‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

Three weeks later

“That’s a rap girls.” John fields, the producer of our album said into the microphone, whilst all three of us finished the last chords of one of our new songs.

Jordan started bouncing up and down, it was safe to say married life hadn’t calmed her down. We all ran out of the booth attacking John into a hug.

We had spent the past three weeks in the recording studio, recording our new album. We had announced via Twitter that our album would be released early May. The fans all seemed super excited which was a relief we hadn’t put out a new album in ages.

“I think we should go out, all of us for a celebratory meal.” Lauren said as she linked her arms through mine and Jordan’s walking out of the recording studio.

“That’s a great idea! Someone should call Simon and invite him.” I said agreeing.

“Are you still in his bad books?” Jordan laughed. Joe and I made the decision to go public about our relationship last week, meaning Simon had to unruffle a few feathers.

“Hopefully not, anyway it’s all blown over now. The media are more interested in “the wedding of the year.” I said beaming at Lauren. We had all been helping to plan their big day, which was planned for June.

“As long as the wedding keeps them occupied for as long as possible.” Jordan mumbled. She had been mumbling things like this for a few days.

We reached the car park, where there were three different cars. It was strange going to back to the apartment all three of us once shared alone. Now that Jordan had fully moved out of the apartment and that Lauren was always round at Kevin’s apartment it felt like I lived alone. I wasn’t complaining though, both my best friends were finally happy and ready to start families of their own.

Getting into the car I dialed Joe’s number, knowing that Jordan and Lauren we’re probably calling the boys as well.

“Hello Beautiful. When will you be home?” Joe sang into the phone making me instantly smile. Joe had taken to calling the apartment our home recently.

“I’m on my way home now; did you finish early from filming?” I asked.

“Yeah, Is there something wrong with Jordan or has Jordan told you anything recently babe?” He asked making me frown.

“No Jordan is her usual hyper self why do you ask?”

“Well Nick made sure we finished the earliest we could, because he had to get home to Jordan.” Joe sighed.

“Well he must have had a shock when he got home, we have just left the recording studio. Why has he gotten so protective of her?” I thought out loud knowing Joe didn’t know the answer either.

I felt the car stop, knowing I was home I quickly opened the car door before the driver could. I always insisted I could drive my own car, but I wasn’t good on American roads because I learnt to drive in England. I just never could get the hang of driving on the other side of the road.

I could hear Joe still whining about something on the other end of the phone, most probably the list of chores I had left him to do, I just made some incoherent noises so he knew I hadn’t hung up on him. I thanked the driver with a smile and opened the front door.

“Babe, I still can’t work this damn washing machine, the dishwasher is playing up as well. Don’t get me started on the vacuum. I’m sure they all hate me, and don’t work for me.” I heard him say into the phone.

“Oh really, so what are you doing now?” I asked him as I walked into the living room seeing him sat on the sofa watching the TV.

“I’m just finishing polishing; tell me why we can’t just hire a cleaner to do it?” Joe said as he flicked the channel over.

“Oh well because then you would just sit around all day watching TV.” I said as I hung up reaching for the nearest pillow.

Joe jumped up from the shock of hearing my voice in the room, instantly bringing his hands up to shield his face as I chucked the pillow at him. He then started smirking before he lunged after me as I ran around the front room, grabbing pillows and aiming them at him every so often.

I tripped and fell onto the sofa, Joe landing on top of me. His weight was crushing me. “Get off Joe, you’re crushing me!” I laughed trying to push him off me. He wrapped his arms around me, rolling us both off the sofa whilst laughing.

“You are so childish sometimes.” I said getting up, and walking into the kitchen to start loading the dishwasher.

“I can be serious, I just don’t like being serious all the time. It makes me feel old.” Joe walked into the kitchen pouting.

“But you are getting older now, don’t you want to settle down and have a family anytime soon?” I must admit I had been thinking about starting a family recently.

“Like my brothers you mean? I’m happy being carefree and not having to worry about housework and babies.” He said resting his head on mine.

I pulled out of his grip, I didn’t know why I was so shocked at his words. Joe did like being carefree, and he was still young. I just was hoping he felt the same way as me, I was wrong.

“Where are you going?” Joe asked as I walked up the stairs.

“We are meeting everyone for dinner in an hour. I’m going to get ready.” I mumbled.

“Babe are you okay?” He asked taking hold of my arm.

“I’m fine Joe, just finish putting the washing on.” I forced a smile, Joe didn’t seem to buy it but he let me go anyway.

I got in the shower, before putting on my little black dress which I had been saving to wear somewhere nice. There was a knock on my bedroom door, knowing it was Joe I continued curling my hair. After a few seconds he walked in, his hair was still wet from the shower. He was dressed in a grey silk suit, it didn’t look to dressy but it didn’t look completely casual either.

“What have I done, why are you mad at me?” Joe walked over to me running his hands through his hair.

“I’m not mad at you.” I sighed, it was the truth I wasn’t mad at Joe. How could I be, it was his decision if he wanted to settle down or not. I was just disappointed I guess.

I turned the straighter off, before checking my make up. I turned around and walked into Joe’s outstretched arms.

“I love you.” Joe said before kissing me passionately.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think about Joe and Claire's relationship?
Does Claire really want to hve a family or is it because she feels left out do you reckon?
Why do you think Nick wants to finish early all the time from work?
We want to know your predictions