Albus Potter and Friends

The Sorting Ceremony

They neared closer to the front of the Great Hall, the other students of Hogwarts falling eerily silent. Albus spotted a stool just in front of the staff table, upon which sat an extremely ragged, old hat.

He had heard of the Sorting Hat – and its constant presence at Hogwarts for the last several hundred years. Despite this, Albus still felt incredibly uncomfortable at the thought of being sorted into a house in front of so many people. Everyone probably expected him to get in Gryffindor – after all, both his parents, all of his grandparents and his older brother had been sorted there.

With a start, Albus noticed the brim of the hat open wide much like a mouth; and soon, the hat had begun to sing.

So I hear you wondering
Just about what you all see;
But no matter what you think
You won’t find a hat smarter than me.
Here I sit, just to sort you all
Into one of four houses.

The Great Hall broke into tumultuous applause as the song finished; Albus was surprised the see such excitement over an old hat’s song. No sooner had he thought this when Hagrid unrolled a large scroll of parchment, presumably written with the first years’ names.

“As I call yer name, could yer please come forward to be sorted into yer house,” Hagrid announced, giving an encouraging smile to the students in front of him. “Alrigh’ then? Alexander, Charlotte!”

A small dark haired girl toppled forward from the cluster of the group, nervously making her way to the stool. She sat down and tentatively placed the hat upon her head, where it instantly yelled “Ravenclaw!”

Charlotte gave a huge smile and made her way over to the Ravenclaw table, taking her seat beside other congratulating students. Albus turned back to the hat, watching other first years be sorted alphabetically into their houses. All too soon they had reached the m’s.

“Malfoy, Scorpius!”

Albus gave Scorpius a reassuring smile as he reluctantly edged his way towards the stool. He clambered upon the seat and forced the hat onto his head, where it appeared to be making a difficult decision. After a few moments, the hat cried “Gryffindor!”, and Albus clapped along with the other students as Scorpius gave a huge smile and went over to the Gryffindor table.

What if I’m not sorted into Gryffindor? Albus thought worryingly, unable to watch the other students be sorted. If Albus wasn’t sorted into Gryffindor, did that mean he’d barely get to talk to Scorpius ever again?

Yet all too soon Hagrid had reached the p’s. After “Pommington, Natasha!” Albus’ name was called.

“Potter, Albus!”

Albus could hear the Great Hall break out into whispers as he, like the many first years before him, made his way to the mangled old hat. As he placed it upon his head all fell eerily silent.

“Hmm… now, where to put you…”

Albus nearly jumped as the hat’s unusually deep voice muttered into his ear. He thought about his father’s comment earlier at the train station: The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account…

“Ah, so we’d like to be in Gryffindor, would we? Well, I can see great courage… a desire to prove yourself… a touch of loyalty… probably should be… GRYFFINDOR!”

A huge wave of relief washed over the eleven year old as he pulled off the hat and walked over to the Gryffindor table, where hand from everywhere seemed to pat him on the back in congratulations. He heard his mother and father’s named mentioned, people comparing him to their Sorting too…

“Albus! We’re in the same house!” Scorpius’ excited voice piped up from beside him, the huge grin on his face clearly showing his happiness. “How cool is that?”

“Yeah,” said Albus, giving a weak smile. He was still giddy with nerves from his Sorting. The Great Hall quieted down as the next first years lined up to be sorted into their respected houses.

Soon enough cousin Rose Weasley was making her way up to the stool. The hat had barely touched her head when it cried “Gryffindor!”, and Rose got off the stool as quickly as she had come. Albus joined the other Gryffindors in congratulating his cousin, feeling incredibly relieved at her sorting.

The Great Hall quieted down for the final time as the Headmaster rose from her seat to welcome the new arrivals. Minerva McGonagall clasped her long, thin hands together, while her ever sharp eyes remained alert. Her smile did not match her usually stern face, but her voice showed a friendly tone.

“Welcome, all new students! You are all soon to embark on a journey of new skills, new friends and new experiences, all of which I hope you thoroughly enjoy.

Yet with your new term at Hogwarts, it is time I warn you of the rules – and remind any of our old students if need be.” She cast a knowing look towards the Gryffindor table where Fred Weasley sat. “No magic is to be used in between classes in the corridors, and any form of duelling will result in punishment. The Forbidden Forest, as always, is strictly out of bounds, as is the Caretaker’s Corridor and Storeroom. Any breach of these rules will result in detention.

Now, I can tell you’re all hungry – so let the feast begin!” Professor McGonagall clapped her hands, and immediately vast amounts of food appeared from thin air onto the tables. Albus stared at it all in amazement for a moment, before hungrily reaching forward for food.

With Scorpius beside him, maybe his journey through Hogwarts wouldn’t be so dautning.