‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's POV

Arriving back in LA, brought us back to reality. I knew Lauren and Jordan felt the same. After everything we had been through over the past five years, we were still the best of friends and still remained band mates.

Instead of going straight back to the apartment, we went in to Jordan’s house. When they first got it the décor was “vintage” as the salesman described it but I would have said “old fashioned.” Nick wasted no time in trying to become the handy man and do all the DIY things around the house. It soon became clear, Nick wasn’t the man for the job so he hired a work force.

As soon as we walked through the door, Nick rushed over to Jordan and began fussing over her.

“Chill Nick, she doesn’t need to be fussed over yet. Wait a few more months.” Lauren laughed.

“Yeah, she was perfectly fine last night when she was dancing on the bar with us.” I smirked knowing Nick would be wound up by that.

“Girls, stop it. I was the photographer and only sober young adult there babe.” She said turning to Nick.

Lauren and I left the couple in the hallway, and walked straight through to the kitchen. I stopped dead in my tracks causing Lauren to fall into me.

“Ouch, Claire why did you stop?” Lauren said rubbing her head.

Kevin’s laugh echoed through the room, making Lauren squeal and start running towards the door leading to the living room.

I quickly grabbed her arm preventing her from entering the room. “Laur, we are going to do this properly remember you and Kevin can’t see or talk to each other until the wedding.”

“But Claire, the wedding is in three days. Can’t I.”

“No.” I cut her off.

“Well how about if I just.”

“No Lauren.” I sighed cutting her off again.

“Fine.” Lauren pouted as I let go of her arm.

Jordan walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face. “Lauren, I think you should go before Kevin hears you.”

Lauren’s eyes widened, suddenly coming up with a plan. “KEVIN, I LOVE YOU! I-” I covered her mouth whilst sticking my head round the door to say goodbye to the boys.

“We are going now, Kev, I shall see you in a few days. Nick I’ll probably see you tomorrow when you drop Jordan off.” I said after I had realized Joe was there as well.

I was still mad at him. But he did look good. He had his glasses on, and it looked like he hadn’t shaved all weekend. When I shut the door I could hear Nick.

“Bro, you just got blanked!”

When we got home, Lauren and I spent the rest of the night making sure everything was ordered and ready for the wedding. We were up talking and laughing until the early hours of the morning. My phone kept buzzing and lighting up during the night but I chose to ignore it, having a good idea who was calling.

I was awakened by Lauren, who brought me a cup of tea. Today we were all going for our last dress fitting before the wedding.

“So, did your sisters like their dresses?” I asked whilst sipping my tea.

“Dana loved the dress, so did Leanne and Mickie.”

“Chloe wanted to wear jeans.” Lauren and I said at the same time, before laughing.

I went to get changed leaving Lauren in my room. When I came back, Lauren was looking at my phone.

“Claire, you know you have over 50 texts from Joe and even more missed calls.” Lauren sighed.

“I know.” I shrugged.
“I know what he said was out of order, I would have kicked his ass for you but you insisted on me not getting involved. But I really do think he regrets saying it.”

“I know he does, and I know I kind of deserved it. I was always talking about marriage and babies. But I don’t know, I guess if things aren’t going anywhere between us, then I don’t know if I can hang around.”

We were in the car driving to the dress shop when Lauren broke the silence. “Do you love him, like really love him?”

“Yes.” I replied without a second thought.

“Then why does it matter if you have a ring on your finger or not. As long as you love each other that should be enough right?” Lauren said keeping her eyes on the road.

I didn’t answer her, instead I was in deep thought. Why did I want to get married so badly?

Jordan and Nick were already at the store when we arrived. They had big smiles on their faces. Jordan came running over with scan pictures.

“Girls, that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. The baby is so tiny and fragile; I still can’t believe I have another person growing inside of me!” Jordan tried to whisper handing us each a picture of the scan.

I could hear Lauren congratulating Jordan and Nick, as I stared at the picture. The picture wasn’t that clear, but you could make out the shape of a baby. I looked up to see Lauren and Jordan jumping up and down in excitement.

“Congratulation Nicholas, You’re going to be a daddy soon.” I hugged him.

“Thanks Claire, Oh by the way you should really get your phone fixed, I heard that Joe was trying to get hold of you all night.” A smirk played on Nick’s face.

“I’ve been meaning to get a new one, I might after the wedding.” I laughed; glad Nick saw the funny side in this.

“Anyway, Mr. Jonas time to go, we have to try on our dresses.” I ushered him out of the shop.

Jordan and I went into the dressing rooms, to try on our dresses. They were dark purple strapless dresses, with a white sash that tied around the middle of the dress. I twirled around in mine, which fitted perfectly now.

Once we were changed back into our clothes, Lauren went to try her dress on. The dress was simpler than Jordan’s but it had more texture to it. It suited Lauren, as Lauren wasn’t the type of girl to dress over the top.

“Kevin is going to thank God, he stopped your from returning back to England.” Jordan said.

“He’d probably thank Danielle for cheating on him, because what he has now is a thousand times better.” I laughed.

Lauren just blushed a little, laughing along with us. Before returning back into the dressing room to get changed.

Jordan was sat beside me, I put my hands on her little bump and started whispering to it.

“Hello Baby Jonas, this is your auntie Claire here. I know you probably haven’t got ears yet so you are finding this difficult to hear but I just wanted to ask you to be good for your mummy and not kick her too hard-.”

“Claire, stop it you sound like Nick. Besides no one knows yet, you are making it obvious.” Jordan laughed.

Lauren came back out, and made sure the dresses were going to be delivered to our apartment tomorrow morning, two days before the wedding.
♠ ♠ ♠
The wedding is coming up soon <3
Thankyou to all our lovely readers.