t lost the rings.” I said before leaving.

Claire followed me to Jordan’s room first. We checked in on her first before running along the corridor to the boy’s room.

I banged on the door quickly before it swung open revealing a very stressed looking Joe.

“I can’t find the rings.” He said, looking like he was going to cry.

“I told you we needed to check.” I said before going into the room, Claire following behind me.

We tore the room apart looking for the rings before finally finding them in the bottom door of the wardrobe amongst loads of socks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this is my last update before christmas :)
OMG Kevin and Danielle got married.... so cute :) Congrats to them.
Because im not posting again until after christmas, happy christmas.
What do you think is in store for Lauren & Claire next?
Do you like the idea of the tattoo?
Laurenn xo ♥