‹ Prequel: Black Keys
Status: Complete

With Every Strike Of Lightning.

Claire's Pov

Five months later.

My flat shoes squeaked on the shiny airport floor, I pulled my sunglasses off my eyes placing them in my bag. Looking up at the big electronic board in front of me, I scanned for the flight I was looking for.

“Sorry to bother you, but are you Claire from Forever True?” A girl around the age of fourteen asked.

“Hi there, it’s no problem at all.” I smiled at the girl who still looked nervous.

“Could you possibly sign my IPod for me please?”

“Of course I can, what’s your name?”

“Alicia.” The girl beamed as she handed me the IPod.

“So Alicia, are you going anywhere nice?” I asked handing her back her IPod.

“We are going back home to England.” I knew I recognized the accent.

“You have a beautiful accent, I miss my English accent.” I smiled after posing for a picture.

“How’s Jordan and Lauren? I don’t hear much about you girls now.” Alicia asked.

“We tend to try and stay out of the spotlight now a days. I’m glad it’s actually working.” I laughed.

“If you don’t mind me asking, where are you going?” She had to speak a little louder to be heard over the announcements.

“Joe, is flying back in from Spain, he has been doing some work out there. I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything because of the contract.” I said rolling my eyes to show her I thought it was silly.

But I could see she wasn’t really listening, she was looking over my head smiling at someone. She started squealing and bouncing on one foot. I suddenly realized who it was.

“Joe, I would like you to meet my new friend Alicia. She is from England.” I smiled as Joe walked over to us wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Hi Alicia.” He smiled at her.

I laughed when Alicia very politely asked for Joe to sign her IPod as well. Once Alicia had skipped back to her family, I turned to Joe.

“So how was filming in Spain?” I asked lacing our hands together.

“Warm, tiring and lonely. How was your dress shopping in LA?” He asked as we walking outside the airport, where the paparazzi took pictures of us.

“Lauren said I’m not allowed to tell you when I find my perfect dress, because you will end up persuading me to show you it.”

“You have found a dress, and I can tell by that look in your eye you love it.”

I giggled but didn’t say anything.

“But wait, I can see you feel guilty about something.” Joe paused for a minute before continuing.

“It’s the price isn’t it? Babe it doesn’t matter what the price was, as long as you feel like a princess in it that’s all that matters.” Joe said brushing my hair out of my face.
“I hate that you know me, so well you know what I’m feeling.” I pouted, just as Joe’s phone began to ring.

When Joe got off the phone, I knew our evening plans had already been made. Kevin and Lauren were throwing another dinner party. Joe didn’t have to say anything.

“Alex, can you take us to Kevin and Lauren’s house please?” I asked the driver.

“Another dinner party?” He chuckled.

“Yep.” I laughed before resting my head on Joe’s shoulder.

When we arrived at Kevin’s house, Nick’s car was already parked in the driveway. Joe helped me out of the car, like he always does.

Lauren answered the door in a particularly happy mood, she was bouncing around everywhere. I walked in raising an eyebrow at her, but she pretended not to notice.

“Something’s up, she ignored my eyebrow raise.” I whispered to Joe as we followed Lauren through to the living room.

“Oh no, not the raised eyebrow, whatever next!” Joe said putting on a girly voice.

“You know Joseph; I really haven’t missed your sarcastic humor. Oh and don’t use that voice you sound gay.” I said rolling my eyes sitting down next to a plump Jordan.

“Blah blah blah blah blah, I can’t hear you.” Joe said covering his ears with his hands.

“I would apologize for my brother’s juvenile behavior but I have a feeling if I do that I will have to be apologizing all night.” Nick said giving Joe an un-impressed look.

Jordan winced beside me causing Joe and Nick to stop arguing and Lauren to come running out of the kitchen.

“Are you okay?” Nick asked his wife worry in his eyes.

“Yes, geez people I’m pregnant not dying!” Jordan said her usual phrase.

“But Jordan, you have been wincing every couple of hours for a few days now.” I said worried.

“Claire, don’t worry. I’ve still got four weeks left. This baby isn’t coming anytime soon.” Jordan smiled.

“At least you stopped them two from arguing.” Kevin laughed from the doorway.

“We weren’t arguing!” Joe and I said at the same time.

“Stop copying me.” We shouted at the same time at each other.

Joe was going to say something else but Lauren came in from the kitchen telling us to all sit at the table, as dinner would be ready in a minute.
The boys started talking about the band as soon as the food came out, so Lauren, Jordan and I just used this time to catch up, even though we saw each other a few days ago.

“I can’t wait to be able to eat ice-cream and to have the odd glass of wine now and again.” Jordan pouted.

Lauren and I both gave her the look that said “who are you trying to fool?”

“Oh okay, you caught me, I don’t drink wine. I meant vodka.” She sighed causing Lauren and I to laugh.

I looked at Lauren, who had opened a bottle of vodka and poured a glass out for me but none out for her.

“Hey, come on Laur, I look like an alcoholic being the only one that’s drinking. Where’s yours?” I said tipping my glass of vodka back into the bottle doing up the lid.

“I haven’t been feeling too good recently. I think I’ve given myself food poisoning.” She moaned putting her head on the table.

“Why don’t you go for a lie-down, Claire and I can tidy up for you.” Jordan said pushing her gently in the direction of her bedroom.

“Thank you, girls.” You could hear her say before she closed the door.

Jordan looked at me, trying not to smile. “You know something I don’t. Tell me!” I gasped causing the boys to look over at us.

“Sssshh, Claire and I are going to tidy up a minute.” Jordan said before pulling me into the kitchen running the water in the sink.

“Jordan’s not meant to be on her feet too much. Claire you will have to do the tidying.” Nick called causing me to turn around and roll my eyes.

“I think, I mean I’m not 100 percent sure. But I am almost certain that Lauren is pregnant.” Jordan said with a grin on her face.

“How do you know? Wouldn’t she have told us?” I asked frowning.

“She is showing all the signs, the sickness, not drinking, the feeling bloated. And that glow and smile.” Jordan listed the things.

“So if she is pregnant, why hasn’t she told us?” I whispered.

“Maybe, she doesn’t even know yet, or maybe she hasn’t told Kevin yet.” Jordan shrugged washing the plates.

I poked my head around the door, to see if Kevin was showing any signs of knowing. He looked straight at me, with a grin on his face which had been in place all night. I waved and quickly went back into the kitchen.

“Oh Kevin knows alright, I haven’t seen him smile so much since the wedding!” I said jumping up and down.

“Claire, you can’t tell anyone that we know. Lauren is obviously keeping it from us for a reason. We should respect her wishes.” Jordan said bringing my jumping to a halt.

“Oh okay, your no fun. Here let me do this, we wouldn’t want your husband to have a heart attack.” I laughed taking the plate from Jordan.

“That is for saying I’m no fun, and that is for being mean to Nick.” Jordan slashed me with the water in the sink getting me wet.

“Oh, you are so dead Mrs. Jonas.” I said laughing, as I splashed her back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, it is two in the morning, i can't sleep so i decided to post this chapter.
I can't believe we have almost finished this story, it's upsetting :(
I hope you are all still enjoying it, so now that you know a little bit more, have your predictions changed?