‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

We arrived at the Jonas household within half an hour of getting ready, record timing as far as we were concerned. We being I, Claire and Jordan. Climbing out of the car, I felt sick. We were still to tell Denise and Paul of the engagement so when Kevin wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I felt even worse.

“Are you ok?” Kevin whispered in my ear.

“Nervous.” I laughed, playing with the hem of my t-shirt, an old trait.

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” Kevin laughed, taking my hand and pulling me over to the door.

Just as Nick reached out to knock the door, it swung open, a very hyper looking Frankie jumping from foot to foot.

“NICK, JORDAN!” He screeched, jumping around more.

“Thanks Franks, just forget about us.” I laughed while Claire rolled her eyes.

“Claire and Lauren!” He laughed, giving us both a hug.

“Have you been drinking or eating something you aren’t supposed to Franklin.” Joe smirked.

I slapped his arm gently, laughing, “Leave Frankie alone, he’s too cool to answer you.” I laughed making Claire giggle and Kevin shake his head.

Jordan and Nick had already gone inside so we all took the hint to go in as well.

“Hello girls.” Denise smiled, greeting Claire and I first.

“What about us Mom?” Joe whined, causing Claire to poke her tongue out at him.

“Oh I’m sorry boys.” Denise laughed.


We’d all finished eating now and we’re sitting around the table simply talking. Kevin clutched my hand under the table, Joe and Claire doing the same which made me laugh silently.

“I’m so glad that she isn’t in your life anymore Kevin, she wasn’t good for you.” Denise spoke, drawing me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, so am I.” Kevin smiled, squeezing my hand gently.

“And you’re all on speaking terms again.” Paul added, “The last time we saw you all together Claire and Lauren were both tipsy and giving each other dirty looks, Kevin and Lauren weren’t talking and Joe was kind of a go between.” He laughed, causing us all to laugh.

“We all just needed her out of our lives.” Claire smiled at me. I smiled back.

Everyone soon drifted off into their own little conversations, Claire and Jordan talking about the honeymoon while Nick told Joe of some of the amazing sights that gave him inspiration for songs. Kevin and I were talking quietly together, trying to agree on a time to tell Frankie, Paul and Denise about our engagement when Kevin stood up, causing me to blush profusely.

“Mom, Dad, we have something to tell you.” He said, looking between his parents.

“We?” Paul questioned.

“Yes. Lauren and I.” He grinned.

“Oh great, I’m going to sick.” I muttered to myself.

“Go ahead.” Denise smiled gently at us.

“We’re engaged.” Kevin beamed while I had the urge to faint.

“Oh that’s brilliant news.” Denise gushed.

“Congratulations.” Paul grinned.

“I’m getting another sister.” Frankie yelled, diving across the table to hug me.

I laughed as everyone said their piece on the situation, smiling the whole time.

“We’ll, it looks like there’s another wedding to start organizing.” Denise laughed.

“Yup. I’ve got the perfect colours in mind.” I smiled.

“What are they dear?”

“Purple, teal and yellow.” I grinned, while pointing at mine, Claire’s and Jordan’s tops.

“Yeah, we’ll talk about that.” Kevin laughed, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Hey, why can’t we have those colours?” I pouted, making Kevin laugh.


Pulling up outside of mine and Claire’s apartment, I yawned. It was only 9 o’clock but I’d been up since half 4 worried about how Jordan would take the news when we told her.

“You need to go to bed when we get in.” Claire laughed.

“No I don’t, I’m a rock star, we rock stars don’t sleep.” I smiled around another yawn.

“You’re going to bed.” Kevin laughed.

“Make me.” I smirked, jumping out of the car and going into the apartment.

Sitting down on the sofa, I made myself deadweight. Claire was the next in the apartment. As she went to sit down, I grabbed her wrist and made her sit on my lap.

“What are you doing?” Claire laughed as Kevin and Joe walked into the apartment, Jordan and Nick had gone back to their home.

“Making sure Kevin can’t make me go to bed.” I laughed.

“Sure about that?” Joe smirked evilly at me.

“Joe, I thought I was one of your best friends.” I whined as Joe made his way over.

“You are, but this is going to be too funny to not do.” He laughed as he wrapped his arms around Claire and pulled her off of my lap.

“No fair Joseph.” I said as I got up and ran around the sofa.

Kevin caught me before I even realised he had moved. Throwing me over his shoulder, he made his way towards the stairs while I slapped his back.

“No, we need to watch a film, and then I can fall asleep on you like we did on tour!” I said, squirming around in his arms trying to break free.

“Yeah!” Claire said, punching the air.

“Fine, but the second you go to sleep, its bed for you.” He laughed, setting me down on the floor.

I smiled before skipping to the rack filled with DVD’s. Sitting down on the floor in front of the rack of DVD’s, I scanned them briefly before grabbing the DVD of my choice.

“Lauren that better not be Twilight.” Claire said.

“It's not.” I smiled, getting up and sitting in front of the DVD player. Not once did I show them the cover of the DVD.

As the film began to play, I sat on the sofa. Claire laughed as she saw the name of the film come up. New Moon.

“Lauren.” Joe laughed.

“What, I told you it isn’t Twilight.” I laughed, settling down next to Kevin on the sofa.

I watched the film in awe, ignoring Kevin and Joe’s laughs as Edward told Bella he had to leave and pretending not to notice their snorts of laughter when Alice confronts Bella about her jumping from the cliff. Finally, just as the film came to a close and Edward asked Bella to be his wife, I looked around to see Kevin grinning at me, in some ways it made me laugh, it was kind of the same situation in a very twisted way... the only difference being Kevin asked me to marry him to stop me from leaving while Edward asked Bella to marry him so that he could turn her into a vampire, both men were helping the one’s they love in some way.

Curling up next to Kevin, my head on his chest, I whispered ‘I love you’, before closing my eyes, finally ready to go to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what do you think's going to happen next?
Do you think Joe and Claire will be getting engaged anytime soon?
Comments are appreciated *hint hint* haha.
Lauren x