‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Lauren's POV

The honeymoon was coming to an end; we’d spent 2 weeks in New Zealand, staying in a small cottage right on the beach. During the first week we spent a lot of time site seeing, going to old houses and taking walks on the beach during the evening. For the first 4 days of the second week, we stayed at the cottage, going out onto the beach back garden. Now, with only 2 days left, we were venturing out to go out for a meal and to go and get some presents for the others.

“Kevin, come on, we’re going to be late.” I laughed, tapping my foot on the floor as I waited by the front door.

“Coming.” He laughed, moments later, emerging from the bedroom just up the hall from where I was standing.

“I thought girls are supposed to take longer.” I smirked as he slipped his arm around my waist and we walked out of the cottage.

“Yeah well, I need to make sure I look good these days, I don’t want you to go running off with any guy now do I.” Kevin smiled, kissing my cheek as we walked the short distance to the restaurant.

The meal had been amazing; we had been seated out on the balcony of the little restaurant, the only people sitting out there. We had watched the sky become darker and the sea slowly creep up the beach as we ate before leaving the restaurant and walking along the waterfront, something I had always wanted to do.

We hadn’t managed to go to any of the small shops along the beach to get anything for Claire, Jordan, Joe and Nick because by the time we’d left the restaurant they were all closed. Instead we visited the shops first thing in the morning and picked out something for each of our friends and relatives.

“I can’t get over that I now pretty much have 4 brothers and not one.” I laughed as we packed the last of our things away the night before we left for LA.

“I know, you’ve got 5 sisters as well now.” He laughed.

“Don’t remind me, can you imagine how many birthday’s I know have to remember.” I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me, already having finished sorting the suitcase he had been working on.

“Don’t worry, we can remember them together.” He said, kissing my cheek.

“Good, I refuse to have to remember them all on my own.” I said, turning in his arms to face him.

He smiled before kissing me. I grinned at him after pulling away, resting my forehead on his.

“I hate to think what we’re going back home to, just thinking what Jordan and Nick came back to makes me shiver.” I laughed.

“You never know we might go home and find out Joe and Claire are engaged.”

“I doubt it.” I muttered, causing Kevin to look at me strangely.

“Don’t worry.” I smiled, hoping Kevin would accept that.

“I don’t think I want to know so I won’t.” He laughed, kissing my nose.

I smiled before pulling from Kevin’s arms and skipping out of the door in the bedroom leading to the small beach garden. Sitting down on the ground, I looked over the scene in front of me. It was a surprise having Kevin take me here, I thought we were going to a place like Italy because he had refused to let me help arrange the honeymoon and had told me to pack things like jeans, which I hadn’t needed because of the weather in New Zealand.

“I love you.” Kevin’s voice and breath on my neck made me jump.

“I love you too.” I smiled, leaning against him as we sat in the sand together.

As we sat there, I looked out at the changing scenery as night began to fall, our last night in New Zealand. Having a moment of inspiration, I jumped up and grabbed the camera from the side in the bedroom. Running back out, I sat down before taking a picture of the sky, moving the camera slightly after each picture so that I could remember the view for a long time. Finally, as the sun set, I took one picture of the setting sun before snapping a picture of Kevin who managed to grab the camera from me to take one of me and finally us together.

“This has been the best 2 weeks of my life.” I admitted to Kevin as we sat there, watching the sky change colours.

“What, so our wedding doesn’t count in this.” Kevin laughed while trying to tickle me.

“Don’t spoil the moment Jonas.” I laughed, trying to break free from his grasps.

“Back at you Jonas.” He smirked.

I turned to look at him, a smile on my face. Kissing him gently, I remembered having told Kevin I refused to be called Jonas and that I would be called Jonas-Friend so Joe couldn’t call me Jonas, of course, I hadn’t stuck to it.

“I love the fact that my surname is Jonas and that I'm now Mrs. Paul Kevin Jonas the second.” I said, leaning against him as he wrapped his arms around me again.

“And I love the fact you are too.” He smiled, down at me, kissing my forehead.

We watched the rest of the sun set in silence, his arms around me while I rested my arms on top of him, playing with the three rings around my finger. Kevin was my first true love, my first ‘male’ best friend and my first and last husband.

As I sat there, thinking about how lucky I was to have found someone like Kevin, I realised that he was also silent, sitting, lost in his own world of thoughts. I didn’t want to disturb him; instead, I sat and listened to the sea lapping against the sand and his heart beating right behind me. The perfect way to end the perfect honeymoon.


As we boarded the plane, we took our seats next to each other. Checking my belt, I pulled out a magazine that I’d brought from the small shop in the airport not long before we’d boarded the plane. Flicking through the magazine, I smiled as I saw a picture of Claire and Jordan, shopping in LA. The caption underneath read, ‘Claire and Jordan baby shop while best friend Lauren as she suns it up on her honeymoon’. Laughing, I looked at the picture more closely to see an object I wasn’t expecting to see present on Claire’s hand.

“Kevin, we’ve missed some big news back home.” I said pointing at the picture making Kevin laughed while I took another look, just to make sure I wasn’t seeing anything.


I walked into the apartment, attacking Claire in a hug instantly.

“Looks like I’m not going to have to kick his ass then.” I said, smirking.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Claire said, trying not to laugh.

“Cut the crap Claire, I've seen the pictures; you and Joe have some explaining to do, but first, congrats on your engagement.” I smiled, hugging Claire again before hugging Joe.

“Thanks Jonas.” He smirked at me.

“Hey, why don’t you start calling Claire Jonas?” I winked at him before sitting next to Jordan on the sofa.

Of course, the world knew of Jordan’s pregnancy now so she seemed more relaxed about having people touch her growing bump. I took the chance to feel her bump, just as the little baby Jonas kicked. I smiled; things really do change quickly in two weeks.
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Happy Easter ♥