‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Jordan's POV

The sound of the air vent from the side of the room filled through the air, covering up the silence that was in the bedroom. Hearing Nick sleeping peacefully next to me, I turned over to look at the digital clock next to me, 12:57 PM it flashed. I led there watching the digits change for a couple of minutes, until I heard Nick start to move.

“Morning, Mrs Jonas.”

Even though we were waking up for our last full day in paradise, I still squealed whenever I was called that. It was still sinking in. “Hello, Mr Jonas. How did you sleep?”

“I slept amazing thanks. And you?”

“It was okay, but then I woke up to some weirdo in the same bed as me.” I laughed. Nick’s face just changed from the look you get when you first wake up to a hurt face. “I’m joking babe; you know I don’t think you’re a weird.” I smiled, as he changed his face back.

You know in life when you sometimes expect something to just be amazing? And there are only three possible outcomes when you do that, it’s nothing like you first imagined it is either: worse, the same as your first thought or it’s so much better than you could’ve imagined.

Well so far, this whole honeymoon is definitely the third option. Nick had done seriously everything I would’ve wanted, more than that in fact!

“So Mrs Jonas, what have you got planned for us to do today?”

“Well I was thinking we could go windsurfing again but then I remembered what happened last week when we tried to do that. So I thought I’d stay in and pack today if you want while you can go and find somewhere nice where we can go later. What do you think about that?”

“That, my love, sounds like a good plan. I don’t really think you’d survive another lesson of windsurfing do you?” He laughed. “So I think I’ll get up, get ready and get gone. See you later, okay?” With that he simply through on some clothes, a pair of old converse and a pair of sunglasses, kissed gently on the lips and left, leaving me to replay the windsurfing fiasco in my head...

It was the fourth day on the honeymoon, Nick and I went windsurfing. It went well, but then after several failed attempts by the both of us. Nick managed to stay standing on the board and caught a couple of waves. This seems like nothing but it brought out the competitive side in me.

“Look at me. I’m up. I’m up. Jordan, look!” Nick shouted, as if I didn’t see. Or maybe he was just rubbing it in, this made me worse.

“That’s great, Nick. But look, watch this!” I proclaimed. I put my leg onto the board and over the other side so I’d balance myself up so it’s easier to get up. This time, I actually stayed standing up on the board.

I bent down to get a hold of the pole that was attached to the sail of the board, reaching that this time too without falling in. I turned myself, the board and the sail towards the gust of wind that was suddenly building up a big wave.

“Jordan, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You haven’t managed to catch any of the little waves yet, so I wouldn’t go for that one just yet!”

I ignored him as the wave got closer.

“Nick, I’m seriously like a pro at this. So, don’t worry about me, ok-”

With that, the wave managed to pick up enough speed to knock me off my board and flying through the air.

I managed to bruise for of my ribs during that. I suppose though, we're probably one of the few married couples to say that we spent a whole day in the hospital.

It took me four hours to get our stuff packed back into the suitcases. I left out a couple of things to change into for when we were going out tonight. Nick however, still wasn’t back by the time I’d finished so I jumped into the shower.

By the time I was out I heard footsteps coming down the hall, which leads to our room. “Nick, is that you?”

“Of course, it is. Who else would it be?” I heard him shot back. I could tell by his voice that he was smiling, obviously being proud of something he’d done.

“Nicholas Jerry Jonas, why are you so happy?” I asked. Now fully clothed, I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where he was now too.

“Can’t I be happy? I’ve got the most amazingly beautiful wife ever, amazing family and just a great life. Why shouldn’t I be happy?” He said smiling, while he patted the space next to him for me to sit.

I smiled and walked over and took the seat beside him.

“I know you Nick, and that’s not just the reason. Thanks for the compliment though”

“Well let’s just say, I think you’re going to enjoy what I’ve got planned for you tonight.” He said, as he got up. “What are you planning on wearing tonight?”

“Well, the only thing I left out the suitcase is the only things that are clean. That’s my jeans and my yellow and white shirt.”

“I thought you’d say that” He said leaning over the arm of the sofa to pick a bag up from the other side. “That’s why I brought you this”

I reached in and pulled this out from the package.

“Oh my. Thank you! I love it” I smiled, cuddling him sideways. “Nick, where are we actually going tonight?”

“Well my lady. That you’ll find out later it’s a secret and I think you’ll enjoy it.”

“If you think I’ll enjoy it, then I probably will.” I smiled, once again. Something I always did when I was in Nick’s presence.

“Well we’re leaving in about an hour and a half so I think you should start gettin-” I left before he even finished his sentence. I needed to hurry, I haven’t got much time.

I just finished curling the last few strands of straight hair on my head when I heard Nick call my name.

“OKAY NICK! I’M READY” I shouted back before picking up my bag and sliding in room key and camera. I had a feeling I may need it tonight. “I’m coming”

“I’m sorry to tell you this because you’ve just the last hour curling your hair but... can you put this on please? It’s a nice surprise after all?” He smiled, giving his best puppy eyes.

“Okay, but I wouldn’t do this for just anyone.” I stated, then sliding the blindfold over my head to leave it rest on my eyes.

It wasn’t a long drive to where we were going, but I still couldn’t quite figure out where it was. The car though, was filled with a lot of “are we there yet?” on my part and a lot of “be patient, would you” on Nick’s.

“On the count of three I’ll remove the blindfold, okay? Ready. One. Two. Three” He said, lifting the blindfold.

“Wow.” Was all I could get out once I saw what was in front of me. “Nick? How did you know? I’ve always since I can remember wanted this!”

Which was true, you see when I was younger I always dreamed about going to a beach at night, with a beach fire and watching the sunset. This again, just like before was way better than I ever dreamt it would be like.

I was on a Hawaiian with the Nick Jonas, who recently became my husband. With the most amazing looking beach fire ever looking at this, for a sunset. Honestly, could life get any better?

“Well let’s just say, I’ve had a few people tell me for the past few months now that if I didn’t take you to a beach, then I was going to be killed in my sleep. So I thought I best. Your best friends actually scare me!”

“Why do you think I keep them as friends, not enemies?” I laughed.

“That’s a very smart move. Now, shall we?” He asked, holding his hand out for me to hold.

“We shall.” I said, accepting his hand.

“Nick! Come on, we’ve got to get to the airport, the plane leaves in two hours!” This was so like him, taking ages to get ready. I don’t even know why he’s taking so long, I packed his stuff last night, what did he have to do?

“I’m sorry. Perfection takes time, I thought you’d of all people know that.” He smirked at me.

“Wow Nick, cheesy much?”

“You know I mean it though” He said, kissing my cheek.

“Okay, Mr Smooth. Get in the car.”

It was another quick car ride. Another thing I noticed about being around him, time always flew.

As soon as we got inside and had our tickets and passports checked, signed a few autographs and taken a few photos it was time to board the plane.

For some reason the two of us wasn’t sat next to each other, I was sat in the row behind Nick. He was sat next to a woman that looked to be in her late 60’s and I was sat by a woman that looked about my age.

This came in quite handy because when I wasn’t listening to my iPod or talking to the lady I listened to the conversation that was taking place in front of me. Or rather her telling him that he was “adorable” and that “any young lady or man would be lucky to have him”. The statement that made me laugh the most though was when she asked if she could be that young lady.

Suddenly, something in the girls hand next to me caught my eye.

“Excuse me, can I read this a moment?”

“Yes, of course you can, Jordan. Can I have it back though after?”

“Yes” I smiled.

I quickly read through the headline, then standing up and walking the short distance to Nick and his new ‘girlfriend.’

“Excuse, can I talk to your boyfriend a minute?” I asked, making Nick and the old lady both blush.

“Of course you can deary, but don’t try stealing him away now. You wouldn’t do that to me, would you?”

“No, course not! I’ll bring him right back, maybe when he’s back he’ll ask you out properly” I winked, trying to hold in the laughter. I grabbed Nick’s hand and led him to the back where it seemed a little quieter. “Nick, I think we have a problem”

“I promise I won’t ask her out! I mean, she’s cute and all for an old lady, and she’s said I’m adorable but that’s as far as it-”

“Nick seriously, it’s cool, never mind. It’s kind of funny her hitting on you but look at this” I said lifting up the girls magazine.

“Another Jonas Wedding?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo, what do you think?

I actually liked writing this, probably my longest chapter here, not sure though. This one didn't even take me as long as the others, it just come to me haha.

Comment please babys? :)
- Jordan <3