I Will Breathe Fire

Fall into Sleep

Aiden’s POV;

I fell asleep soon after watching the video. My crying and raging drained the life out of me.

I slipped into an uncomfortable doze, picturing Jack over me like before, but this time I was awake.

I scream for my life as Jack’s crushes my ribs with his weight. I scream for Frank, pleading for him to come and save me. I thrash my body, waving my arms violently, punching and slapping Jack as hard as I could.

He took a hold of my hands and shook me until I stopped.

“Listen here,” he instructed. “Stop your pathetic crying. He won’t come for you.”

“You don’t Frank!” I fought. “He’ll come, you’ll see.” I then continued to scream his name loud over sounds of laughter. I opened my eyes and to my horror, there surrounded me was Ray, Bob and the gang. They all pointed fingers over my half naked body, laughing as Jack mimicked my crying.

“W-what…” I stammered. “W-why are you laughing?” I questioned with a free fall of tears. There was no answer, instead the laughter got louder, over shadowing my question.

“Why are you laughing? Get him off me! He’s trying to rap…”

“You pathetic little waste of space,” One exasperated, cutting me off. “What did you expect? You deserve it!”

My mouth gapped open to the reply I had received.

“What? Y-you don’t mean that,” I returned after a while.

Again, no reply, but instead the laughter got louder and louder.

“Frank!” I cried again. “Frank please.”

Suddenly Jack releases my hands and quickly wraps his around my neck. My eyes widen and my breath begins to struggle as the grip around my neck becomes tighter and tighter. I was helpless, he was too strong. Abruptly Frank’s voice was heard. It was light but I could hear it.

Jack’s eyes shone with a green glow and his smile was pulled back passed his teeth. His head rested close to his shoulders and his arms were stiff protruding with muscle and veins.

A soft hand brushed across my forehead and my eyes were redirected. I looked up to find who I had been calling for, Frank. I was saved; I forced a smile under my condition and waited for Frank to rescue me.

My face contorted and he just knelt there stroking my head.

“Frank?” I choked fighting Jack.

“Shhh,” Frank hushed. “Relax this will all blow over in time.”

Gently he began to hum a song.

“And for the record hunny, I’ll never love you. No one loves you. Who would want to love someone like you? You’re pathetic! You’re weak! Gerard will never have feelings for you, no matter how hard you try. He only feels sorry for you because you were venerable. What an easy to persuade a girl to bed? Especially when she’s as wretched as you are.”

I whimpered at his faint words.

“You’re all alone.”

My tears were heavy and eyes becoming too feeble to support them. I choked on remaining saliva that lingered in the back of my mouth and gave in. Jack’s thumbs pierce my throat and my world soon embraced the darkness that soon was to become my everything.

“Aiden! Oh no! Aiden! C-can you hear me?”

I felt my shoulders being shaken slightly and my eyes burst open. My lungs gasp for air as if I had been just revived from a drowning accident and a loud fearful scream escape my lips. I bolted up feeling the pain in my lower region return furiously. Two strong arms embraced me reassuringly and a familiar smell filled my nostrils.

“Aiden, Aiden, hunny. It’s okay. I’m here… I’m here now.”

I cried and cried; letting my tears fall free from my eyes. The bedroom light blinded me as this man appeared to slip on something escaping his grip around me. As soon as there was a loss of contact, I felt this emotion of terror come over me and like a love deprived child I lash out and clinging tighter to this man.

“Frank,” I here another man call out from the doorway. “Oh my fuck… Is she all right? Oh my g…”

“Frank!?” I yelped.

I pushed myself off him instantly and began crawl as fast as I could to the bed through my pain.

“Aiden, it’s only me.” He slurred. I finally recognise that smell. Alcohol.

“Get away from me, get away, you’re drunk aren’t you?” I whimpered.

“Aiden listen to me…”

“I’m tired of listening!” I screamed. “Get away!”

“Aiden! You’re bleeding!” he fought back, wrestling me to the floor.

My body froze.

“Aiden, I know you don’t like me, but let me help you, please. I want to help.”

I took a jiggered breath in and turned slowly. Frank knelt, creeping off me slowly. I focus my eyes on his face and then to my legs and there it was.

Fresh blood.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Last Day of 2007 XD.
Comments appreciated.