‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

I turned round to see him standing there with his hands in his pockets looking at his shoes. He looked up when he heard me turn around. His eyes were searching my face for a response.

“I’m so stupid, I shouldn’t have said anything it was just I didn’t want you leaving again without knowing my feelings.” He said slowly turning to leave.

“No, wait. I- I’ve only been back a week I’m not ready to start another relationship. But I do promise you I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon if I can help it.” I said walking towards him.

“I understand, I’ll wait.” He said wrapping his arms around me.

“Jonathan we are going now, don’t be late for our interview tomorrow.” Austin said through the glass door.

I pulled away from him, giving Austin a small smile as I walked past him. Don’t get me wrong I did like Jonathan I just didn’t know if I could give my heart to someone else just yet. I saw Lauren close the door behind Nick and Jordan.

Lauren and I continued dancing, my mind still thinking through what Jonathan had said. When the song finished Lauren and I decided to wake Selena and Demi up by jumping on them much to their annoyance. We watched a film the boys had chosen my eyes were feeling heavy after the first ten minutes so I decided to close my eyes.

In the morning the apartment was such a state Jonathan rang a cleaning agency to clean our apartment up for us while we went to our interview. I felt guilty for making people clean up our mess but Lauren reassured me they were paid to do it.

“I’m hungry.” I whined as soon as we left the interview.

“Well we can’t eat yet, we have to go do a photo shoot for our album.” Jordan reminded us.

We posed for loads of photos, when we finished we were shown all of them. Some turned out really good. We soon decided on the one where Jordan was sat at the piano, Lauren resting her foot on the stool looking down at her guitar in her hands, whilst I was laying on the piano with Lauren’s guitar cord unplugged in my hand. The photo was black and white but our eyes were in color and “Forever True” was splashed across the front in red and silver.
We then decided to go to McDonalds, each ordering our chosen meal and walking to the park because it was a nice day we didn’t fancy staying indoors all day.

“I can imagine the headlines tomorrow Forever True comfort eating? Or something stupid like that.” Jordan laughed while eating her fries.

“They will say anything to make their websites get more views.” I laughed.

“I mean if I wanted to be on all the blogs I would do something outrageous.” Jordan commented.

“What like stand on this bench and start singing all our songs from our new album.” Lauren joked.

Jordan had an evil grin on her face as she went to stand up. “No! You can’t do that until the 3rd of May.” Lauren and I said at the same time.

“Oh I see you still do that talking at the same time thing that freaks me out.” Jordan said sitting back down.

“Our tour starts in a few weeks it’s crazy how fast it’s gone.” Lauren commented.

“Wait I just remembered I haven’t even told my mum about our album yet.” Jordan said punching a number into her phone.

“What, geez you’re leaving it late. Makes me wonder when you would tell her about your wedding, the day before?” I laughed.

When Jordan ended her phone call she narrowed her eyes. “So, Claire you would have anything to do with Nick worrying that I’m going to leave him if he doesn’t propose soon would you?” she said sweetly.

“Uh-pssh me? No.” I said acting innocent.

“Claire! What did you say? Last night he was really worried he was going to lose me if he didn’t propose.” Jordan whined.

“I was just reminding him you are legal to get married now, in a friendly way. I mean you do want to get married right?” I shrugged.

“Yes, no, yes I mean I do but I don’t want him to feel pressured into asking me. I want him to ask me because he wants to not because my best friends have been leaving hints.” She said.

“He does want to he just needs reminding how much he wants to spend his life with you.” Lauren grinned.

“Just because you two don’t have love life’s at the moment to concentrate on, doesn’t mean you can concentrate on mine.” Jordan said.

“Ouch that hurt Jord.” I mocked hurt putting my hands over my heart.

“Dramatic much?” Jordan laughed while putting our rubbish in the bin.

“Claire, say hello to our fans.” It was eight at night and Jordan had just found her camera.

“Hello, don’t forget to pick up our new album when it’s out May the 3rd.” I smiled into the lens.

“YouTube video.” Lauren sang skipping in the room.

“So Lauren-“ Jordan was interrupted by the door bell Jordan ran to get it camera in her hand.

“Say hello Mr. Jonas.” Jordan said pointing the lens at Nick.

“Uh Hey, what are you girls doing?” Nick asked sitting down.

“YouTube video.” Lauren and I mumbled while Jordan was giving the camera a tour of our apartment.

“Damn she found it then, I hid it.” Nick snickered a little.

“I heard that Nicholas.” Jordan called from upstairs.

When Jordan came back we were joined by Jonathan and Alex. “Say hello to the fans boys.” Jordan sang pointing the camera at them.

“Hello.” They said in unison.

“This is Jonathan Cook from Forever The Sickest Kids and Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low.” She introduced the boys.

“So, let’s see if they know when our album comes out.” Jordan said to the camera.

“May 3rd.” Alex smiled into the camera.

“And when do we tour?” She asked Jonathan.

“June the 14th.” Jonathan smiled.

“Nick, why is June the 14th special?” Jordan said pointing the camera at him.

“It’s your nineteenth birthday.” He said after pretending to think for a while.

He then took the camera from Jordan and started asking her questions.

“How does it feel to be back in the band?” Nick asked her.

“It feels like I’ve been drinking too much Redbull and I can’t stop myself from smiling see.” Jordan said smiling into the lens causing all of us to laugh.

“Oh by the way this awesome band called Honor Society are touring with us. Check them out they are all amazing guys.” I said.

“But they aren’t has amazing as The Jonas Brothers, All Time Low and Forever The Sickest Kids right?” Nick asked grinning.

“Well, I like all the members of All Time Low and Forever The Sickest Kids but I can’t say the same for The Jonas Brothers.” I smirked.

“All those bands are amazing check them all out.” Jordan laughed into the camera.

“Taylor Swift call me girl we need to talk.” I said before Jordan stopped filming.

Everyone looked at me, trying not to laugh, even Nick was snickering. “What he deserves it.”
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I'm so happy just got my results they were good!
Anyway are you supirsed it was jonathan?
Comments would be nice x (: