‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

The day of the wedding arrived and I had butterflies in my stomach. My head was spinning as I climbed out of bed in the morning and went downstairs to get a drink. Claire and Jordan were sitting in the kitchen with my mum while my sisters were obviously still asleep in the living room where they had stayed.

“Morning.” I said around a yawn while I pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge.

Claire and Jordan both squealed before running to me, hugging me once they had reached me.

“It’s your wedding day!” Claire squealed in my ear, waking me up fully.

“Yeah, I know.” I laughed, sitting on the side.

“Aren’t you excited?” Jordan asked me, her hand resting on her bump.

“It’s too early in the morning to be excited.” I laughed.

“Weirdo.” Claire smirked while I rolled my eyes.

“What happened to, im never getting married mum, screw men and having kids?” My mum laughed.

“Shush, I had a moment of weakness when I said yes to Kevin and it’s too late to back out now.” I laughed, causing Claire and Jordan to roll their eyes.

Before any one could say anything else, my mum wandered into the living room to wake up my sisters and the door was knocked.

Claire ran to the door seeming as I had just gotten up and Jordan’s pyjamas showed her growing bump. After a few minutes, I heard the familiar voice of Joan, our hair stylist. I smiled before going into the living room, seeing her haul in her suitcase, probably filled with cans upon cans of hairspray to keep my hair in for the entire day.

“Morning soon to be Mrs Kevin Jonas.” She smiled as I hugged her.

“Hello.” I said back, sitting on the arm of the sofa.

“So I understand I have a lot of hair to fix today then?”

“You do indeed; you have mine, Claire’s and Jordan’s as well as my 4 little sisters and my mums.” I laughed.

“We better get to work then, how long do we have?”

I checked the clock on the coffee table, 9am, the wedding was being held at 2pm.

“We’ve got around 4 hours, because we need an hour to get on our dresses and get to the church.” I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck.

“No problem. I know what im going to do for your sisters and Claire and Jordan. So if I start with them, then do your mum’s hair and you last because yours my dear, is going to take the longest.” She laughed.

“Ok, no problem that gives me time to have a mental breakdown and make sure we’ve got everything.” I smiled.

“And by make sure we’ve got everything have anything to do with talking to Kevin?” Claire asked me, a smirk forming on her face.

“No.” I said turning away so that she couldn’t tell it was my plan.

“Well guess what dear, we’ve taken your phone and made sure no calls can be made from the house phone.” Jordan laughed.

“Meanys.” I said as I dragged my feet along the floor, making my way upstairs.

“Im going to have a bath.” I yelled as I wandered up the stairs.


I walked down the stairs slowly that I wouldn’t rip my dress or trip over the annoying heels Claire had made me buy for the day, I would have been much happier in a pair of flats but no, I couldn’t wear those, its my big day after all.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard a few gasps.

“What? I haven’t ripped my dress have I?” I asked, frantically looking for any type of split or rip in the dress.

“No, you look amazing.” Kieran laughed, coming over to hug me.

“Thank you, I feel like an idiot though.” I laughed.

It’s the first time ive wore the whole dress and shoes and I wasn’t sure if I’d made the right decision on the dress even though I love it so much.

“Don’t be such an idiot.” Claire laughed, hugging me.

“Yeah, you look amazing Lauren.” Jordan smiled, hugging me once Claire had moved.

“Thank you.” I said looking at my two best friends and my sisters lined up.

All of my bridesmaids look amazing, their hair done the same, pulled back from their face, their hair curled. Tears came to my eyes as I looked at everyone, waiting to go. My dad was snapping pictures of me on his phone, no doubly to send to relatives who hadn’t been able to make the day through text. I smiled at them all before my mum told my sisters they had to go and get into the limo they were travelling in, along with Claire and Jordan and Kieran.

I hadn’t noticed a photographer in the corner of the room until I began to leave the apartment to get into the car waiting for me and my dad. Claire and Jordan helped me out of the apartment, Jordan holding the end of my dress up slightly so that it wouldn’t drag in the dirt and Claire holding onto my arm so I wouldn’t fall over.


We reached the church with only a few swear words leaving my mouth as I realised I was about to get married. My dad seemed proud; he hadn’t had to tell me off about my language too many times.

“Are you ready?” My dad said, looking at me as we pulled up outside of the church, everyone had already gone inside.

“No, can’t we just run away?” I said, smiling, “I promise to buy you a really amazing car if you let me?” I said, trying to laugh.

“No.” My dad laughed as the door was opened.

We both climbed out of the car and walked into the church; I clung to my dads arm to stop me from falling over while I held up the dress slightly. I knew paparazzi were around someone, trying to snap pictures of me as I walked into the church but thankfully Kevin had thought of the perfect church where there was no way the paparazzi could see through the thick hedges around it.

As we walked into the small alcove around the church, I grinned at my sisters arguing over who looked the best in their dresses and Claire and Jordan talking between their selves. My mum was telling Kieran off for going over to Kevin and warning him about looking after me on our wedding day which made me laugh too.

My laugh alerted everyone to my presence and the talk soon disappeared, they all turned around and smiled. My mum rushed over to me while Kieran warned the girls about being good while walking down the aisle and standing at the front of the church.

“Good luck Laur, you look amazing. Im so proud of you.” She smiled before kissing my cheek.

My mum and Kieran then vanished into the church to sit in their seats at the front of the church on my side. As the doors opened, I took a quick peak at the guests lining the two sides of the church in their seats. I smiled as I saw my granddad, looking back through the door, him being here made my day.

“Ready?” Claire asked me.

“As ill ever be.” I laughed.

Claire stuck her head through the door and nodded before coming back in. My sisters would be walking down the aisle first, youngest to oldest of course. It would then go Jordan and finally Claire because she’s my ‘first head bridesmaid’ for the simple fact Jordan said she didn’t think she could cope with having loads of stress with being pregnant so didn’t want to be it, making the decision a lot easier for me to make.

As the music started, the traditional here comes the bride, my sisters started the walk to the alter. Before long, it was mine and my dads turn.


“Well, for the simple fact you stayed in my life, I love you Lauren. I want to make you the happiest women in the world and take care of you for the rest of your life. You mean everything to me.” Kevin said, ending his vows.

I smiled at him, my hands shaking violently, “Kevin, you really have made me happy. We’ve had our ups and our downs but who cares, you made me better, were the friend I needed when I couldn’t tell others my own little secrets, you’ve helped me in my times of need and you’ve made me better when no one else could. I love you.” I said, my vows seemed simple, pathetic and short coming after Kevin’s, but all I needed to say came through my eyes, or at least I hoped they showed everything.


“I know pronounce you, man and wife.” The vicar smiled at us, “You may kiss the bride.” He said to Kevin.

I smiled at him; for once we were level thanks to my heels. Before I realised what was happening, Kevin kissed me, the first kiss we shared as man and wife. I could hear the claps and whistles of Joe and Nick as Kevin kissed me more passionately. I broke away quickly though, remembering my sisters were just behind me.

Mouthing an I love you to Kevin, I turned and smiled at Claire and Jordan who were now stood with Joe and Nick, Nick’s arms wrapped around Jordan while Joe and Claire held hands.


We sat in the old car of which I didn’t know its name, hands entwined while Kevin kept thanking me and kissing me gently. The smile didn’t once leave my face. As we pulled up at the venue where the reception and after party was being held, I sighed.

“Are you ok Mrs Jonas?” Kevin laughed, kissing my cheek.

“Now I have to go and see my family with a different name.” I laughed.

“You do, you’re no longer a friend.” He said.

“I know ive got the surname Jonas. How am I supposed to call Joe and Nick Jonas now when im one too.” I laughed.

“Looks like you can’t.” He smiled, kissing my cheek before we climbed out of the car.

Once inside, my granddad came over to me, kissed my cheek, and hugged me before congratulating me.

“I always knew you’d end up with Kevin, he’s a good man. You done well.” He said to me while still hugging me.

“He is granddad.” I said, hugging him back. I knew then, at that exact moment, that everything was going to work out, and all because my granddad had said those simple words about Kevin.