When Sin's Deep in My Blood


“Thheeeeeeeeeee wheels on the bus go round and---”

“JOHNNY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAN! STOP! PLEASE!” Brian begged and we all gave an agreed nod of exasperation.

First thing I’ve learned so far: Johnny cannot sit still. I mean, honestly... He was the poster child for ADD.

“What? You don’t like that song?” he frowned.

“Man, after 3 hours of that song, NO! No, we don’t,” Matt sighed.

I laughed slightly as Johnny pouted. “I’m just sooo bored!” he sighed.

“Dude, why don’t you go play with the Wii,” Zacky offered.

“Aaron, Jay and Jimmy have been hogging it, they won’t let me play,” he frowned, crossing his arms.

“Oh my gosh, you guys are like seven year olds!” I laughed, throwing my hands in the air. “Here; come with me Johnny,” I said, taking his hand as if he was a child and leading him to the back of the bus. I walked into the Wii room and scowled, “Now... Johnny has winner, and if you all don’t share, I’ll comeback here and hide the controllers!” I threatened.

“Okay! Okay!” Aaron frowned.

Jimmy looked at the ground and kicked it, mockingly, “Fine,” he pouted.

“Jay,” I said with narrowed eyes.

“Alright! I’ll share!” she pouted. “But I’ve never got to use one!” she said in protest.

“Play nice.”

“Fine,” she muttered, handing Johnny the controller, “no fun...”

“Thanks Ev!” Johnny smirked.

“No problem,” I smiled before walking back out to the main area. Zacky smiled and patted the seat next to him at the kitchenette table. I sat next to him. “Can I have a sip of that?” I asked, pointing to his coke and rum.

“Yeah, of course,” he smiled, sliding it over. “Want me to make you one?”

I took a sip. “No thanks, that’s all I needed,” I smiled.

“Can I just say that, that was ridiculous?” Matt asked, “I mean the Johnny thing.”

“Seriously,” Val laughed.

“It’s the bus, dude,” Brian shrugged. “It’s like cabin fever. Everyone gets their quirks... You and Val have sex, Johnny and Jimmy act like kindergartners and Zacky and I fuck everything up and make a mess.”

“We don’t have sex on the bus!” Matt protested.

“Oh come on, hun, after 5 years, I’m sure they know,” Val laughed, shaking her head.

“...We’re discrete though...” Matt frowned.

“Yeah, oookay,” Zacky laughed.

“I have to go to the bathroom...” Matt said, looking around. “Val, want to er... Oh fuck it, just come with me, please...”

“And they’re off...” Brian laughed.

Val smirked. “Shutup, Brian,” she laughed before looking at me. “This is probably a reeeeally weird first day for you, sorry,” she smiled.

“Hey, we’re all adults here, with the exception of Jimmy and Johnny... Besides I carry antibacterial with me always, shit, I’m from Vegas.”

Val laughed, “I love this girl already.”

“And then there were three,” Brian said, changing the channel. “Anyone up for a movie?” he asked, opening a compartment containing a bunch of DvDs.

“Sure, do you have the Departed?” I asked.

Brian and Zacky’s jaw dropped. “You like that movie?!” they asked in shocked unison.

“Uh, yeah... I grew up in Boston,” I smiled. “I love that movie... I love any heist movie, actually,” I smiled.

“Oh my god... I love you,” Brian said before pulling out The Departed and popping it in. “Ev, as part of our crew, you need to have a drink,” Brian said after pressing play. “You’ve been inducted into Zacky’s and my bus-crew,” he smirked.

“Sweet, alright, I’ll have a drink...Just one though.”

Before I knew it, that one drink had turned into six drinks, and the three of us were pretty drunk...