‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

“I am here with three very busy girls, Forever True are in the studio. They will be answering the questions you, the fans, want to know after this.” Ryan said into the microphone, before pressing a button. Selena’s voice filtered out of the speakers. It had been a busy week, promoting the album, this was our last interview for the week.

Whilst the song was playing Ryan and Lauren were talking, about the wedding, being careful not to give too much away. Jordan and I were singing along, with the song with smiles on our faces.

The song soon ended and Ryan was introducing us again, he got straight to the questions much to my annoyance. I was always nervous before interviews but this time I was feeling more nervous than usually, because I knew that Jordan would get a lot of questions about marriage. Lauren would get questions about the proposal and the wedding plans, but I had no idea what questions were in store for me.

“So, let’s start off by promoting your album which will be out in stores on May the 1st. What can we expect from this album?”

“This album, I think, as much deeper songs. We wrote every song on the record so this album is the real us.” Jordan answered.

“Our music as matured as we have, but it hasn’t changed drastically from the last album.” Lauren finished.

“You all wrote the songs, so will there be particular songs about maybe certain people who were and still are in your lives?” Ryan chuckled.

“The fans will be able to relate to our music, because we write the songs about personal experiences. We are just three normal girls at the end of the day, we go through most of the experiences that our fans do. However you will have to buy the album, to find out who the songs are about.” I narrowed my eyes at Ryan; he liked putting us on the spot.

“I just got to say Jordan and Claire were singing along with Selena’s track that was just playing. Are you close with Selena, Demi, Miley and Taylor then?”

“I would say we all the same type of music, but we all have different favorite bands or a singer Claire’s is Avril Lavigne, Lauren likes Boys Like Girls and I love Mcfly.”

“Selena and Demi are amazing people; we hang out whenever we are in the same town. They are so down to earth and real. It’s something you don’t see very often in this business.” I finished the sentence praying no one noticed I tactically missed out Miley and Taylor.

“Well you girls, seem very down to earth. Many people have been speculating that The Jonas Brothers and Forever True are over now that Lauren and Jordan are hitched. Is this true?”

“No, Forever True aren’t going anywhere yet, we do have a new album coming out May the 1st let’s not forget.” Lauren answered.

“Forever True are not breaking up, however, we have planned a break, but we all have little projects we want to work on separately as well.” Jordan said instantly touching her little bump.

“Oh, and what are these little projects? Jordan do you see a Jonas baby in the future?” Ryan asked.

“Who knows, we are leaving it up to fate, but I would like to do some charity work to help find a cure for diabetes." Jordan answered.

“I’ve been interested in acting for a while now and I would love to do some films.” Lauren smiled.

“I have always wanted to travel the world, but I have never had a chance to. So when the band are on a break I am going to try visit as many countries as I can.” I smiled.

“Wow so you all want to take different paths Claire, tell me will there be another wedding this year?” Here was the question I was dreading.

“I don’t know it depends if Zac finally pops the question to Vanessa or not. I mean who knows right?” I laughed trying to change the subject.

“Okay, you’re not giving anything away. Let’s see if Lauren can give us any details about the wedding.” Ryan looked to Lauren hopefully.


Leaving the studio around two in the afternoon we decided to drop by the set of JONAS and see the boys. We walked the five minutes to the studio before showing ID to the security guard and being let into the studio.

When we walked into the room, the boys were still on the set. Kevin was dressed as a flight attendant which was his disguise. Joe was sat on the “plane” with Chelsea Staub who plays Stella. Nick had a guitar in his hand and was playing a song. Sometimes I wonder who came up with these scripts, they are crazy.

Nicole Anderson noticed our arrival and was soon by our side, with a big smile on her face. Whilst Nicole was asking Jordan questions about her pregnancy, Lauren and I were watching the boys act.

“How are you going to tell Joe that he is homeless for a few weeks?” Lauren broke me out of my thoughts.

“I wouldn’t worry, he won’t care. He’d probably be grateful to you.” I said bitterly.

During the past week, Joe had grown more distant. He claimed he had been busy filming and writing music but I was starting to get annoyed.

“Is he still being an idiot? If he doesn’t pull his act together I’m going to-” Lauren stopped when Kevin walked up to her wrapping his arms around her waist.

“If who doesn’t pull his act together, Lauren is going to do what?” Kevin asked.

“If you don’t start helping more with the wedding, Lauren is going to run away to Vegas and get married to a drunken fool.” I joked, knowing Kevin had a good sense of humor.

Kevin just chuckled resting his head on Lauren’s shoulder. I jumped slightly when I felt someone wrap their arms around me, knowing it was Joe I relaxed.

“Hello gorgeous.” He whispered in my ear, the breath on my neck made me shiver.

“Hello Stranger, how’s filming going?” I asked.

“It’s going great, we should be finished the series by the end of the month. I’ve missed you this week.” He said his lips against my neck.

“I’ve missed you too, but we have both been busy I guess.” I tried smiling, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“How about next weekend, you and I spend the whole weekend together, but you can’t ask where we are going it’s a surprise.” Joe said his lips lifting at the corners.

“Deal.” I said kissing him.

Jordan, Nick, Lauren and Kevin had gone into the dressing room whilst we were talking. Joe and I made our way to the dressing room, Joe surprised me by taking my hand in his. Something he hadn’t done in a few weeks.

Jordan was sat on Nick’s lap on the single seat, whilst Lauren was curled up next to Kevin on the couch, Kevin’s arm protectively around Lauren. The radio was playing; I noticed it was our interview.

I heard Jordan voice through the speakers, denying a pregnancy. Nick instantly put his hands on the little bump. They were starting to look like a little family already. Then I heard Lauren voice as Joe pulled me down onto his lap sitting next to Lauren. Kevin kissed her forehead and whispered words of encouragement for her acting.

I then cringed I hated hearing my voice on the radio, I always sounded like a fourteen year old. Everyone except Joe laughed at my attempt to dodge the marriage question. He slid me off his lap and excused himself to go to the toilet before they had to get back to filming. I met Lauren’s eye, she rolled her eyes as I faked a smile. What was wrong with Joe?
♠ ♠ ♠
What do YOU think is wrong with Joe?
We appriciate all our readers for reading this story. We really can't wait for you lot to read the ending of this! But more feedback would be helpfull.