‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Jordan's POV

“Jordan, come on. Wake up!” I could hear my little sister Emily say, but I still couldn’t be bothered to open my eyes. That was until I remembered.

“OMG! Did you hear I’m marrying a Jonas Brother” I shouted, in the tune of Video Girl. “TODAY” We chorused, causing my older sister, Steph to laugh, as she came through the doorway. It was certainly good to be home, having them around me. We aren’t the same age, but we were all as immature as each other when it comes to it.

“JORDAN! Do you realise what time it is?” I heard my mum shout from downstairs. “It’s 11:40 which means you have about 2 hours to get ready for Nicholas.” It still amuses me how only my mum calls him that, his parents only call him by his full name when he’s in trouble, which is rare. “Why you just sitting about here for?”

“Come on then girls, get out! I have a wedding dress to put on!” I squealed also pushing my sisters out my room. Slamming the door shut behind me, I ran over to the hung up bag that kept in the dress that had arrived two days previous. Also the dress I’d be wearing when Nick and I say “I Do,” later that day.

Undoing the zip, I placed my free hand in the bag also so it would help get out the dress as easy as possible. Getting it out as carefully as I could, another squeal escaped my mouth as I held it up to my body, just admiring it. It was seriously my dream dress.

The detail was kept to a minimum, just like I wanted. Not wanting to over-do it. A strapless dress, up the top it clung to my body, from the bottom down it flared out with few ruffles also that were kept to a minimum. With some sequins on the bodice and a not to dramatic the train, it was the average size.

“You ready guys?” I asked, knowing that they would all be sat outside the door waiting for me. Hearing lots of shuffling about as well only proved that they were. Unlocking the door, I walked out so my family could see.

“WOW! You honestly look amazing Jordz!” Emily said.

“You really should wear a dress more often.” Mum commented. “Now, we have your hair to do.” Dragging me back into my room she turned on the curlers and parting bits to make it easy.

At the church <3

“Jordan. You have no idea how proud I am that you found someone to spend your life with.”

“Dad, seriously don’t start now. You know I don’t wear make-up and now you’re going to make me cry the stuff off. Not a good look for your wedding.”

“But I’m being honest. I’m so proud of you, always have been.” For some reason my dad felt the need to give me the ‘I’m so proud’ speech. I tried to ignore the fact that a few tears were building up in my eyes, but then they burst out anyway. “Aww Jordan, I never meant to make you cry.”

“It’s okay dad. I’m just so happy!” I said dragging him in for a hug. The hug never lasted long because the music started playing; the cue for me and dad to start walking. Before we even managed to release each other from one another’s embrace my sisters, Claire and Lauren managed to cut in-between us so they shoe me down the aisle.

Within seconds of entering the room, everyone’s head turned round and noticed my presence. Even though there were a lot of eyes fixed on me, the ones the really mattered where the one’s that belonged to the person stood at the front.

Reaching the front, it finally come to me that I was marrying THE Nick Jonas and without knowing it I let out a little squeal, causing the people at the front to laugh. Now within touching distance, Nick reached his hand out so I could hold it. Accepting it I walked the short distance, leaving my dad to join my family in the front row.

“We are all gathered here today to bring Nicholas and Jordan, even closer together. For the past few years, these two have been splashed all over every magazine and every celebrity news/gossip site. Just seeing those pictures, it was easy to see the love and trust these two very special people have between them. And today, i’m pleased to be the person to see the two finally be married.” The vicar said announced, making the smile on Nick’s and my own face grow bigger than they were, if possible. “I understand the two of you write your own vows. Nick, please start”

“Many people spend their lives searching for their soul mate, their one true love. Some people are lucky to find the person they can truly call the better half of themselves, while others spend the rest of their lives searching and never finding. I am happy to count myself among the lucky ones, because I certainly found my soul mate. That was the day I found you.” Nick smiled. Every word he said, I knew he meant.

Without realising, I noticed a few tears trickling down my cheek. “Wow. What I have to say comes nowhere near to what you just said. Thanks for showing me up already Nick” I joked, causing everyone to laugh. “I still remember now, the first time we met, the first time we spoke and of course the time you asked me to become you’re girlfriend. Those memories are some of the best. The ones I’m always going to look back on. But not one minute back then did I think I’d be marrying you or for those matters ever feel the way I feel when I’m with you. I’ve never been this happy, ever. Have I mum?”

“Nope she hasn’t. She’s telling the truth”

“And Nick, I honestly owe it all to you. You’re my best friend, my soul mate. I am truly blessed to have found the truest of love with you, and today, I commit my life to yours.

“And you said you couldn’t compete. That was amazing Jordz” Lauren shouted from behind where she was stood.

“Yes Jordan. I wanted to go into this marriage with no lies.” Nick chuckled and kissed my lips slightly.

“Hey lovebirds. Save it until you’re married please?” Claire said, causing people to laugh, again. I turned round to poke my tongue out and then back to the vicar.

“Nick, do you take Jordan to be your wedded wife? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in times of good and bad?”

“I do.”

“Jordan, do you take Nick to be your wedded husband? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in times of good and bad?”

“I do”

“I, Nick, pledge to you, Jordan, as my friend, my love, and my companion to love, honour, and cherish as long as we both shall live.”

“I, Jordan, pledge to you, Nick, as my friend, my love, and my companion to love, honour, and cherish as long as we both shall live.”

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The vicar announced, causing me to jump in the arms of my new husband.”

“I can’t believe we’re flying to New Jersey, again. I love this place.” I shouted, excited to be going, even though it’s not the first time.

“Jordan, you always manage to get this excited when we fly home” Nick said, trying to calm me down.

“But Nick, this is my first time coming back as a JONAS!

“Everyone gather round please. It’s time for the newlywed’s first dance.” Joe said, as the opening chords of “I’ll be” by Edwin McCain started.
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i'm sorry this isn't great, lets just say i'm not the most romantic person, so writing it was hard. but... it's the wedding. it's the wedding. it's the wedding. :) yes, as you can tell i'm excited. who wouldn't be, you're writing yourself marrying a Jonas Brother!? you have to be excited ;D

well, christmas is over :( how was your christmas guys? hope is was great, mine certainly was, looking forward to new years eve now. so we can "party like it's midnight new years eve." haha ;)

comments please. you can comment saying if you do/don't like it, you just have to comment okay? :)
- Jordan <3