‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

Our first dance as a married couple ended too quickly got my liking but I wasn’t about to complain about it.

“Thank you.” Kevin smiled down at me before kissing my lips gently.

“What are you thanking me for?” I laughed, enjoying the moment.

“For marrying me and becoming a Jonas.” He laughed, kissing my cheek.

“Aw, that’s ok.” I laughed as Turn Right began to play.

I laughed when I realised what the song was, Kevin turning a shade of pink at the memory of using it to stop me leaving him, he always seemed to find a way to stop me from leaving.

While the song played, we circled the room together, thanking guests for coming to the wedding and stopping to talk to friends we hadn’t seen for a long time, mainly stopping to talk to my friends from back in school that were meeting Kevin for the first time today.

As we reached Kieran and his girlfriend who had been invited even though it was the first time that I was meeting her, I smiled. Hugging Kieran, I whispered that he needed to be extra nice to Kevin from now on seeming as he’s now my husband, he agreed with a laugh.

Before I moved onto the next of our guests, mine and Kieran’s song started, I looked at him with a grin.

“Remember this Kieran?” I asked with a laugh as I grabbed his hand.

“Of course I do, every time it used to come on you made me sing it with you.” He laughed.

Soon enough, we were dancing and singing the words to Whitney Houston’s ‘My love is your love’. Kevin stood at the side of the room, talking to Frankie who had run away from my sisters after dancing with them for around an hour, he stood laughing as Kieran and I tried to dance but were failing horribly.

“Lauren!” Claire yelled at me as the song ended.

“Claire!” I mimicked as she hugged me.

“I feel like I need to have a dance with the bride before your dad steals you for a father, daughter dance.” She smiled, linking her arm through mine.

“Sounds good to me.” I smiled, just as ‘One and the same’ came on.

As Claire and I started dancing, Jordan came over to dance with us. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Demi and Selena dancing together, singing along to the words while laughing. My sisters were dancing as well, laughing all the while.


I danced with my dad and my granddad, one after the other. The whole time I had a smile on my face, happy that I had gotten the chance to dance with both of them on my wedding day. My granddad ditched his walking stick when he danced with me, managing not to topple over for the whole of the song. Before he left me to sit back down with my Gran after the dance, he smiled at me.

“Remember Lauren, you chose good with this one.” He laughed just as Kevin walked over.

“I know I did Granddad” I smiled.

Kevin shook hands with him before he left to sit back down, his legs aching from having danced with my sisters and then me.

Lacing my fingers through Kevin’s, I looked down at my wedding ring, placed neatly above the engagement ring, above those rings, Kevin’s purity ring which he had also given me during the ceremony.

“We have to leave soon.” Kevin said, looking at the watch on his wrist.

“I know I have to give out the presents first though.” I reminded him.

“Oh yeah, do you want me to get them?”

“They’re on the stage behind the DJ” I smiled.

“Ok then, we’ll grab them when we’re up there” Kevin smiled before leading the way to the stage.

Once we were stood on the stage, Kevin grabbed the bag of gifts we’d brought for the best men, the bridesmaids, our parents and grandparents. We gave each of the gifts out, one by one. The bridesmaids each got a silver bracelet, the best men received cufflinks, my parents got a silver photo frame with pictures of my family and Kevin’s mixed together, as did Kevin’s parents while each of our grandparents got a silver plate with each of their initials engraved on.

After the presents were given out, Kevin made a little speech, thanking everyone for coming and telling them to have a brilliant time for the rest of the night. We left the stage. I hugged Claire and Jordan, my sisters, brother and parents as well as my grandparents and then my new family. Before I knew it, we were leaving the hall and on our way out to the awaiting car. I climbed in first, Kevin helping me to get my dress in before he got in himself.

“So Mrs. Jonas, its time to go on our honeymoon.” He laughed, lacing our fingers together.

“It is indeed Mr. Jonas.” I smiled before kissing him.

“I love you.” He smiled as he pulled away.

“I love you too.” I smiled back before leaning against the seat, our hands laced together.

Before I could get comfortable in the back of the car, we stopped outside of our new home. We got out quickly and went inside. After changing out of my wedding dress and into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I smoothed the dress that was now hanging up. Kevin walked out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of jeans and one of his usual shirts and wrapped his arms around me.

“Ready to go?”

“Yeah.” I said, turning around and kissing him.

“I’m wearing the dress again though.” I laughed as we walked out of our home and got back into the car while the driver put our suitcases in the boot.

Before I knew it, we were already half way to the airport, our hands laced together while Kevin kept thanking me for marrying him. I couldn’t help but laugh each time he thanked me before having to kiss him. I knew that our honeymoon was going to be special by the way that Kevin was acting, being as amazing as he is. I also started to believe that faith had made me miscarry so that Kevin would be brought back into my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I feel really bad because I havent been posting my updates lately cos my lifes been really hectic. Im back to normal now though so im posting mine from now on :)
Uhm, I think we need some more comments really, to give me and Claire some inspiration to write the LAST EVER chapter of WESOL :( its sad I know.
Thank you for reading the story if you do though, it means a lot to us.
Lauren x