I Will Breathe Fire

Because I Want You

"I can't, stop it," Frank whispered into the air.

He sat in his stuffy room surrounded by bottles of alcohol, there was no escaping his mortal torment. His mind played tricks with him all afternoon and well on through the night. It was 2:56am, and the tall hand longed for 3 o'clock. The devil's hour.

In the corner of his bedroom, Frank rocked himself back and forth, trying, to say the least, to calm his nerves. The bottles of alcohol where of no help. He smoked himself to the high heavens before coming home from the mall. But not even the weed could help him get her off his mind. It decieved him.

Humming a lullaby Frank fell into a slight doze.

Frank found himself alone arounded by grass and weeping willows. Suddenly he saw Aiden cross his path. His vision broadened and realized he was standing in the center of Luxbury Park, in the middle of spring. Her face was soft like silk and shone radiantly. She danced shyly against the winds as they blew through her medium brown locks. Her eyes beamed a mysterious chocolate brown. It's been a while since Frank had seen Aiden so happy, so at peace.

She hummed to a familiar song, a song her and Frank shared at point in their lives. He followed her through the rows a weeping willows. Her sent was strong, flooding his nostrils; Frank was consumed. He stood still with his head held high and his eyes closed. He felt a welcoming warmth fill his entire body and a light smirk curled across his face.

"I love you," He whispered to the wind.

A fimilar laughter filled his ears. Frank was stunned and spun around, to his surprise he saw Aiden shyly walking backward with her eyes fixed to his in a strong hold. She bit down on her finger timidly, Frank's mouth opened cautiously ready to say something, anything to make her stay, but the lump in his throat took his words away. His eyes filled with fear as he lifted his hand.

When Frank offered his hand Aiden began to run.

"Wait Aiden!" He called out, but she didn't stop.

Frank ran after her with a heavy chest. With every step his chest tightened

Soon breathing became impossible and he dropped to his knees gasping for air. He held his chest with his hand and looked up.


Dizzy, Frank rolled over onto the ground, staring into the dull sky with more than just tears. He would have carried on but his body wouldn't let him.

'I've lost her,' he thought. Then a conversant face peered over the top of his head.

"What are you doing on the ground silly?"

"A-Aiden?" Frank choked.

"I love you too Frankie," Aiden leant over and planted a gentle kiss on the end of his forehead. "Kill him."

"What?" Frank slowly stood up confused, feeling his heavy chest subside like the pain from a death slap.

"Kill him, kill Gerard."

Frank was confused more than anything. "I can't he's my friend."

"No he is not! Who do you care for more? Me? or that so called friend of yours?"

Frank felt very uneasy. He knew Aiden, this wasn't her.

"Come on Frankie. We would spend eternity of happiness together. Gerard is the only thing standing in the way."

"I can't, stop it!"

Aiden fell to her knees and began to cry.

"You don't love me!"

Frank knelt beside her.

"Aiden I do, I do love you, I love you more than anything. I'm afraid to lose you."

"Then kill him. If you love me, you'll kill him. If you love me you'll do anything I desire. Kill Gerard and we will live happily ever after."