‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

“I’m sorry.” I sniffed as I walked into mine and Claire’s hotel room, Joe following behind me.

“Don’t worry.” He smiled at me as i fell backwards onto my bed.

“I just can’t believe I text him, I really was drunk. Stupid drink.” I said, trying to laugh.

“Seriously, don’t worry about it. It’s fine. I’m just glad you’re ok now.” He said, sitting next to me on the bed.

“Thanks Joe. You shouldn’t have followed me; you’ve ruined your chance with Claire again. She already thinks you ‘chose the wrong best friend’.” I sighed, using finger quote marks.

“Things will be fine between us. I’ll talk to her tomorrow on the plane home.” He smiled at me, giving me a side hug.

“Thanks Joe. You’ve been my best friend since it came along.” I smiled, sitting up.

“You should probably change for bed and I should probably leave. We’ve got a flight to catch in the morning.” Joe sighed, standing up.

“Don’t remind me. I’m really not in the mood to be flying to different places all of the time.” I said, standing up.

“Tell me about it.” He laughed, walking towards the door.

“Don’t go yet Joe. I don’t want to be here on my own.” I said, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

“Alright.” He smiled, knowing I wouldn’t give in.

“Thank you. Let me go change out of my dress and put it in the bag for tomorrow.” I smiled, walking into the bathroom.

I came out, 5 minutes later, dressed in my ‘comfy’ pyjamas and slippers, my dress hung neatly on a hanger in its bag in the bathroom. Joe smiled at me as he led across my bed, remote in hand as he flicked through the channels.

“Make yourself at home then Jonas.” I laughed slumping onto the bed next to him.

Before long, we’d both fallen asleep on the bed, the TV still on as we dreamt of different, more wonderful things, than we’d seen yet in our lives.


“Shit, Claire’s still not here.” I said angrily as I yanked my suitcase into the living room of our hotel room.

“I’m sure she’ll be here soon.” Joe smiled, sitting down on the bed and tapping his foot.

“We’ll be late if she’s not here soon. I’m gunna ring her.” I said, grabbing my phone and dialling Claire’s number.

“Hello?” she answered groggily.

“Claire, where are you? We’re going to be late for our flight.” I said quickly.

“What? Oh I’m out.”

“Well you need to hurry up, we’re going to miss our flight.” I sighed.

“Look, I can’t hurry up.” Claire snapped.

“Oh whatever. I’ll take your suitcase with me, meet us at the airport.” I said before ending the call.

Joe and I left for the airport in the taxi that was waiting for us with Kevin; Danielle was nowhere to be seen, just like Claire. As i slid into the taxi, I put my earphones in and turned on my iPod, blocking out Kevin’s voice, it was hard enough having to be in the same taxi as him but having to talk to him as well would quite easily kill me.


We arrived at the airport just in time for our flight. Kevin was constantly ringing Danielle while I continued to ring Claire to find out where she was. We ended up having to leave without them and getting them to come back on a flight without us, we sorted their tickets out before we left though.

“Sit with Kevin; he looks like he’s going to have a breakdown. I’m gunna try to get some more sleep on the way home.” I said quietly to Joe as we walked through the aisles on the aeroplane to our seats.


“Sure as sure can be.” I smiled as I slid into my seat.

Joe smiled at me before following Kevin to the row behind and their seats. I buckled my belt and put in my earphones straight away, not wanting to know when we’re going to take off and not wanting to have to speak to anyone.

Feeling someone tap me on the shoulder, I pulled my earphones out and smiled at the little girl stood at the side of me.

“Hi.” I said.


“What’s your name?”

“Lucy. Where are Claire and Jordan?” She smiled.

“Well Jordan should be having a great time on her honeymoon about now and Claire’s hung around in New Jersey for a while, she’ll be coming back to LA later on today.” I smiled.

“Cool. Can I have your signature?”

“Of course you can.” I smiled, ripping a piece of paper out of my pad in my bag and signing it in my signature purple sharpie.

“Thank you Lauren.”

“That’s ok.”

“Bye.” She smiled as she scurried back to her seat.

I smiled as I put my earphones back in my ears and sat back more comfortably for the rest of the flight. I was soon fast asleep in my seat, my music keeping me occupied.

I woke up to see Kevin smiling down at me slightly, his arm nudging mine.

“We’re about to land.” He said softly.

“Thanks.” I mumbled before sitting up, putting my things away and re-doing my belt.

“That’s ok.” He smiled again before sitting back down.

As we landed, I dug my nails into the seat handles, this is one of the few times id flown without Claire or Jordan sat next to me and it defiantly wasn’t helping my fear of heights and landings.

“Are you ok?” Joe asked as I walked off of the plane and into the baggage collection area.

“Not really.” I mumbled, looking for a way through the crowds so that I could reach my bags.

“What’s wrong?” Kevin asked, following behind me, Joe by his side.

“Heights and landings.” I muttered before grabbing my bag and pulling it off of the conveyer belt.

“Oh.” Kevin said as he and Joe grabbed their things and followed me towards the front of the building where we going to be grabbing a taxi to take us to our homes.

“I'll come back with you Lauren.” Joe said as we piled into the taxi.

“Uhm ok then?” I said, more as a question than a statement.

“I want to make sure Claire’s ok.” He stated as we began our journey to first Kevin’s home then mine and Claire’s.


We pulled up outside of mine and Claire’s apartment and piled out. Joe grabbed our suitcases while I paid the driver.

“Thanks.” I smiled as I took my suitcase from Joe and made my way into the apartment.

“So, how long do you think it will be before Claire gets here?”

“About an hour.” I said, slumping down onto the sofa.

“Oh alright then. Do you mind if I jump in the shower?”

“Nah go for it.” I smiled as I flicked through the channels looking for something to watch.

The next hour flew by so when Claire walked into the apartment, a very sour expression on her face, I was shocked.

“Where have you been? I was worried sick all of last night! Are you ok?” I asked, calming my voice at the end.

“No. I missed the flight, you didn’t bother to stay and wait for me. You ruined my night last night and I can’t help but hate you now! And why do you even care where I stayed? You had time to spend with Joe.” Claire yelled at me, her cheeks reddening.

“I care because you’re my best friend, well used to be anyway. And pardon me? You didn’t come back to the hotel room last night! I was worried sick! You didn’t have an explanation for me when I rang you and then you didn’t show to the airport on time! I couldn’t wait around for you, I needed to get back so that I could get hold of my parents and see how everyone is! It’s not my fault you’re too self absorbed in yours and your new best friends lives that you miss everything now-a-days!” I yelled back at her.

“What? You know how I feel Lauren. For crying out loud, we’ve been best friends for nearly 20 years, I was always there but lately its been just you and Joe. Thats all you care about. You don’t give a damn about me. When was the last time you asked me to go out with you? Asked me if I just wanted to hang out!” Claire was now almost screaming.

“I asked you last week and your response was, ive got plans with Dani. It makes me sick to the stomach to think that even when I need you, you don’t give a shit!” I swore at her, putting all my anger behind my voice.

“Whatever Lauren! You don’t seem to care anymore. All you care about is you and your boyfriend, even though you know im in love with him!” she screeched at me.

I was shocked. I didn’t know what to do and what to say.

“I’m sorry Claire, I do care and I always will, but you ditched us all when we needed you the most. Just so you know, I’m not with Joe and id never even consider it! Never! I know your feelings for him and I know he’s still head over heels in love with you, not that you even care to think about him or his feelings for you anymore. But whatever, ill leave. Have fun and have a great life.” I whispered as tears began to pour down my face.

“Oh yeah, turn on the tears. But yeah, maybe you should just leave, let us get on with our lives and we’ll just forget we ever knew each other.” Claire spat as Joe walked into the room.

Claire looked shock. I didn’t hang around to see what was happening though. I ran up the stairs and into my room. Emptying out my suitcase, I re-filled it with clean clothes, my passport and the things that meant the most to me before running back down the stairs.

Joe and Claire were shouting at each other, pretending that they didn’t care about the other and all to spare their feelings. I fled the room before they even realised I’d came back down the stairs, my suitcase pulling behind me and tears streaming down my face.

I hailed a taxi once I was on the main street and made my way to the one place I know I could be away from everyone apart from the people I knew wouldn’t judge me. I was leaving for England, for good.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O Shocker!
The drama has finally arrived! what do you think of Claire & Lauren's argument? stupid reason or not?
Do you think Lauren was stupid for leaving like that? What do you think Jordan will say about everything thats happened?
Predictions would make us laugh :)
Laurenn xo
Ps- sorry im only just updating, my computer broke on the weekend and ive only just got it back up and running again. Thanks for the patience :) xo
Pps- I should be doing coursework but I felt the urge to update instead :) be happy ha ha