‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

Walking out of the restaurant, I felt a little guilty for not hiding my feelings better. Jordan didn’t seem to notice thankfully, I didn’t want to ruin the mood. I let Joe lead me to the car, to lost in my own thoughts. He opened the car door and I got in, Joe seemed tense as he got in the drivers seat.

“I can’t believe Nick and Jordan are having a baby, I’m going to be an uncle.” Joe said starting the car, he looked shocked and excited.

“I know, that baby is going too be spoilt.” I smiled reaching for Joe’s hand.

“I can see you and Lauren turning my nephew into a girly boy.” Joe said laughing.

“What if it is a girl?” I asked wondering why Joe was so adamant on the baby being a boy.

“If it’s a girl, she is going to have the hardest life ever, or rather any boy that comes within six feet of her will.” Joe’s face suddenly turned into a frown, making me laugh.

“Well whatever sex the baby is, it will be loved by all of us. I’m so excited, I can’t wait to dress it up and cuddle it.” I said finding it hard to control my excitement.

I could see Joe give me a worried glance out of the corner of my eye, but I bite my tongue to stop me from starting an argument. We were getting closer toour my apartment.

“I’m just going to come in and get some clothes and then I guess I’ll go back to Kevin’s with him.” Joe said unbuckling his belt.

I smiled at him before gathering my stuff and got out of the car. Walking into the apartment I kicked off my heels, they had hurt my feet all night. Joe must have noticed me wincing, because he scooped me up into his arms and started climbing the stairs.

“You should really stop wearing heels if they hurt you.” He said kicking the door to my bedroom open.

“But if I don’t wear them I need to stand on my tiptoes to kiss you which makes my toes hurt.” I smiled when he laid me down gently on the bed, opening my wardrobe to get some of his clothes I was guessing.

Joe took a pair of jeans and a plain white top with his boots out of the wardrobe and put them in a pile on the bed. It suddenly occurred to me, this was the first night we would spend apart since we had gotten together.

The sound of a key in the lock, made me come out of my trance. Joe was sat by me on the bed. Resting on my elbows, I lifted myself up so I could kiss him.

“What time will you be home tomorrow?” I asked as we pulled away for air.

“Knowing Nick we will probably finish filming at about three, the latest four.” Joe said getting up picking his clothes up.
“Text me before you come home okay.” I said following him out the room.

“If I didn’t know any better I would think you was cheating on me.” Joe said smirking to show me he was joking.

I fake gasped as we walked down the stairs, Lauren and Kevin were making out on the sofa. They pulled away when they heard Joe and I enter the room.

“What were you too doing upstairs?” Kevin wriggled his eyebrows.

“Not what you and Lauren were doing down here on our sofa, we keep it PG.” I poked my tongue out.

Lauren gasped, I wasn’t sure if she was pretending to be hurt I called the sofa mine and Joe’s or if she really was hurt. I would have to bring it up in a conversation tonight.

“Bro, I’m staying round yours tonight okay.” Joe said to Kevin grabbing his coat.

“Oh sure, of course you can. Thanks for asking.” Kevin said rolling his eyes making me and Lauren laugh.

Once the boys had left Lauren and I went up to Lauren’sold room, and tried changing the bed sheets. It ended up in us both getting stuck inside the duvet cover.

“Let’s just get the sleeping bags and camp out in the front room yeah?” Lauren said once we had stopped laughing.

“Good idea.” I smiled at her, realizing how much I had missed having her around.

We were soon in our pajamas, with tubs of ice-cream, popcorn and a pile of chocolate bars scattered around us, crying our eyes out watching The Last Song. Once the film ended, we took pictures to post on our website, seeing as we hadn’t uploading new one’s since Jordan and Nick’s wedding.

“I’ve got to say, I’m surprised at how clean the apartment is. After all you never did enjoy cleaning even when I nagged you.” Lauren said taking my spoonful of ice-cream I had just spent five minutes trying to fill from me and putting it in her mouth.

“Hey, that was mine. “ I protested but decided there was no point because Lauren had already eaten it.

“Well I’m going to have to learn sooner or later, after all once you and Kevin are married you will move in with him permanently. I can’t be calling you to come round and clean for me can I?” I shrugged avoiding eye contact with Lauren.

“You know, Joe practically lives here anyway. You won’t be alone.” Lauren said putting the ice-cream to one side and scooting closer to me.

“Yeah, I know he does, but recently, oh I don’t know I’m just being silly.” I shook my head, pulling my legs up resting them on Lauren’s legs.

“Claire, don’t give me that crap. This is really worrying you, you don’t get like this very often.” Lauren said giving me a stern look.

“It’s like ever since I asked him about the future earlier on, he keeps giving me these worried glances and I don’t know he has seemed distant with me. I knew I shouldn’t have asked him anything. We were getting on so well.” I rambled until Lauren held her hand up to stop me.

“You are supposed to get on; you are dating and have been for a month. But that’s the thing you have only been dating a month not counting the six months a few years ago. I think he really does want to make this work between you too and rushing into things isn’t going to help.” Lauren sighed.

“I guess I am being difficult, wanting what my best friends have. I just feel a little left out. I mean now that you two are married, what is going to happen to the band?” I asked.

“Hey, just because we won’t live together doesn’t mean you will see less of us, if anything you will see more of us. As for the band, Claire we just recorded our second album, we aren’t giving up just yet!” Lauren said shaking me a little.

“You’re right, so shall we talk weddings?” I said feeling better now I had gotten that out.

Lauren had found the perfect wedding dress, she liked it when we were shopping for Jordan’s so we went to the shop and she tried it on. She brought it straight away, much to mine and Jordan’s pleasure. The bridesmaids were going to wear purple dresses, Lauren had six bridesmaids her little sisters and Jordan and I. She also had one page boy, Frankie.
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This is just a filler really, it would be nice if we had some comments.
I was bored so i decided to post this now instead of wednesday.