Stay With Me

Chapter one

Stay With Me
Chapter one.

It was a Monday morning and I could hear my alarm clock attempting to wake me up for school. Oh how hate school. Yet I love it at the same time. Strange. I finally dragged my body up and went toward my bathroom. I started the shower. Maybe this would wake me up. I slipped off my clothes and stepped in. The hot steamy water ran down my body and relaxed me. I hurried up, got out, and dried. I quickly found a pair of undies and a bra. Now was the hard part. Trying to find a cute outfit for school.

I went to a private school but we were allowed to dress how we like. Which is wonderful because I of course love to dress different.

I went to my closet and found a black V-neck long sleeved shirt and black shinny jeans and my black and white DC shoes. I got dressed and went upstairs. When my dad first bought this house he told me I could pick any room in the house. So I decided that I want the basement. So we remodeled it and now it’s my own private layer.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed my car keys and drove to school. Breakfast wasn’t really something I wanted to waste my time on. When I got to school I went straight to the place I knew Haley would be. Of course she was in the cafeteria eating breakfast. I have no clue how that girl can eat and be as skinny as a twig.

“Hey Aynslee. How are we doing this morning?” she asked all bubbly as I sat down across from her.
“Good. A little tired I stayed up late last night looking up stuff on Google. You,” I asked.

“Weird and you know just as peachy as can be,” she said with a huge grin on her face.

Something was up and I knew it. There has to be something going on. Haley maybe all tiny and girly looking but she can also be the type to play hard ball and make you guess what is going to go down.

"So what's up," I asked hoping to get an easy answer out of her.

“Oh my gosh! A lot. Well not really but its exciting. We have a kid coming and it’s a guy. A hot one I hear. Like major and his dad is rich like super. Not like Bill Gates but he’s got money. His dad is like a famous book writer, uh Jeremy Howell, I think is his name. But I don’t know the new kids name, yet. Oh and you'll never guess what?"

Can you say hyper? Honestly I don't know how we are friends. I'm the shyest person. Where as Haley is hyper and talkative and loud.

"What," I asked casually as if I didn't just hear her rambling.

She frowned, “Way to sound interested. And oh he is in every single one of your classes. How awesome is that. This semester is going to be awesome?"

"How do you know he is going to be in all of my classes?" I wondered this because I thought only the secretary's knew this.

"Well this morning I needed to drop off a paper in the office so I was standing there and the stupid lady was taking forever and I saw all this on the computer when she wasn't looking." Man she knows a lot.

“Well all this is good but I got to go to history class you know that’s why we come here. To learn. Not gossip. I'll see you later," I said standing up.

"ohkay," Haley said," tell all about him you find out."

All I did was wave and walk to my locker. I grabbed my notebook and book and headed to class. This new kid should be interesting. To bad we won't be friends. I just get way to shy to make new friends. New people kind of scare me at first. I wonder what he's like. I guess I'll find out sooner or later.