‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

“Claire do you think it’s weird that when we first met none of us liked each other and now Kevin and Lauren are getting married and we are back together again.” I could tell something was on Joe’s mind for a while now he had been silent for an hour whilst we watched Valentines Day on DVD.

“I think this was supposed to happen, remember whatever is meant to be, will happen eventually.” I smiled remembering what Joe told me back when we broke up.

“You know I can’t believe you thought Lauren and I were seeing each other behind your back!” Joe laughed; we had avoided the subject for a week.

“Shut up, Jonas. Jealousy makes me paranoid.” I pouted.

Joe then started signing the chorus to Paranoid. I picked up the pillow by the side of me and started hitting Joe round the head with it.

“Whoa, Claire you’re going to ruin that pillow.” Lauren came running down the stairs snatching the pillow from me.

I looked at how serious Lauren looked before laughing. “Laur, I know you’re getting married but you don’t need to be responsible yet.” I said once I had regained my voice back.

Lauren just rolled her eyes, before going into the kitchen getting a Dr Pepper out of the fridge. Before sitting on the side, with her feet dangling over the edge.

“Dude, Nick and Jordan are on there way back from the airport, Jordan did not sound too impressed with me for not telling her the events of the past two weeks over the phone.” Kevin came down the stairs.

“Be ready to feel the rafted of Jordan Ashleigh”

“Jonas.” Lauren and I both squealed at the same time.

I ignored the fact that Joe and Kevin rolled their eyes, and listen to Lauren go on about how the honeymoon must have been romantic.

“I really hope we don’t need to kill him in his sleep.” I said out loud.

“Uh- Claire why will you need to kill our brother?” Kevin asked looking worried.

“Well let’s just say, before he booked the honeymoon he had a little visit.”

“Claire, what have I told you about patronizing Nick, you know he is very shy.” Joe said placing his arm back round my shoulders.

“Hey, it wasn’t just me, it was my trusty sidekick over there as well. Plus we were just doing him a favor if he took her to a beach with a bonfire then he would be in her good books for a long time.” I smiled.

Just then a car door could be heard slamming then the sound of Jordan’s flat shoes on the floor. The door flew open revealing a happy, vibrant looking Jordan. Lauren and I both ran to her hugging our friend.

“So uhm- where’s Nick? You didn’t forget to bring him back did you?” I joked around pretending to look outside the door.

Before Jordan could answer, Nick emerged carry the suitcases from the taxi. Lauren and I hugged him before him and Jordan started to look serious.

“So have you got something you want to tell us?” Nick said.

“Like what?” I asked playing dumb causing Jordan to roll her eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know maybe this might jog your memories.” She said pulling out the paper with the headline “Another Jonas Wedding” on it.

It was silent for a minute before Joe voiced what everyone else was thinking. “Awkward.”

“We have so much to tell you two, a lot as happened since you went. It may startle you.” Kevin said.

“Oh come on we have only been gone two weeks things couldn’t have changed that much.” Nick looked at his brothers then at us.
“Where do you want us to start?” I asked.

“The beginning would be a good place don’t you think?” I could tell Jordan was getting irritated with us.

“Kevin, I believe this is where you start then.” I said causing Lauren to blush.

Once Kevin had finished telling his and Lauren’s news, Jordan looked at me expecting me to have an opinion on the whole situation, which of course I did.

“I know I should have believed you and Lauren when you told me she was up to no good. I’m sorry, and I swear I didn’t have any idea of what she was doing to Kevin if I did I would have told you lot straight away.” I said hoping Jordan and Nick believed me.

“Everyone has to have a time in their life when they make the wrong decisions because they think they can see the good in everyone. This was just your time.” Nick was always full of wisdom; he also managed to find a way to not blame me for my mistakes.

“Jordan did I tell you how much I love your husband.” I smiled.

“Hands off he’s mine, but I can’t say I blame you he is gorgeous.” Lauren fake gagged, causing Jordan to chuck a pillow at her.

“We have some news to tell you as well.” Joe said once everything had quietened down again.

“We?” Jordan asked,

“I guess that’s the news, there is a we. As in Claire and I. We are dating.” Joe said squeezing my hand.

“Wow, you were right, everything as changed but for the better.” Jordan smiled.

Joe, Nick and Kevin were arguing over what take away to get when the apartment phone rang. Jordan reached it first, I decided the argument was more entertaining than hearing one side of Jordan’s conversation so I turned my attention back to the argument.

“Oi, all three of you shut up. None of you are getting your own way because we have just been invited to dinner by Paul and Denise.” She shouted above the boys bickering.

Lauren, Jordan and I didn’t waste anytime in leaving the boys downstairs so we could all get ready. Jordan searched through her suitcase to find a top to go with her jeans, whilst Lauren searched through the clothes she left her to find a pair of jeans and a top. When we were all ready, we were all wearing our colours, Jordan wearing a yellow top, Lauren had on a purple one and I was wearing a teal one.

“How did Denise and Paul take the news?” Jordan asked.

Lauren and I looked at each other before answering at the same time. “They don’t know yet.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So everyone seems totally loved up, right maybe not for long?
I think this is going to be about 95 chapters long maybe a little longer.
There won't be another sequel but Lauren is starting a new story, once this has finished you should check it out.