‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

I shuffled towards the seating area in the airport, a hot chocolate grasped in my hands and my bag slung over my shoulder. I wore my sunglasses to disguise my red, puffy eyes and the few tears that still poured freely. I was leaving and there was no doubt about it. My life in America was now finishing and a new life in England was what I was about to create.

I had rang my parents to warn them of my coming home while I was in the taxi, sparing all of the dreary details, telling them id tell them everything when I got home. They knew what was coming though.

“Lauren, Lauren, why are you at the airport? Are you leaving Forever True? Is your friendship with Claire defiantly over now?” Paparazzi yelled at me.

“Great.” I muttered under my breath as security ran over to me and pulled me towards the entrance to the first class seating where they couldn’t get in at me.

“Thanks.” I smiled great fully at them as they left the room.

“No problem Miss Friend.” They smiled back before leaving.

I sat down on the sofa, looking out of the window at the leaving planes. I had another ten minutes before I would board the plane and I was sure no one would have even realised I was leaving yet, much to absorbed in their own lives. I didn’t mind though, it was easier that way. That’s when I got a text from Joe.

‘Don’t you dare leave Lauren!’

‘I’m going Joe. Have a good life.’
I replied quickly and turning off my phone.

I sat in silence, looking out of the window while other first class passengers looked at me. I ignored their stares and whispers, I didn’t care now. My thoughts wondered off to Claire and Joe, the way they were arguing before I left made me cringe. That was my fault, the reason that they may not ever speak again. Then my mind wandered off to Kevin and Danielle, I hated her but I wanted him to be happy so as long as she treated him right and made him a happy man, I didn’t mind that they were together.

Finally, my mind wandered to Jordan and Nick. They were totally clueless to the destruction that I’d caused and my leaving for England. I wouldn’t ruin their honeymoon though, they could quite easily find out when they got home.

“Miss Friend, we need you to come with us now so that you can board the flight without getting hassled.” A big security guard smiled warmly at me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Oh right, ok, thanks.” I said, getting up and throwing my bag over my shoulder.

I wandered along the long corridor that lead to the boarding gate, behind the security guard, another one stood behind me, ‘all for my safety though’, well that’s what I’d been told since Claire and I were first signed to Hollywood Records. With my bag weighing down my shoulder, my head hurting from the tears that I had cried, I pulled my sunglasses off, not caring now that there would most likely be pictures of me in the papers tomorrow morning looking a complete state.

“Miss Friend, there’s someone on the phone for you.” A overly smiley lady said to me as I reached the boarding gate, the security guards now standing by the gate waiting for me.

“Uhm ok.” I said, taking the phone from the women.

“Hello?” I said, worried of who could be on the other end of the line.

“Don’t you dare leave Lauren Stephanie Friend.” Claire’s voice warned.

“Bye Claire, I’m sorry for everything.” I said before giving the phone back to the lady and taking the first few steps towards my new life in England.

“LAUREN!” Someone yelled my name.

Turning around, my mouth dropped as I saw Kevin running through the crowd. I was too stunned to move.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in complete shock, as he reached me.

“Stopping you from leaving me again.” He smiled at me, taking off his sunglasses to reveal his red puffy eyes. They looked a lot like mine.

“Kevin, please don’t. It’s my time to go, start a new life. It said so in my horoscope.” I laughed, trying to turn away from him.

“No its not!” He said stubbornly, wrapping his arms around me to stop me from leaving.

“Yes it is Kevin. Please let me go. Go back to Danielle and apologise to everyone from me.” I said, trying to pull from his grasp.

“Lauren, look at me.” Kevin said, turning me to face him and grabbing my face so I couldn’t look away.

“What do you want from me Kevin? One minute you don’t want me around, the next you’re befriending me then telling me you’re still in love with Danielle and now you’re doing this. I’m not a toy Kevin, I have feelings and you just keep hurting me.” I sighed, knowing that I would now get a very long explanation of what he wanted from me and why he was doing what he was.

Instead, he kissed me. How wrong was I?

“Please stay.” He whispered, his forehead pressed against mine after he’d pulled away.

“I can’t Kevin. You just keep on making it harder though.” I sighed, knowing that one way or another he was going to get me to stay with him.

“I need you to stay because I love you and I want you to be mine.” I rolled my eyes at him, thinking of how many times I’d wanted him to say that to me, it just had to be on the day I needed to leave.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me.” He laughed, making me smile up at him.

“Now you’re smiling, I can ask you what I need to.” He grinned, getting down on one knee.

My breath caught in my throat as I realised what he was doing.

“Lauren Stephanie Friend, marry me.” He grinned.

“I uh, what? Uhm, yes?” I stuttered, not sure of how to react.

“So is that a no or a yes?” Kevin laughed, standing up.

“Yes I think.” I heard Claire laugh.

I looked over Kevin’s shoulder and smiled at Claire and Joe, they were holding hands.

“Claire knows me to well. Yes Kevin, I will.” I grinned, jumping at him and straight into his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh, do you like the news? I loved writing this ;] haha.
How do you think Jordan will take the news when she gets home?
What do you think will happen next? any ideas.
So im on baby sitting duty tonight :| give me something to laugh at ;] hint hint.
Laurenn xo