When Sin's Deep in My Blood


By the time we left the club, Brian and I were slaughtered, and now, Zacky was the sober one. Brian started singing “Unholy Confessions” and I joined in.

Before long we had started screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. “Nothing tears the being more the deception, unmasked fear, I’ll be here waiting, tested and secuuuuuuuure!!

“OKAY, we get it... You guys are energetic,” Zacky cringed, “but it’s so early, tone it down guys...” he laughed.

“Sorry,” Brian pouted.

“I’m fucking tired!” I slurred before jumping on Zacky from behind.

He stumbled before catching my legs so neither of us fell, “Could have fooled me,” he laughed.

Brian tried to jump on my back as well for a double piggy-back ride, but, as you could probably guess, this caused all of us to fall forward onto the cement street. Zacky and I both hit the pavement pretty hard, but Brian’s fall was broken by us. “Shit man!” Zacky yelled.

“Aw, fuck,” I mumbled pushing Brian off with the help of Zacky. My arm had a large gash on it from a shard of glass I’d fallen on, and my face was scraped a bit by my temple. Zack had a scrap on his arm and chin, nothing too bad.

He grabbed my arm gently, “Shit, that’s deep... Come on, let’s get you both back to the bus...”

I looked down at the gash, before squinting at the cut and pulling a piece of glass from my flesh. I shrugged it off and went to get up, but unfortunately, I stood too quickly and my head spun for a moment. “Shit,” I mumbled before running towards a nearby trash barrel in front of a Dunkin Donuts and emptying the contents of my stomach, most of which was liquor.

Zacky came over, pulled my hair back and rubbed my back until I was finished; I could hear Brian continuing to sing in the street. “You okay, now,” he asked softly.

I nodded, and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, “Could you do me a favor?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he smiled. “What’s up?”

“Can you run the convenience store across the street and get me a toothbrush while I clean myself up in the bathroom inside,” I frowned, pointing into Dunkin Donuts.

He nodded and smiled, “Sure. Brian, stay put,” he ordered.

After I was cleaned up and fresh-breathed, Zacky got Brian and I some coffee to sober us up before we all continued to walked toward the highway. Zacky had bought some gauze and hydrogen peroxide and had cleaned and cover my gash.

He was walking with an arm around my waist, as I rested my head on his shoulder in exhaustion; Brian just zombie-marched it on until we finally reached the highway.

“Thank god,” I mumbled with a yawn.

“Oh fuck,” Brian said wide-eyed.

“What?” Zacky and I asked, raising a brow.

Brian pointed straight ahead, “Look!”

Zacky shrugged, “Dude, I see nothing...”

Exactly my point!!” Brian yelled. “The bus is gone! They left without us!”