When Sin's Deep in My Blood


So that was it, that was the moment that everything changed for me. Not that I knew how massively significant the moment was when it came to be... but soon I would know. Soon, everything would change for me... But of course, with good comes bad... I took both in stride and handled myself well, I think, in the long run...

But before I get
too ahead of myself, let me get back to Bat Country...

In the next few days after they asked me to be in the video (and I, obviously, agreed) we all hung out to get to know each other more. I’m not sure why though, I mean, I highly doubt they were taking the other girls out and getting to know them. All I knew for sure, was that someone in the bad liked either myself, Jason or Aaron, because the three of us and the five of them were like a havoc-wreaking crew in Vegas that week.

Matt was the big brother of the group, for sure; though, of course, he did his share of partying. But when it came to making sure everyone got home okay, and making sure Aaron, Jay and I were okay or warm enough or cool enough or ate enough or didn’t drink too much, that boy was a doll.
Johnny was the crazy prankster of them. He was drunk as hell playing a form of ding-dong ditch throughout the hotel. He also left a urinal cake in Brian’s bed, something Brian almost killed him for... I never did ask how Johnny transported it... Somethings are better left unsaid.

Brian was also very brotherly, but at the same time he was definitely the party-animal. He was the one who drank to his limits every night and thought of new things to do. New places to cause uproar in. He was the drunk frat-type boy (in a very cool way, mind you) who was somehow full of energy; This was actually a good thing, because Aaron, Jay and I are very energetic, so we’d run around with him.

Zacky was, from what I hear, very similar. He’d actually run around with Brian acting just as kooky as him from time to time... But the second Aaron, Jay and I got near him, he went into a very introverted state... He got super shy and quiet, and I couldn’t figure it out.

Jimmy was just the best.... That boy was like the instant best friend. He loved everything we loved and was always game for anything. From drinking and partying to staying in and playing an invigorating game of monopoly... He was so amazingly awesome, and so easy to attach to, that I was almost certain he liked boys... Hmm, maybe, if my theory is correct, Aaron will get laid sometime in the next century?

Today was what I was calling “D-day.” It was the day the rest of the girls and I would have our part in the video filmed... It was kind of sad, because I knew it meant that after today, I wouldn’t be seeing much of the boys, if I ever saw them in such a low-maintenance level again. I was wearing a red bra and red boy shorts. The bra was cool, with a crystal broach type thing in the center. I was also wearing strappy red heals... I’d call them “stripper-heals” but I think that goes without saying. I also got red gloves... Very Marilyn, if I do say.

What sucked about my outfit? Well, after a few shots of me on my back (wow, that sounds like a porn, right?), we all had to regroup... It was part two of our costumes... A combination of shaving cream and whipped cream for some thrash scenes... Can I just say that, first of all, I was reeeally hoping to take those shoes home (they were damned cute!) and the concoction ruined the shoes; and second, that shit got in my mouth, and it tasted sooo bad!

But, other than that, it wasn’t bad. I mean, in one of the shots, I was practically forced to grope Zacky, not something I minded. I mean, yeah, so he didn’t really talk... But the boy was still gorgeous. They all were.

Unfortunately, soon enough, the 14 hour shoot was over... It was time to say goodbye, and even though I hated the thought of it... I did.

Lucky for me, I got to shower and change first in their hotel room... However, after that, I hugged all the boys (except for Zacky, who was missing) and made my way outside, where I could either take a bus or walk home, since my car was in the shop getting a black deathbat on it, courtesy of Matt, who was getting it put on as a thank you gift to me. He offered to have them put anything on or in my car, as far as accessories, and the logo was my choice.

Having been in those cute, yet painful, heels for 14 hours, I decided on the bus. I was standing next to the stop, waiting for it when my cell phone started ringing. I checked the ID, and not knowing the number, I answered it, incase it was one of the boys.

“Ev...” someone said in a soft voice, almost too low to hear.

The voice seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place it. “Yes?” I said into the receiver. It had to be one of the boys, but which one?

“I like that mini-skirt you’re wearing baby... It looks cute with that t-shirt...” the person said.

I felt my heart stop. It wasn’t one of the boys... It was—“What do you want Ryan?” I asked calmly, though inside I was shaking... He could see me. I couldn’t see him, but he could see me.

“What do you think I want, baby?” he asked in a menacing tone.

“Leave me alone,” I growled, surprising myself with how fearless I sounded. I hung up the phone and turned to walk towards my apartment building, deciding the bus was a bad idea at this point. But when I turned---

“I’ll never leave you alone,” Ryan whispered, standing in front of me now. He grabbed my wrists tightly.

“Fuck you, Ryan!” I growled, pulling away from him and trying to run.

He caught my waist and slammed me against the rain-guard of the bus stop. His hand struck the side of my face, hard, and it wasn’t long before I could taste blood. He had me pinned against the plexyglass. “Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way...” he smirked... “What’s it going to be?” he whispered, his hand touching my thigh.

Before I even had time to cringe, Ryan’s grip on me was gone as someone tackled him to the ground. I stood there in a daze before realizing Zacky was on top of Ryan, “How ‘bout we try the fucking hard way?” he growled before grabbing hold of Ryan’s shoulder’s and slamming his head off the pavement. Ryan tried to throw Zacky off, but he was too stunned by the blow to the head to react quick enough. Zack slammed his head into the pavement twice more before Ryan felt limp--- knocked out cold. Zacky got up and before he could brush his jeans off, I’d flung my arms around him tightly. Feeling the need to break down, but I kept it in. He must have sensed this, because he held me in a consoling manner for a long time before breaking the silence. “You alright?” he asked softly.

I gave a short nod, “Yeah... Well, no... I don’t know,” I sighed.

He nodded, “We need to call the cops... Did you know him, or was it just some random lowlife?”

“He’s my ex... I haven’t talked to him in a year,” I said softly, my voice cracking as I tried my best to keep the tears in. “He-he saw me waiting for the bus...”

Zacky nodded. “Alright, let me call Matt down to wait for the cops while we go back to the hotel... I think you need to relax for the rest of the night, okay? You’re going to stay with us the night... Or at least until we know where he’s going to be,” Zack said, kicking Ryan as he did so.

I gave a quick nod as Zacky called Matt from his cell. I sat on the bench of the bus stop and pulled my knees into my chest. Everything I’d gotten over in the past year seemed to flash across my memories like a slide show and I lost it... I buried my head into my bare knees and cried.

When Zacky finished his phone call, he took a seat next to me as we waited for Matt (or perhaps he was just waiting for me to finish crying), his hand rubbing my back softly. Other than that, he was completely silent. After a few moments his arms wrapped around me and I turned into him, my head resting on his chest as I continued to cry without a sound. His chin rested on the top of my head for a moment, before I finally wiped my eyes, took a deep breath and stopped my crying.

Crying isn’t something usually I do, especially not in front of others.

Zacky looked at me for a moment, our eyes locking. He had a concerned look on his face, like he wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what to say. He gently rubbed my arm, “You going to be okay?” he asked in an almost whisper.

I nodded, “I think so,” I whispered.

Not even thirty seconds later, Matt arrived. He’d called the cops on the way over and now he just had to wait for them. They’d call an ambulance for Ryan, who clearly was going to have a concussion. Zacky briefly told Matt what had happened so Matt could relay it to police and hope that that was good enough until tomorrow... Neither Zack nor I wanted to, or were in the mood to talk to police tonight.

Zacky and I then began the walk back to the hotel; the police sirens were already sounding off in the distance, evidently heading for the bus stop. On the way over, I began to shake for some reason, whether it was because I was cold or still shook up from the nights events. Zacky took off his Misfits hoodie and draped it around my shoulders as we walked, the hotel coming into view in the horizon.