Status: On Hiatus :( I'm sorry, I'll probably update, but not often.

Six Strings, Eighty-Eight Keys

Seventeen year old rockstar, Nick Jonas, took a vacation with his brothers down to Honolulu, Hawai'i. He took in the area, the great views, the busy malls, the local beaches, high tide, great surfs, and the sights. Especially her.

When he laid eyes on her, he couldn't help but trip. Maria Rose, best friend to Heidilynn Johnson (Joe's girlfriend). She was bubbly, playful, sarcastic, sweet and serious when it comes down to certain things. Typical brown eyes and brown hair, brown skin, but to him, she stood out from the world. He was shocked but elated when he found out that she didn't know of the Jonas Brothers, despite her best friend dating one.

So he did what he wanted; kept it a secret. He didn't want her to act differently around him if she found out he was famous. He didn't know if she'd be with him for the fame and fortune, or just for him. After all, they had only just met. They became inseprable though, and quickly, Nick asked her to be his.

Imagine the pain as the boys had to fly back to their LA home for the next school year as well as filming their show JONAS, and the album. They had ended their romantic relationship, but promising to stay friends. Nick was so busy he couldn't keep in touch. Not as often as he wished, anyway. And slowly, but surely, he forgot about his wonderful girl in little old Hawai'i.

She could never forget him though. He was everywhere; she learned that she had actually dated a Jonas Brother. She was shocked she even had someone like her. She never told anyone, and no one but her family and Heidilynn knew. A huge part of her wanted to forget, but how was she supposed to let go? Nick Jonas had a grip on her, and he didn't even have to be there to make her fall for him over and over again. And as fate would have it, she was going to see him. Again. In the most strangest of places. In the most random way.

Disclaimer: I don't own the famous people, but I do own the plot and the original characters. Any songs or lyrics posted in this story, I don't own unless otherwise stated. :) Subscribe/Rate/Comment and I'll get you the first chapter out as soon as I can.