When Sin's Deep in My Blood


See that? That’s where everything changed. That’s where, for the first time in a long time, I feltproud of myself... And I had hope, that for once, everything would be okay. But, if that was the rest of the story, if that’s were the cliché ‘happily ever after’ kicked in, there’d be no point to writing this. No, no, this story is just beginning, so stick around and listen carefully. That was just act one of this ‘play’...

Happy endings are for stories that haven’t finished yet.


I was walking around the tour bus in complete awe, still clutching my suitcase of clothing that Jay had put together for me while I was at the hotel.

“Pretty cool, huh?” Zacky smiled.

“It’s amazing,” I smiled as a blonde girl came from a room in the very back.

“Surprise!” she smiled, laughing. I recognized her from somewhere.

“Val!” Zack smiled with a wave, “Matt’s going to be stoked,” he laughed.

“Yup,” she grinned. “Hey, I’m Val,” she gave a friendly smile and introduced herself.

“I’m Evelyn Taylor,” I smiled. “Everyone calls me Ev. Wait! You’re the screamin’ demon,” I smirked, finally making the connection.

“I think I love you now,” she grinned. “I usually get something like: Oh meh godz, I like hate you fer dating M. Shadowzzz,” she said, imitating a valley-esque tone.

I laughed, “Not from me... I’m the crazy girl that gets pissed off on buzznet over that. You seriously need to teach me your ways!”

“Anytime!” she smiled before excusing herself quickly, to tackle Matt.

“That backroom is where we have some lightweight recording stuff, incase we have a random bit of inspiration and need to save it quickly, there’s also a tv and Nintendo Wii in there, as well as internet,” Zacky smiled before leading me into the bunk room, “Alright, as you can see on these walls there’s four bunks on each side. Matt and Val share one, and there’s three beds on the left side that are free. So, you can either take the top bunk closest to the front, next to Jimmy and across from me or one of the two bottom bunks,” he smiled.

“I’ll obviously take the top, I like it better anyhow...”

“How’s that going to work?” Aaron asked, butting in and coming out of nowhere, “You’re both tops? Good luck to you.”

“Shutup Aaron! They were about to have a moment,” Jay snickered.

“You both suck!” I laughed, as Zacky casually grasped my hand.

We all got our stuff in order before heading for the living area in the front of the bus to all settle in, get acquainted and make our way for the first stop on the tour, Oakland California.