‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

The door opened and Claire and Joe walked in, both wearing similar expressions on their face. They seemed happy, but mad at the same time. Sitting up, I looked at them both carefully before running over to hug Claire.

“How was your weekend?”

“Fine.” Claire stated simply, shrugging her shoulders after pulling away.

“Sounds fun?” I said, feeling very uncomfortable.

“Yeah tonnes.” Came Joe’s reply from across the room where he was now sat with Kevin.

I looked at Claire questionably before receiving a ‘we’ll talk later’ look from her.


I walked down the stairs, a smile on my face. My sisters, mum, Claire, Jordan & Claire and Jordan’s mums and sisters were in my living room along with Selena and Demi. We were getting ready for the beginning of my hen weekend, just a week before my wedding day.

“Happy hen weekend.” Selena squealed in my ear as I reached her at the bottom of the stairs.

“Thanks.” I laughed, moving on to hug Demi.

After hugging everyone, we left the apartment and climbed into the many cars waiting for us outside. Claire, Jordan and I got into one car while the others piled into the remaining cars. I was still to know where the girls had arranged for my weekend to be.

“Please tell me where we’re going, you two are supposed to be my best friends.” I whined.

“No.” Claire laughed, she seemed happy today.

Claire and Joe hadn’t spoken much since they got home from their trip to England; the only time they seemed to speak there was an atmosphere there as well. Joe had stayed at Kevin’s while I stayed at my home with Claire. I knew the reason behind the atmosphere; I’d just been sworn to secrecy by Claire.

“Fine then, I’m calling this friendship of nearly 20 years, over!” I laughed.

4 hours later, we pulled up at the side of the road, a huge house behind the gates where we’d pulled up to. We were in California, in a house across the road from the beach. Screaming, I jumped out of the car and ran across the road to the beach, ignoring the looks I got from people.

Claire and Jordan jogged over to me, Jordan’s baggy top that she wore to cover her bump, blowing in the wind.

“I can’t believe you arranged for my hen weekend to be in California.” I squealed, hugging them both tightly.

“We thought you might like it.” Jordan laughed.

“We also thought we better take you to California before you’re a married women, you’ve been going on about it for too long.” They both laughed after Claire finished.

We walked into the house together, the rest of the girls having already gone in and nabbed the rooms which they wanted. Claire, Jordan and I would be sharing a room, making us feel like we’re on tour staying in a hotel again.

5 hours after arriving at the house, I had drank a lot of red bull and Dr. Pepper so was therefore very hyper. Jumping into the pool with my clothes on, I laughed.

“Lauren, what are you doing?” Demi laughed.

“What after next week I have to be sensible.” I smiled.

“No you don’t.” Claire laughed.

“Well Jordan turned sensible so I most likely will.” I pouted.

“If you turn sensible, I will eat a hat.” My mum laughed.

“Shut up mum, I could so be sensible.” I said before bursting out in laughter, there wasn’t much chance I would stay sensible though.

“For a day.” Chloe smirked before jumping into the pool with me.

Before long the only people who weren’t in the pool were my mum because of her allergy to chlorine and Jordan because she didn’t feel very well, her craving of chocolate having made her feel ill.

I could see my hen weekend being a lot quieter than Jordan’s seeing as my sisters were here as well, I was up for that though. Lots of ice cream, movies to make me cry and then one final goodbye to being a unmarried women by going out and forgetting my worries about the wedding with my best friends and family.


“Lauren, hurry up!” Claire yelled through the bathroom door as I changed into the dress that had been forced upon me ten minutes beforehand.

“I’m coming.” I shouted back, unlocking the door and stepping out of the room, glad that I had been allowed to wear my flats.

“You look amazing.” Jordan smiled as she walked into the room.

“Thank you. Now can you please tell me why I have to wear this.” I whined.

“Because we’re going out.” They both beamed together before linking their arms through mine and dragging me down the stairs.

We all walked out of the house and climbed into the mini-bus waiting for us outside. Today was the last night in California so the girls had decided to take me out, they wouldn’t tell me where though.

“Are we going for a meal?” I asked another one of my many guesses since we left the house.

“No.” Claire said.

“You’ve answered no for everything.” I whined.

“That’s because you aren’t getting it right.” Claire smirked.

“Mum! Tell Claire.”

“You sound like your about 14 again.” My mum laughed.

“Maybe I’m revolting to my younger years.” I smiled.

“Oh god, you better hurry up and get married then, you are not moving back home.” My mum smirked.

“Meany’s.” I said, sitting back in my seat.

“We’re here.” Jordan yelled as the mini-bus pulled up in a back alley behind a club.

Everyone laughed as we climbed out of the mini-bus. My sisters seemed excited to be going to a club for the first time; well Dana didn’t because she’d gone to a club back in England because she’s 18 now. We walked into the club to see it empty.

“Why’s it empty?” I thought out loud.

“Because the girls couldn’t come in if there were other people in here.” Jordan stated in a matter of fact way.

I smiled over at Claire and Jordan who were leaning against the bar which had drinks upon drinks lined up on it. They had arranged the whole weekend and taken everything into consideration for it.

“The bar mans going to show up at about 9 so that’s when we can start drinking.” Claire smiled.

“It’s only going to be me and you drinking.” I laughed, picking up a drink from the side.

“More alcohol for us to drink then isn’t it.” She laughed.

I smiled at her. The music soon started and everyone was soon moving around to the music, laughing and talking the whole while.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo, here it is. I should be doing coursework, but im not & im not going to tonight now, I cant be assed bothered so yeah :) haha.