When Sin's Deep in My Blood


"What do you mean the bus is gone?!" Zack asked while staring at the spot the bus had previously been parked in. "Maybe... Maybe this isn't the right spot..."

"Dude... How many truck stops do you think are out here?!" Brian asked, a bit aggitated.

Zacky allowed himself to fall backward, open armed, onto the grass plot behind us, "I can't believe they fucking left us..."

"They probably think we're in our bunks," I noted.

Brian was already on his cell phone talking to a half-asleep Jimmy, "Missing something, asswipe?" I heard him ask as he walked down the road a bit, pacing.

I fell next to Zacky, and said sarcastically, "Well, this is fun..."

He smirked, "Let's see... So far you've been completely ass-drunk, you've puked, walked around aimlessly in a random town in the middle of no where and now you're laying on the side of a highway as cars and semi-trucks race past at 70 mph or more... You're officially a rockstar... And the coolest chick I've ever met."

I laughed, "Likewise."


"Except for being a chick, of course," I corrected.

Brian finally hung up the phone as he walked back over to us, taking a seat beside us with a sigh, "They left over two hours ago... They're going to head back to get us now..."

"Ugh," was all I managed to utter.

"Who do you think would win a fight..." Zacky asked suddenly, "Chuck Norris, or David Bowie?"

"Chuck Norris," Brian said without hesitation. "No contest..."

"Like hell! Bowie, dude," I laughed, correcting him.

"What?! Are you on crack?!" Brian asked, laughing.

"Think about it, Bri, Bowie could lull Norris into a trance with his vocals and hypnotic different colored eyes, then throw some glamrock glitter into Norris's face to blind him... After that he could bust out some steazy Labyrinth fighting skills... One pelvic thrust to the head and it's lights out for Norris..." I explained seriously.

Zacky and Brian looked at eachother silently before bursting out into hysterical fits of laughter. "The best part," Brian choked out, nearly rolling around, "is that you're right!"

We continued on with senseless questions like these until the bus finally returned... three and a half hours later.

"Finally!" Zacky laughed.

"Answer the question..." Brian smirked. "Do you think it's forked up that the dish ran away with the spoon?" he repeated.

I was giggling as we walked onto the bus, "Yes, Bri, yes it is..."

"Hey fuckers!" Brian said as we all collapsed on the couch like seating lining one side of the bus.

"Thanks for leaving us!" I laughed.

"Hey!" Matt frowned, "You all snuck off, it's not our fault!"

"Dude, we better hall ass! We're going to be late for soundcheck now," Jimmy noted.

"And we still need to sleep..." Brian frowned.

"To the bunkroom!" Zacky shouted as we all ran to our beds in a rather Batman-esque way...

"What the fuck are they smoking?!" I heard Johnny ask as I curled up on my bunk and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun na na na!

Finally an update! Huzzah!