When Sin's Deep in My Blood


The boys were in two different rooms. Brian, Jimmy and Johnny were in one room while Matt and Zack were in another. We skipped the first room, even though I know the boys were probably worried, and went right to Zacky’s. I was very grateful for his decision to go to his own room. I didn’t really want to be around anyone much at the moment. I just needed a little while on my own. The event had left me really shaken to think that at any moment over the passed year, this could have happened. And if it wasn’t for Zack...

“Thanks,” I said softly, breaking the silence that had accompanied us on the walk back. I took a seat in a chair by the window; it had a small table next to it, with another chair on the other side.

Zacky nodded, “Anytime,” he said softly. He sat across from me and leaned across the table before gently touching my lip. “Is that alright?” he asked, a bit of my blood on his thumb.

“Yeah,” I said, though I’d cringed as he touched it.

He got up and walked into the bathroom for a moment before emerging with a wet facecloth. “We should clean it,” he noted before dabbing my lip with the towel. I sat there stiffly, my heartbeat picking up slightly; I thought he was attractive before, but I don’t know... He looked amazing now.

“Zack,” I said in a soft tone that cracked slightly. I cursed at myself for sounding like a stupid school girl.

He didn’t seem to notice, maybe he was too focused on cleaning my cut. “Yeah?”

“Why were you there anyhow? I mean, talk about good timing...”

“Right, well... When I came back to the hotel and met up with the guys, I asked where you disappeared to, since you left without saying goodbye to me. When Matt told me you’d started to walk home I got pretty pissed at them for letting you go by yourself; let’s face it... Vegas, as it proved tonight, isn’t all that safe,” he said with a slight shrug. “So, I came after you to walk you back...”

“How chivalrous,” I teased, but gave a genuinely thankful smile.

“I have my moments,” he shrugged with a slight smirk.

“And here I was all week, thinking you were mute,” I said, before taking the towel from him, folding it and placing it on the table.

He nodded, and I swore I saw him blush. “Yeah, sorry about that...”

“You don’t strike me as someone who’d be shy, Zack,” I said honestly.

He shrugged again, “I’m usually not... You get around the right people though... And...” he trailed off.

“What do you mean ‘the right people’?” I asked raising a brow.

He gave a deep laugh, sitting across from me now. He lit up a cigarette and took a long drag before exhaling the smoke. He offered one to me, which I appreciatively accepted, doing the same. “You’re not serious with that question, right?” he asked as I exhaled.

I blinked a few times, “Yeah... I am...”

He took a deep breath... “Ev, I---” A knock on the door of Zack’s room interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. He gave an irritated sigh, “Hello?”

A muffled Matt answered, “Dude it’s me, I forgot the key... Open up.”

Zacky muttered something under his breath, I couldn’t catch it, but it seemed to be along the lines of ‘trying to.’ “Coming,” he said in a disappointed tone before walking over to the door and swinging it open.

I thought Matt was going to knock Zack over her flew at me so fast and wrapped his arms around me. “You okay babe?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” I laughed at his enthusiasm. He reminded me of a puppy when it’s owner comes home, the way he lunged at me. “Thanks Matt.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he smiled, patting my head in a brotherly way. “Ryan’s in jail for at least 12 hours... That’s the best they could do, unless you file a report tomorrow morning and press charges on assault and, um, attempted rape, I guess...”

I nodded slightly, “Alright,” I whispered. “I’ll go down there in the morning...”

“I’ll go with you,” Zacky said strongly, causing both Matt and I to raise a brow. I mean, seriously, where did all this dialogue of his come from? He hasn’t talked ALL WEEK!

“Thanks,” I managed to say with a slight smile. I’m not going to lie, having someone go with me made me feel better.

“No problem...” he nodded.

“I’m going to go let the guys know everything’s okay, alright?” Matt offered.

“Thank god,” Zacky mumbled.


“Nothing, sorry... That’s cool,” he stammered out as Matt just shrugged it off and walked out.

“You never told me what you meant,” I noted as Matt left.

Zacky nodded, “I was trying to say, that I---”

The door opened, “Almost forget my key again!” Matt laughed.

“For Christ sake!” Zacky said with exasperation. “I like you Ev, okay? That’s what I’ve been trying to say. Jesus Matt, five fucking minutes!” he sighed before storming outside.

“That was different...” Matt blinked. “I don’t get it, what did I do?”

“You interrupted him trying to get the nerve to say that... twice,” I said with a laugh.

“Oh, shit... That sucks..”

“I’ll be right back,” I smirked before walking out of the room. I saw Zacky making his way to the elevator. I ran after him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Ev... I-I--”

I pressed my lips to his without a second thought, for a long moment. “I like you too,” I smiled.