‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

The ceremony was amazing, something that I would never expect. Tears were shed from everyone, including Frankie. Frankie’s tears were from the thought of loosing Nick now that he was married though.

Although the ceremony was amazing, I couldn’t get Claire’s comment from before out of my head. That comment would most likely stay with me for a while as well, because after the ceremony, while I stood at the side of the road, trying my hardest to stay away from the camera that was filming everyone, Joe came to talk to me.

“You ok?” He asked me as I rocked back and forth on my heels.

“Yeah, just thinking and trying to keep out of the wedding video as much as I can. I don’t want to be seen in something with her.” I said, trying my best to smile.

“Ok. Well I better go see if everyone’s ok, being best man sucks.” He laughed before walking away.

We were stood outside of the church, waiting for the mini buses to take us to the airport that was flying us out to New Jersey for the after party.

“I told you.” Claire said, walking over to me.

“What do you mean?” I asked, playing dumb.

“He chose the wrong best friend before.”

“Claire, can you stop saying that please?” I pleaded.

Before she could answer, she came over, “Clairebear, come get a picture with me!” her high-pitched voice making my skin crawl.

I walked away in silence, not wanting to break up the ‘new best friend’ moment.


We’d finally arrived in New Jersey. I felt at home now, in America, away from the memories of good times with Claire before we’d left for our new found fame all those years ago.

“WE’RE HOME!” Jordan yelled as we excited the plane.

Paparazzi were already waiting for us as we left the plane. This wedding was defiantly the wedding of the decade and it defiantly had more press around it than Dianna’s and Prince Charles wedding had done.

“We defiantly are.” I laughed, sighing a breath of relief.

We walked over to the awaiting cars that were taking us to the venue that the after party was.


“I still haven’t had the chance to see your new tattoo.” Mrs Jonas smiled at me as I sat down at the table with her.

“Oh yeah, I’ve had it covered with bracelets today.” I laughed, sliding off the bracelets that id brought to match the dress to reveal my Forever True tattoo.

“Oh its lovely dear. Its a really good idea to get one dedicating your love to the band.”

“Yeah.” I smiled, covering it back up again.

“Lauren, come dance with me.” Jordan squealed at me, slightly drunk.

“I’m coming Jord.” I laughed, getting up after taking a shot of vodka.

So far id only drank a little bit so that I could make sure I didn’t say something I didn’t want to, to anyone. But now, id given up, I wanted to drink and have a fun time with my best friends.


5 shots of vodka, 3 glasses of sambuka and a sip of carling later and I were dancing on the dance floor with no worries twirling around my head for change. No one realised I was as drunk as I was because I stayed away from everyone who would be able to guess how much id drank. If my parents could see me now they wouldn’t be happy.

Jordan and Nick were dancing slowly even though the song was an upbeat song, Claire and Danielle were talking in a corner, Joe was with Frankie and Kevin was nowhere to be seen. I was finally free of stress, all thanks to the enormous amount of alcohol id consumed.

“Lauren!” Someone yelled across the crowd.

I spun around and grinned widely when I saw Kevin looking at me angrily.

“What do you want now?” I spat when he walked over to me.

“My friend back, the one that doesn’t drink!” He shouted over the music.

“Well you lost her my friend.” I giggled, walking away.

I stumbled over to Jordan. Giving her a hug, I told her I was going to sober up outside and that she couldn’t leave until id seen her again, she agreed with a laugh.

Sitting down on the cold bench outside, one arm wrapped around myself while the other stumbled with my phone as I sent a confusing text to Alex. I was drunk and my latest stunt when I was drunk was to tell everyone what I thought of them, tonight I was doing exactly that with Alex.

Alex, i don’t like you, you mean nothing. Go jump off a cliff. You ruined us but mainly me. Thank you. i giggled at the text before sending it and going back inside, my head hurting furiously now from the sheer alcohol consumption and fresh air.

Skipping inside, my heels in my hand, I sat down at the table with Jordan, Nick, Frankie and Joe.

“So Mr and Mrs Jonas, when do you leave?” i asked them, feeling much more sober now.

“In about 5 minutes.” Jordan sighed, looking around the room.

“Don’t worry Jordan, we’re coming back in 2 weeks and you can see everyone then.” Nick laughed, wrapping his arms around his new wife.

“I know.” Jordan smiled, kissing his cheek.

“Hey, don’t you have to leave soon?” Claire asked, joining the table.

“Yeah.” Jordan smiled.

“Have fun. It’s going to be weird having you married while me and Lauren aren’t and we’re all alone in the apartment.” Claire laughed.

“Claire, it’s been just us for ages now.” I said quietly.

Claire looked at me sadly before nodding her head in agreement. Although it had been us, it felt like it had only been me living there.


“Bye Jordan!” I said, hugging her tightly.

“Bye Lauren!” Jordan laughed, hugging me back just as tightly.

“Bye Claire!” She said after pulling away from me.

Claire and Jordan hugged each other while I made my way over to Nick.

“Welcome to the family brother.” I laughed hugging him.

“Thanks sister.” He joked, hugging me back.

“Now, you look after Jordan while you’re away and in the future. Remember, we may not be related by blood but Jordan’s my little sister and ill hurt you if she gets hurt.” I smiled at him, knowing he wouldn’t take it to heart because we all know Nick wouldn’t hurt Jordan in the slightest.

“Alright Lauren.” He smiled.

Claire came over and grinned at us.

“Lauren’s given you the speech I’ll take it.” She laughed while i nodded my head.

“Yup.” Nick smirked.

“I'll do the same.” Claire winked before giving Nick a hug.

“Have fun.” Claire and i sang as Nick and Jordan climbed into the car waiting to take them to the airport.

Everyone waved them off before going to get their things to leave or go back inside to finish off the party that was just getting into full swing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyyy! Hope everyone had a good christmas :)
Its New Years Eve tomorrow OMG, almost a new year, meaning my new years resolution needs to be stuck to this year... mines to learn to play the piano, what's everyone elses?
Happy new years!
Lauren xo