‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

I looked out of the window; there were still paparazzi outside waiting for me to comment on the latest drama. Lauren and Kevin had flown out to England a few days ago, leaving Joe and I in the apartment.

“Are they still out there?” Joe asked wrapping his arms around my waist, where they were almost all the time nowadays.
I nodded my head before turning around in Joe’s arms. “I have to go out today.”

Joe protested resting his chin on my head. “Joe, we haven’t actually showed our faces since the wedding, plus Demi wants to know all the gossip.” I said detaching myself from Joe.

“Okay fine, but I’m coming with you. Paparazzi can get nasty sometimes.” He said whilst following me up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes knowing the real reason he was tagging along was because, both his brothers and his parents were out of the city and he didn’t want to stay in my apartment alone.

I quickly showered and got changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and Joe’s jacket that I loved so much he eventually let me keep it. When I ran down the stairs Joe was already waiting for me.

“I still can’t understand why girls take so long to get ready.” Joe said handing me my phone.

“Oi, just a few months ago we were the ones waiting for you. Just because now you don’t have much hair to style, doesn’t mean you can moan.” I said playing whacking him before walking outside.

Camera flashes went off everywhere; questions were being fired at both of us. We didn’t answer any of them. Joe held my hand pulling me through the crowds of paparazzi, until we reached his car.

We were meeting Demi at a café twenty minutes away, we had reserved a table. When we go there, I sighed in relief there were no paparazzi outside, plus thanks to Joe’s carless driving we managed to lose them on the way there.

Demi crushed me into a hug the moment we walked into the café. She raised her eyebrows at me when she noticed Joe was with me. I sat down at the table ready to explain everything to her.

“I knew she was a cheating scumbag.” Demi said once I had explained the whole Danielle drama.

She then looked at mine and Joe’s joining hands and smirked. “So you said Kevin and Lauren are engaged. That’s wonderful news, which means Joe is the only member of Jonas that is single right?” She had a glint her eye; I knew she was testing us.

“Well not exactly.” I said blushing.

Joe then went on to tell her, the rest of the events from that night. Once he had finished Demi sat back in her chair, she looked like she was trying to take in all the information she had just been told. The waitress came over with our drinks, she then asked us if we wanted any food.

“I’ll have a tuna roll please.” Demi ordered.

“I’ll have a ham roll, Claire what do you want?” Joe asked looking at me expectantly.

That was when I realized we haven’t eaten in three days. “I’ll have the same as Joe thanks.” I smiled at her before she disappeared again.

“Well it sounds to me like Forever True and The Jonas Brothers have a lot of damage control to do. When do you release the album Claire?” Demi asked.

“The release date is supposed to be the 3rd of April, but I’m not sure anymore it could be put back a few months.”

“How will you tour, won’t it be difficult?” Demi sounded worried.

“We would tour together, I’m sure Jordan and Nick won’t want to be apart.” Joe answered the question for me.

Demi’s phone started blaring out one of Selena’s new songs “I promise you” “What? I love that song.” Demi protested as Joe laughed and I was mentally “awing”.

We left the café a little after three in the afternoon, Demi and I were going shopping and Joe was just tagging along. Joe and I eventually arrived home around nine in the evening, all I wanted to do was curl up on the sofa and call Lauren. Jordan and Nick had left there phones at home, determined their honeymoon wasn’t going to be disturbed.

“Hello, How is England?” I said once I heard that someone answered Lauren’s phone.

“Oh, hello Claire, It’s snowing over here. Lauren has just gone to sleep.” Kevin whispered, I heard a door open and then close again.

“Oh, I forgot she always used to go to bed early, It’s snowing really?” I laughed.

“Yeah, it’s so cold. I’m glad we are coming home soon.” Kevin chuckled.

“The paparazzi won’t leave us alone, even after the statement was released. Has Kieran threatened you much?” I laughed again, knowing Kieran wouldn’t warm up to Kevin again right away.

“It’s not funny Claire! The first two days, I swear Lauren was afraid to leave me in the same room as him. But last night Lauren went out with her sisters and I guess you could say we had a talk.” I could imagine Kieran giving Kevin a lecture.

Joe realized I wasn’t talking to Lauren, and made a grab for the phone. I stood on my tiptoes to no avail, he grabbed the phone from my hand. Instantly getting into a long conversation with his brother. I pouted a bit, but soon got bored and went to update the website which no one seems to do anymore.

Dear friends,

A lot of events have taken place during the last week or two, some of them positive others not so. The week started with Jordan’s and Nick’s wedding, the day went brilliantly and now the happy couple are on their honeymoon happily oblivious to the drama that has unfolded recently.

Before I start I would like to apologize to everyone, for my behavior the past few months. I am a strong believer of second chances, but in this case the person, I’m not naming names, took that for granted. I thought she was someone I could trust, it was getting to the point where I was starting to class her has one of my best friends. You may or may not know who I am on about, either way it doesn’t matter now. I had no idea, she was so manipulative. She lied to me and other close friends for two months. I have not had or will have anything else to do with her.

Two good things did emerge from this tragic situation though. Lauren and I have been feeling the pressure of everything recently and as you have probably noticed were barley on speaking terms. Regrettably it was mostly my fault, but after this weekend we have patched things up and she has forgiven me.

The second good news I have for you is that another member of Forever True is set to get married. Lauren and Kevin got engaged last week, the news was very sudden to everyone even the couple. But Jordan and I have welcomed Kevin Jonas, into our family with open arms. A date as not been set for the wedding as off yet, and we would all, including the Jonas family, like our privacy during the next few months.

We love you all, if it wasn’t for you Forever True would not be where we are today. Keep a look out for our new album coming out soon.
I re-read it before submitting it and going back downstairs.
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This is just a filler sorry,
Jordan is due to post a chapter soon as well so all of you better be nice and comment when she posts her chapter (: