‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

“Claire!” I yelled, skipping into the kitchen with a grin on my face.

“Lauren!” Claire mimicked as I gave her a hug.

“Its almost wedding time.” I laughed, pulling myself onto the side.

“I know. And, it’s almost time to go so we can pretend to be wedding shopping but actually be baby shopping.” Claire laughed.

“I know.” I smirked, jumping off of the side.

“Come on then.” She smiled.

“Claire, I’ve decided, I’m living here for a few weeks. I miss our girly times.” I said, as we left the apartment and walked towards my car.

“Are you sure?” Claire asked as she climbed into the passenger seat.

“Yup. Plus, we have to go out early in the morning to promote the album so me living here gives us like, half an hour extra in bed.” I said, backing out of the parking space.

“Good point.” Claire laughed.


We walked through the store, our arms linked together as we piled random pieces of baby things into the trolley Claire and Jordan each had a hand on pushing.

“We need to go bridesmaid dress shopping after this.” I said with a sigh.

“Ok.” Jordan smiled sounding very happy, pregnancy was doing her brilliant.

“Why are you sighing?” Claire asked me looking very serious.

“I hate doing wedding stuff. I might just say ditch the whole church stuff and go straight to Vegas and get married by Elvis in my pjs.” I laughed.

“Hey, you can’t get married by Nick’s dog.” Jordan laughed.

“Shut up Jord.” I smiled.

“Why don’t you like the wedding stuff?” Claire and Jordan asked me together.

“Because it’s too much work. Its more fun doing other peoples wedding.” I laughed, remembering helping to plan Jordan’s wedding and her hen weekend.

“I'll organize it.” Jordan laughed.

“Nah I’m alright Jordan.” I laughed, conjuring up images of what my wedding would be like if I let Jordan arrange everything for it.

“Isn’t Kevin helping?” Claire asked quietly.

“Of course. I just hate having to make decisions and visits to places and everything else. I’d much prefer to get married in Vegas where I can wear my Pj’s and where it’ll take about 10 minutes to do it.” I laughed.


“What about this one?” Claire asked, showing me another dress.

“Girls, I’m not going to be wearing these dresses so it’s whatever you feel comfortable in.” I laughed, pushing them towards the dresses that they were looking at.

“Fine.” Claire said, shuffling away.

“Remember the colour scheme though.” I laughed as they began their search through the hundreds of dresses in the shop.

“Found one.” Jordan yelled, holding the dress up to show Claire and I.

“I love it.” Claire smiled before looking at me.

“Its perfect.” I smiled as they both grabbed a dress from the rack to try on.

I tapped my feet against the floor as I waited for them both to try on their dresses, looking around the shop impatiently. I hated this whole planning a wedding whereas most girls loved it all. Claire and Jordan’s curtains opened, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I smiled as they twirled around in their dresses, “They’re amazing. But my sisters aren’t having them.” I laughed.

“Alright.” Claire laughed, spinning on the spot.

“Why are you spinning?” Jordan asked around a laugh, her hand placed on her now forming bump.

“Because I’m happy.” Claire beamed.

“So, what are we going to do about your dress Jord?” I asked, looking at her.

“Order them but not with sizes until the week before your wedding.” Claire said in a matter of fact way.

“Good thinking batman.” I smiled.

“You so stole that off of your mum.” Claire laughed.

“I’ve been speaking to my mum every night on the phone for like, over a month now, it was bound to rub off on me at some point.” I laughed, standing up to get a shop assistant while Claire and Jordan went to change back into their clothes.

My sisters were coming over in 2 weeks so that they could get their dresses sorted, I knew what dress I wanted though, and a dress that looked like Claire’s and Jordan’s just a paler shade of purple and with straps.

After ordering the dresses, making sure that they kept 4 of the dresses I wanted for my sisters back in their sizes, we left the shop to grab something to eat before going back to our homes, well Claire and Jordan would be going to their homes while I went back to Kevin’s to do some more wedding arrangements.


I walked into Kevin’s house, unlocking the door with the key that he had given me, with a bag of shopping threw over my shoulder.

“Kevin?” I called through the house, setting the bag down by the door.

“In the kitchen.” Came his reply a few seconds later.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled myself onto one of the breakfast stalls.

“Have fun shopping?” He asked, walking around the counter to wrap his arms around me.

“No. I hate wedding stuff.” I said, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

“You only hate it because your mum and sisters aren’t here. When they get here in a few weeks, you’ll be happy again.” Kevin said, kissing my head.

“I guess.” I said as he pulled away.

“So I got a few invitation slips back today.” Kevin said, stirring the food he was cooking.

“Cool, who from?”

“Your stylist, our stylist, some of my family. Actually, there were quite a few.” Kevin laughed, ticking the names he said off of his fingers.

“Wow.” I laughed, resting my head in my hands.

“Yup. Hungry?”

“Kind of.” I said, sitting up straight.

“Ok then.” He laughed.

“I'll grab some plates.” I said, jumping off of my stool and going to the plate cupboard.

“Get out 4, Joe and Claire will be here soon.” He smiled.

“Claire and Joe are coming?” I said, turning around with a grin on my face.

“Yes.” He laughed.

I smiled before putting the plates on the table. I hadn’t seen or spoken to Joe properly for a while and I was missing his annoying way of calling me Friend, it always seemed to bring a smile to my face when I needed one. Plus, Claire and I hadn’t really had the chance to talk during the day because we were trying to hide the fact we were buying baby clothes and talking about the wedding.

The bell ringing brought me out of my thought. I turned around and ran to the door, attacking Joe in a hug seeming as he was the first person I got to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, well, well, what do you think will happen next?
I think you lovely readers should comment a bit more now because its almost over :( Well, we've almost finished writing it, theres a few more chapters to post, but still, its sad :(
I want to know how you all think it will end, I mean, come up with you own little ending and post it in your comment. I do it so I think it will be fun to see how you all think it should end.
Thank you for reading :)
Lauren x