Stay With Me

chapter two

As I walked into class I couldn’t help but notice the new kid standing at the front of the room talking to the teacher. I quickly walked by to my seat hoping he wouldn’t look glance at me. Lucky he didn’t. As I sat down in my seat I over heard the teacher telling the new kid that he could sit next to me at the back of the room.
I just hope he isn’t going to talk to me. I pushed my bang in front of my face to shield me. Man I’m sure brave. I looked up at the board and saw that we were supposed to read chapter three of unit seven. Boring. I got out my book and began to read. Soon the new kid was heading toward me. Well maybe not me, his seat, but from my point of view it looked like he was aiming for me.

He was to the left of me sitting down as a peered through my bangs to check him out. Just as I was turning my head away from him he looked straight at me and smiled. Oh God. Yikes. I quickly looked down and tried to concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing. He was obviously cute. He had jet black hair and gray/blue eyes.

“Hi. I’m Kellan Howell,” the new kid said smiling at me.
I slowly looked up more to only realize that he was talking to me. “Hi.” Wow not even my name. I’m bright. I quickly looked back to my book. Though I wasn’t reading it. I was looking out of the corner of my eye at Kellan. He was still smiling my way and he obviously can’t be looking at someone else because we’re sitting at the back of the room toward the far right. Its only me and him.

“So do we get a lot of homework in this class,” he said resting his chin on his fist.

“Um… Well...not really… Mostly reading and quizzes,” I struggled to get out. I really can’t help this but I’m just so shy around people.

“Huh. That ought to be nice,” Kellan said while having a slight smile appear on his face.
Just then the bell rang. Thank God. I grabbed my stuff and was ready to make a break for it when Kellan ask me where there art room was. Damn it. I have him in every one of my classes. This is so unfair to me.
I looked at him as he was pulling out his schedule. Sure enough just as Haley stated every single one of my classes.

“Um well….you go down the hall and…and… You know what I have that class next why don’t you just follow me.” What was I doing. Did I just say that?

“Thanks,” he smiled at me sweetly, “Oh I didn’t catch your name.”

“Aynslee.” I didn’t even look at him. I was already starting to blush.

We walked out the class room and headed to art. It was down at the other end of the school so the walk was very long and quiet. We finally reached the art room and Kellan went straight to the teacher desk. I quickly grabbed my seat and began my project I had been working on. Sometimes art just comes to me. Kellan luckily didn’t sit by me. In fact he sat all the way across the room, sketching something. But every time I looked up he was smiling at me. Man this new kid is weird.

The rest of the day went on like that. I had to keep showing Kellan where the next class was. Though I didn’t say anything the entire day to him other than what happened during first period. Hopefully I will get the nerve to at least say hi. Though he seems weird but very nice at the same time.

I can only imagine what Haley is going to want to know after school. There will be no end to her questions. Seriously I love Haley but sometimes hyperness is just a part of her I wish I didn’t have to deal with.

School finally ended and I approached my locker grabbing all of the work I needed for homework. Man teachers just love to pile it on. I walked out side and went to my car. Haley was leaning up against my car looking the other way. Perfect opportunity. I slowly walked towards her trying to be as quiet as can be. Then when I finally got close to her yelled.

“BOOOO.” She jumped a mile almost falling off the car onto the ground.

“So not even funny. Oh. So what does he look like? Is he cute? Did you guys talk? What’s he like?” She really wanted to get down to business. She was practically jumped up and down. Man this is going to be terrible.

I started telling her what happened after I left her in the cafeteria. She was immediately interest.

"Wow. That's so great. So do you think you guys will like become friends."

"I doubt it. I'm mean I'm not the 'oh hey lets be friends' type. You know," i shugged.

"Yeah I guess your right." Haley sat there and pondered a bit. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Aynslee. Later."

"See ya."

I got in my car and sat there for a bit. Man it is really odd that i have him in all of my classes. Oh well. I started my car and drove home.