‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's P.O.V

I smiled, looking in the mirror at myself. My hair, now blonde, was clipped up with random lose ringlets, my make up was elegant and simple and the dress made my skin looked tanned.

We were at the hotel near Jordan’s childhood home, getting ready for her wedding. Lauren and I were getting ready in our room, whilst she was probably sat in her mum’s room drinking champagne or something.

“At first I wasn’t sure about the color but now that I have it on with my hair done and make up and everything it looks amazing.” Lauren said after she slipped her heels on.
“I just can’t believe they are actually getting married, I can remember the first time we met Jordan.” I sighed thinking back to the first day of our first ever tour.

“O-M-G you guys, this bus is bigger and better than your last one.” Came the loud voice we now loved to hear of Jordan’s.

She ran into the bunk area of the tour bus and dumped her stuff down on the bunk opposite the one I had chosen.

“Hello I’m Jordan, how awesome is this tour bus?” Jordan shook my hand fast then shook Lauren’s.

“She has matured a lot since then, it’s kind of scary.” Lauren said breaking me from my thoughts. I nodded my agreement.

My phone rang, I answered it and put it on speaker without even looking at the screen knowing it was Jordan.

Lauren and I looked at each other waiting for Jordan to talk.

“Eh-Jord, you are in your dress aren’t you?” I asked her a little worried.

“Yes, I feel like a princess. But I don’t know girls.” Jordan laughed.

“What’s a matter?” Lauren asked.

“I just- It’s nothing.” Her voice was cracking.

Lauren and I sat down on the bed, we both wore worried expressions. Jordan wasn’t the type to have second doubts.

“Liar, what’s troubling you? You’re not having doubts are you?” Lauren asked.

“I’m not doubting Nick, I know he loves me and I love him I really do.” She sighed.

“Well then what is it?” I asked getting confused.

“I’m just a small town English girl, I’m not like all the other girls out there. What if in a few years he gets bored of me, and meets someone else?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly, causing Lauren to frown at me. “I’m sorry, it’s just you sound so silly.”

“I hate to admit it Jordan but she is right, you and Nick are perfect for each other. You have this weird bond that nobody can break. He will never get bored of you, you mean the whole world to him.” Lauren said.

“Plus, what are you on about; you aren’t a small town English girl. You are a pop star in your own right. Do you know how many men would kill to be in Nick’s shoes right now?” I put in, causing Jordan to laugh and Lauren to shake her head.

Jordan soon hung up because her sister could be heard in the background saying the car had come to collect them.

“Today is going to be amazing.” I sang, as we got in the car that had arrived to collect us.

“Maybe tonight will be extra special.” Lauren smirked at me.
“What do you mean?” I asked even though I had a feeling I knew what she was on about.

“Come on Claire, you have played coy long enough now don’t you think? We all know you two still have feelings for each other so why don’t you just admit it?”

“You see, a few months ago I was ready to tell him how felt but every time I tried he would call me his best friend or something like that and I would wimp out. Now I’m kind of glad I didn’t tell him.” I muttered.

“Why?” Lauren asked whilst playing with her hair.

“Well I think Joe as realized he picked the wrong best friend.” I said avoiding eye contact with her.

Lauren looked shocked; she went to most likely tell me I was being stupid. But I have been thinking about it since the New Year. Joe and Lauren’s relationship is so similar to what mine and Joe’s was before we started dating.

Just then her phone rang. My phone vibrated in my clutch bag, it was a text from Danielle. “Nick is freaking out right now, did you know you are ten minutes late? Btw there are some really cute boys here, it’s time to get you flirting ;).

“Nick is freaking out apparently, I bet he will be glad to see we have arrived in a minute.” I broke the awkward silence once Lauren was off the phone.

“I know, Joe just phoned me.” Lauren said. I looked at her giving her a “see what I mean look” Guilt flashed in her eyes, I knew she didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did but it still hurt. When did he start ringing her before me?

The answer came to me in a flash. When you became a bitch.
We got out the car, instantly Emily and Steph ran over to us whilst Jordan was taking pictures in the car.

I walked slowly to the front of the church, making sure not to trip on my dress. When I saw Jordan, I squealed. I had seen her in her dress already, but I hadn’t seen her with her hair and make up done. Her hair was pinned up with curls, her veil was white with sparkly gems on it.

“Let’s do this.” She smiled before linking her arms through her dad’s and walking down the isle.
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I was going to post this tommorow but i couldn't wait for people to read the drama in the next few chapters. Merry Christmas everyone.
The next chapter Jordan will be posting. So everyone now that Jordan and Nick are wed, what do you think is going to happen Lauren and Claire? We like reading your predictions.