I Will Breathe Fire

Remains of the Day

A week later.

Not matter how hard she tired, Aiden could not fall off to sleep. Not that she was trying to anyway; she would kill if she was left to be consumed by her memories again. She hardly ever eats or speaks to anyone anymore. She locks herself in her home, safe from everything outside, where it's only her and her thoughts.

It was early in the morning. Aiden sat on her bed with her body slouched against the bed board. Her legs were spread out on the bed with her thin covers draped over her knees. She was so drained, her eyes were lined with thick black bags, her body was slowly breaking down but she denied that fact that she needed help.

She waited for someone to save her. People came to see her, but it was all the same. People came and went with sympathetic eyes and offers of money, telling her to see someone. But like every visit, she denied them one by one kindly bidding them her farewell with her middle finger jammed between it. She didn’t need anyone, all she needed was to be alone, she’ll sort herself out At least that was what she thought.

Time flew as if everything was half and hour faster than she was. Before you knew it her alarm clock rang aloud. She turned and read the neon light flash 8:00. She slowly got up and dragged herself to the bathroom. Once she reached the door she stopped. She stared into her mirror which had previously been covered with masking tape. She shook off all negative feelings and stalked in.

She filled her sink with water and cup her hands. She brought her face to her palms and felt the water cool her surface of her skin. Aiden washed out the sleep in her eyes and rinsed out her mouth. After a good ten minutes she had finished brushing her teeth and combing her hair. As Aiden left she grabbed her silk kimono and slowly headed down stairs.

Once she was down stairs she walked on over to the couch and fell dramatically into the cushions. Finding a comfortable place on the couch, she hugged a soft cushion beneath her bosoms and felt her eyelids fall heavy with every second.

She fought off the urge to fall asleep but her body beg to differ. She slipped into a light doze before the sound of the door bell rang in her ears. She sprung up from the couch feeling relieved to the fact that she almost fell into her own trap.

Again the door bell rang. She dragged herself to the door with her kimono drifting in the air she received. Aiden unlocked the first lock and twisted the key before opening the door to be greeted by a happy Frank.

Her expectations sank into the bottomless pit that had replaced her heart.

Before he could say hello, she began to return to the couch. As she turned Frank pulled out a bouquet of flowers. Lilies to be exact, her favourite. His smile soon disappeared.

He let himself in and walked to the kitchen. He placed the lilies in a vase before joining Aiden on the couch. She turned on the TV but had soon remember she hadn't paid her bill and was staring at static.

"I bought you flowers," Frank said. "I know how much you like lilies, so I bought you some, there are in the kitchen."

Aiden didn't answer.

"So what are you doing today?" Frank asked kindly trying to avoid that awkward silence.

Again Aiden didn't reply.

"Aiden?" Frank asked again, this time placing his hand gently on hers.

"Don't touch me," Aiden seethed through her teeth showing no emotion or movement.

Frank quickly did as he was told before asking. "Aiden, w-what's wrong?"

She took a deep breathe and remained in her seat thinking as to why he wouldn't just leave her alone to rot in peace.

"I hate you," she whispered after a while.

Frank, taken aback by what she had said couldn't register her words.


"You heard me."


"Get the fuck out of my house."


Her words were short, they were simple, yet they fell like a tonne of brick onto his heart. He sat there on the opposite side of Aiden holding back the tears that troubled him. With every second that he was in her presence, rage burned in the pit of her stomach. It made her sick.

"You can't do this,"

"Is it so hard to understand Frank?"

"I love you Aiden. I love you God damn it! Can't you see, are you so blind!?" Frank exasperated standing over her.

"So does Gerard," Aiden replied. She smile mentally, as her rage feed on his worthlessness.

Frank's eyes burned as she mentioned Gerard's name.

"Gerard?" He loathed. "Gerard does love you, he'll never love you, he only feels sorry for..."

His expression changed and his eyes flooded with pity and regret. His tone changed as well. "I mean he..."

"What? He only feels sorry what? Say it!" Aiden questioned standing up. Her rage burned out of control. She was ready to kill, ready to strike; all she need was the prefect moment.

"I-I didn't mean to, I-I was just saying..."

"Saying what Frank? You're saying I'm weak!" Aiden flip the script. She changed.

Frank whimpered. He feared he had lost her over something he said. He dropped to his knees and hugged her legs.

"I'm sorry, please, don't leave. I love you, I really do. I'll make things better, please give me a chance. I love you!"

Aiden without hesitation struck Frank across the face and watched him as he fell.

"Do you think saying you love me, make things harder at best? Get out of me house, you make me sick."

Frank's eyes were devastated. His heart dropped and he couldn't quite make sense of those 10 minutes. Everything was peachy before those 10 minutes. Tear fell from his eyes without him noticing.

Soon after Aiden walks out of the kitchen with her lilies. By that time Frank had gotten up from his knees and brushed the dirt off his jeans. He thought she had changed her mind, he thought she was going to run into his arms and apologize, but he though wrong.

"Take these fucking flowers with you when you go."

She throws the lilies in his face before she gracefully jogged upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry it took me forever for this one.
I had my laptop taken from me, and I was
never on long enough to complete the
story. D:

But I promise there will some exciting shit hitting the fan.
