December's A Time For Reminiscing

So… this means that…” I trailed off.

“Yeah. I’m, really sorry June” Jackson said, “things just won’t work out... with us... ‘kay?”
I didn’t dare meet his eyes when I started walking away from his apartment. I knew that Jackson and I weren’t able to be together, I always knew that. But there was always this... this hope bubbling up inside of me... every moment we had together.


I turned around to find him standing right in front of me. His arms reached up to grab my shoulders, and he looked me in the eyes. My heart jumped erratically inside my chest, and I tried to slow my breathing.

His voice was as gentle as the wind. "I really am sorry, please forgive me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

High school junior June, is the girl who's life was already a mess. The boy of her dreams moves into town, but doesn't accept her for who she is. When he moves out of town, she gives up on love, already hurt from the risk she took. But when Sean comes along, he completely turns her life around. This is the year she should be enjoying herself, but a relationship isn't possible for her future holds.

Something I found on my computer, an unfinished story. Please bear with me, I'm not the fastest writer, so updates may come up within 5 days each. Please comment- but no hater stuff- constructive critisism :D

Thaanksies <3