‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov.

I would never in a million years forget the feeling of holding that album in my hands for the first time and knowing I was the second person on the planet to buy it. Once we all had one, we brought a few more and signed them handing them out to the fans that were waiting outside.

We were in such good moods we posed for pictures taken by the paparazzi. Jordan had her arms around Nick’s neck well Nick held out two alums. Then Lauren and I were in-between Jonathan and Alex holding the albums out for the camera with beams on our faces.

By May the 4th our album had exceeded the target set for it being sold. A lot of celebrities were congratulating us via Twitter and Text. Demi, Selena along with the ret of All Time Low and Forever The Sickest Kids had brought copies.

We were at home preparing for the questions we were going to be asked today at then interview. We were trying to explain each song in one sentence. It was proving to be difficult.

“Lauren what is Revenge Is Sweeter (Than You Ever Were) about?” Jordan asked pretending to be the interviewer.

“That’s easy, Kevin Jonas.” Lauren said beaming.

“Lauren, act professional who is it about?” Jordan asked again giving Lauren a warning look.

“It is about a harsh break up, when you feel so angry you can’t even look at the person let alone talk with them.” Lauren said rolling her eyes.

“Good stick to that story.” Jordan smiled.

“Claire what is the new added track Hook Me Up about?” Jordan said turning to me.

“It’s about losing yourself and wanting to get away from your life to try and find yourself.” I said remembering Lauren and I writing it in my bedroom the night before we flew back out.

“I think we have this under control.” Jordan said as we walked out the door.

Later that day I was trying to cook an English roast dinner while Lauren was clearing out her closet and Jordan was making sure she didn’t throw too much away. When I heard the E! News headline “Guess which celebrity mom loves Forever true?”

“Girls come down here now!” I shouted seconds later they were in front of me.

“Where’s the fire, I knew we shouldn’t have left you to cook on your own.” Lauren started panicking. I turned her round so she was facing the TV.

“Look’s like Momma Jonas, is loving Forever True’s new album. She was spotted buying a copy of it earlier today. When asked if she likes Forever True she replied with this.” Ryan Secrest said before a clip of Mrs. Jonas flashed before our eyes.

“These girls have done themselves proud, coming back out into the spotlight after so long. I’m proud of them, I still think of them as my daughters I will support them every step of the way like I do with my boys.” She smiled into the camera.

“I think we need to call Mrs. Jonas.” Jordan sang clearly happy. I looked at Lauren our faces both showing the same emotion shock.

“Hello.” Mrs. Jonas answered the phone.

“Hey, Denise.” Jordan started the conversation.

“Sorry Jordan, Nick’s out I’ll get him to call you back later.” She said as soon as she heard Jordan’s voice.

“No wait, I wanted to thank you for buying our cd.” Jordan laughed a little.

“We wanted to thank you.” Lauren rephrased Jordan’s sentence.

“Oh my- Hello girls I haven’t spoke to you in ages.” Mrs. Jonas sounded surprised.

“We saw the video clip on E! News, we just wanted to say thank you.” I said.

“Well actually girls, I was thinking about inviting you to our little family dinner would you like to come?” She asked.

“I’ll be there.” Jordan said happily.

I looked at Lauren. “We might have to pass, we don’t want it to be awkward.” Lauren’s voice portraying her regret.

“Don’t be silly my boys will be on their best behavior. So it’s settled 20th of may see you then girls bye.” She said not giving us time to accept or decline the invite.

“Well it will be interesting.” Lauren mumbled before going back upstairs.

“Wait, Lauren’s birthday is the 19th of May. Great we will probably have hangovers.” I said releasing the date.

“House party?” Jordan smirked.

“You know it.” I laughed before going back to cooking.

When we had finished eating, I put the radio on as if by magic we heard the presenter announce that Revenge is sweeter than you ever were was going to be played after Waking in Vegas by Katy Perry.

We were jumping on the couch when our song came on. We all started screaming in excitement yeah it still made us super excited whenever we heard our songs on the radio. Jordan and I sang along with the lyrics, while Lauren kept saying “This is about Kevin” to the tune of the song.

The next week was hectic for us, we were planning our tour. Jordan had drawled all the printouts of our stage with help from Nick and Lauren had just finished making a scale model of it. I was trying to come up with the line up of songs. On top of all that Jordan, Nick, Alex, Jonathan and I were trying to plan Lauren’s surprise party without her knowing.

Before we knew it, May the 18th arrived and we hadn’t even invited people to Lauren’s surprise party yet. On the bright side our tour was all planned out, we were going to the staples centre next week to see our stage for the first time.

We sent an email out to everybody who knew us about the party, I even rang Lauren’s brother and he said he would fly in to see her. Nick, Jordan and I were sat in the living room while Lauren was showering trying to figure out how to get Lauren out of the house so we could set everything up.

“How about you take her shopping?” Nick suggested.

“No, she needs to help us sort everything out here. What about Alex?” Jordan said.

“Alex doesn’t do shopping.” I said still thinking.

“Well, I don’t blame him but couldn’t he like take her to a restaurant or something?” Nick suggested again.

“That’s a great idea.” I said pulling out my phone to text Alex the details.
“What time to Kieran’s flight land in on the 19th?” Jordan asked.

“Eight at night, but one of us could leave the party to pick him up without Lauren noticing.” Nick said.

“Are you offering?” I smirked I wasn’t going to be driving anywhere that night, it would be illegal.

“If I can’t I’m sure Joe or Kevin could pick him up.” Nick shrugged.

“Do you want him dead when he get’s here because that’s what would happen if Joe drives him.” I asked seriously.

“Or do you want Kevin dead, Kieran doesn’t like Kevin as you can imagine.” Jordan added.

“What are you talking about?” Lauren came down towel drying her hair.
“Shoes.” Nick said quickly.

“Nick Jonas is talking about shoes with two girls, can’t wait to tell the press that.” Lauren joked.

Just then Lauren’s phone went off, she ran upstairs and got it. I smiled knowing who it was.

“Why are you smiling?” Jordan asked.

“You’ll see.” I said before Lauren came running down the stairs.

“I know this is short notice but we weren’t really going to do anything tomorrow were we?” Lauren asked phone in her hand.

“Well I was thinking we could sit and watch movies and make it like your 14th birthday, why do you have other plans?” I asked pretending to not know that Alex had just asked her to go out with him tomorrow night.

“Well, I would love to do that but we know how that ended last time, Alex wants to take me for a meal do you mind?” Lauren asked worried.

“No not at all we can celebrate another time.” Jordan said playing along.

“Stage one of our plan completed.” Nick whispered before kissing Jordan quickly walking out the door.
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So what do you think is going to happen at the dinner and Lauren's suprise party? (:
This is dedicated to Jordan <3